"King of Knife River? It turns out to be you little guy."

Furukawa nodded. He recalled the figure of the Knife River King from his long-standing memory. He remembered that he came to the Giant Ax Arena at that time, and Pangu wanted to refine the Chaos Tower by himself. At the same time, he hoped that he could help and educate his apprentices.

And this Daohe King is one of Pangu's disciples.

At first, he was just an ordinary demon god at the level of Daluo Jinxian, but he didn't expect to grow to this point. He was promoted to the realm of the God King and mastered the eighty-one laws of the great road..

It is said that he once arrived at the outskirts of the world, fought with a group of Zerg, and smashed an Zerg nest with one knife.

The knife was earth-shattering, as if he had cut out a vast galaxy across the chaos with one knife, and his sword energy was enough to penetrate the world. , unrivaled in tyranny, and his combat prowess is at the top even among many god kings.

Therefore, his title is the King of Knife River

"Great, the city lord still remembers me."

Knife River King was very excited when he heard this.

To be honest, in this chaotic world, there is no one older and more powerful demon god than Furukawa. It can be said that any living being can be called a little guy by him.

Of course not Anyone is qualified to stand in front of him and speak.

"King of Knife River, what's wrong? Who are we talking to? We're not competing anymore. Why are we dilly-dallying here? The time is almost up."

At this time, another god king appeared. He was wearing a white robe and carrying a three-foot green peak on his back. His whole body was like a heavenly sword piercing the sky.

As he walked, a sword path seemed to be formed. Domain, invincible within the domain, countless weapons must surrender.

And he is another elder of the Giant Ax Arena - the Sky Sword King. He is known as the strongest man in the way of swordsmanship, with a heavenly sword that dominates the world, and his sword energy Ling Xiao, who can penetrate three thousand worlds with one sword, is a master who is not inferior to the King of Sword River at all.

"Yes, now we have a once-in-10-billion-year competition, just to compete for the position of the leader of the Giant Ax Arena, and you are missing at the moment. It's really slowing down. Is it because I don't have confidence, so I delay time on purpose."

The one who spoke was the Overlord Spear King. He was holding a real dragon spear in his hand, and his whole person exuded incomparable domineering energy.

It seemed that the moment he appeared, he formed the Overlord's Domain. Wherever he went, everything in the world had to surrender, and everything All living things have to bow before him.

This is a natural overlord who has mastered the way of overlord.

"Haha, as I see it, there’s no need to compete this time. You all should admit defeat. Together, you can’t stop me from hitting you."A giant came out. Even though he had transformed, he was still much taller than the other god-kings.

He was holding a chaos magic weapon - the giant flame hammer, and there was a terrifying energy in his hand when he walked. Juli seems to have mastered the avenue of power, and every inch of his muscles contains explosive power.

The moment he appears, even the air is suppressed, the ground buzzes, and the dust trembles.

He is the famous Flame Hammer King, Holding a heavy hammer in his hand, he can easily blast a world.

In addition, some god kings also appeared one after another next to him.

But when these god kings appeared, the surrounding beings were completely unaware of their presence. , because the God King Realm emanating from them isolates other lives and blocks their perception. They are obviously in the same place, but it is as if they are in a different dimension of time and space.

"Don't be rude, it's the city lord who is here."

The King of Knife River shouted loudly, and immediately stopped the brothers around him from continuing to talk nonsense. If they offended the Lord of Chaos City, I am afraid that all of them would be unable to eat.

Even though they seem to be very powerful after being promoted to the God King Realm, But compared with this ancient demon god who has been living since the beginning of chaos and whose strength is bottomless, they still don't know how far behind he is.

Even if he has been promoted to the realm of God King, he is still far behind the first one. The first time he met the Chaos City Lord, he didn't know how much stronger he was, but he still didn't feel that the gap between the two sides had been narrowed. Instead, the gap was getting wider and wider. It was so big that he didn't even know how big the distance was.


Many God Kings Hearing this sentence, they were immediately startled. At this moment, they finally noticed Furukawa next to them.

It's no wonder that they didn't notice Furukawa. It was actually Furukawa's passive ability.He is eliminating his sense of existence at every moment, and even the perception of the God King can be easily blocked.

If it weren't for the Sword River King's extremely keen perception and reaching the supreme state of sincerity in the way of swordsmanship, he might not have been able to discover his existence, and the other God Kings would never even think of discovering Furukawa.

"Lord City Lord."

Every god king hurriedly raised their hands and looked respectfully at the oldest demon god in chaos.

It can be said that everything that appears in the chaotic world at this moment is the handiwork of this ancient demon god, and everything they have now is just a part of it. It’s just the other person’s light

"No need to be polite, I just came out of seclusion and wandered around the Giant Ax Arena. If you still have something to do, you can leave now."

Furukawa waved his hand.

How could he leave?!

Many God-Kings had this idea at the same time. To be honest, the opportunity to meet the Lord of Chaos City like this might not come once in hundreds of millions of epochs.

And they couldn't compete in a bet. It’s only ten billion times, and they don’t know how many times they fought before. Even if they miss this time, they don’t think it’s a big deal. On the contrary, missing the meeting with the Lord of Chaos City will be the biggest loss in their lives.

So no matter No matter what, they can't leave now

"Lord City Lord."

At this moment, Flame Hammer King stood up and looked at Furukawa with great fanaticism:"Although this request is very presumptuous, but if you can fight with me, to be honest, I want to know whether I am the strongest against Chaos or not. What a big gap."

It clenched the giant hammer in its hand and stared at Furukawa, full of fighting intent. When the other god kings heard these words, they were also shocked. They did not expect that this reckless guy would dare to say such words.

Although in ancient times , this guy is very reckless. He often challenges his master Pangu, and is often beaten up by his master until his nose is bruised and his face is swollen. He can't get out of bed for several years. But this guy still enjoys it.

But they still didn't expect that the Flame Hammer King would dare to attack this strongest man in chaos. Such a request was made in front of them.

But to be honest, this is what they are thinking. They want to know who they are with the strongest man in Chaos, the real great magical power in Chaos, and the legendary being who can even destroy the doomsday. What a terrifying creature.

As disciples taught by Pangu, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they will never lose their fighting spirit. They dare to attack any powerful enemy in Chaos, even if they die.

This This is their martial arts.

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