"Gravity is forbidden."

Furukawa pointed lightly and used the power of the Divine Forbidden City in an instant.


In an instant, an area with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers was instantly covered by densely packed Divine Forbidden Formations, as if they were combined into an endless array.

Suddenly This area generates extremely terrifying gravity. Even if a god steps into this area, he will be crushed by the terrifying gravity and his body will shatter.

Even the core gravity is so powerful that it distorts the void and forms a black hole. It seems that any living thing that enters it will be crushed into powder by the extreme gravity.

"Flame God Forbidden."

Furukawa pointed again.

Immediately in another area, one after another Flame God's Forbidden City appeared in the mid-air, like avenues of flames running through the void, like a big net, covering this area. Hundreds of millions of miles of area were instantly covered with flames. The Divine Forbidden City was covered, and suddenly dense dense fires from heaven and earth appeared in this area, turning into an infinite sea of ​​fire.

It seemed that these Divine Forbidden City could swallow the power of the flames of heaven and earth to replenish energy, and at the same time strengthen the power of the prohibition.

Various colorful heaven and earth strange fires They are all burning in this area, emitting terrible heat, and ordinary objects will be instantly evaporated into ashes if they come near. The power of these terrifying flames can almost burn the heaven and earth, and even the divine body can be burned to ashes.

"Time is forbidden."

Furukawa pointed again.

Suddenly, an area of ​​time chaos appeared in another area. Entering it, time was completely chaotic. Some of the time was extremely fast. Billions of years may have passed in one second, and life span was exhausted..

Some time is extremely slow. Hundreds of millions of time have passed in the outside world, but only one second has passed in this area, and the world has changed. In this area, the power of time seems to be controlled at will. If the Chaos Demon God accidentally enters it, he will probably be destroyed. Devouring a huge lifespan and damaging the foundation

"Space is forbidden. Furukawa pointed lightly, and space restriction formations emerged one after another, covering billions of miles of time and space.

Immediately, a huge space maze appeared in this place, which seemed to be cut into billions of pieces, as if every grain of gravel They are all like a thousand small worlds.

Even if the Chaos Demon God enters this space maze, he may not be able to come out until the end of time. He will be lost in this eternal space maze, which is extremely terrifying.


Several days passed in the blink of an eye.

Basically, Furukawa has been experimenting with the power of these divine bans in the past few days. Different combinations of divine bans will produce different terrifying powers.

This area is also covered with dense divine forbidden power, and has become an absolute forbidden area. Even the gods who enter this area will probably be killed by the power of the chaotic divine forbidden area.


After Furukawa experimented for several days, he had a preliminary understanding of these Chaos Divine Forbidden and Innate Divine Forbidden. The so-called Divine Forbidden is actually the prototype of the formation.

For example, the Innate Divine Forbidden is the power to control the laws of heaven and earth, covering an area. Area, the power of formations that twists the law.

The formations arranged by many immortals in later generations were arranged with the innate divine forbidden. Every immortal-level formation can exert the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. The chaotic divine forbidden is Controlling the power of the Great Law, it covers an area of ​​time and space and can be almost permanently solidified. It completely changes the power of the Great Law in this area, as if creating a domain of its own. It can be said that after mastering these divine prohibitions, there is a plan The power of the heaven and earth formation exerts extraordinary power, and can control the power of heaven and earth at will, even the power of chaos.

From this, there is an effect of lifting a thousand pounds.

"These divine forbidden powers seem to be infinitely powerful."

Furukawa's eyes showed a glimmer of light, and he continued to deduce the Chaos Bagua Technique deep in the sea of ​​consciousness. He could deduce at once that if the knowledge of the forbidden gods spreads, it will definitely cause huge chaos among countless gods in all the worlds. Sensational.

First of all, these divine forbidden powers can form formations and set up mountain-protecting formations to protect their sects and caves.

Even enemies who are more powerful than themselves can easily block the enemy if they set up a super powerful formation. attack, invincible.

Of course, these divine forbidden methods can also be integrated into the magic weapon, making the magic weapon have many divine forbidden powers, thus giving birth to powerful magic weapons with different effects. The magic of the divine forbidden method The birth is equivalent to giving the weak a way to fight against the strong with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

It gives the wise the power to fight against the reckless.

"Well, record this knowledge and refine it into a forbidden book."

Furukawa touched his chin. He planned to refine a book that recorded these divine forbidden principles. This would also be a huge inspiration for other beings.

This knowledge could even create a prosperous era of cultivation.

And for Furukawa, In fact, it has great benefits.

Because these Chaos Divine Forbidden and Innate Divine Forbidden are just basic knowledge, just like the basic principles of physical chemistry, although these basic knowledge are extremely important and can be said to have laid the foundation of science.

But what is more important is how to apply these basic knowledge to real life and create a variety of items that can promote the development of human science and technology.

The same reason.

Because the permutations and combinations of these innate divine bans and chaotic divine bans are simply endless. , even the Chaos Bagua Technique cannot exhaust these calculations, and the formations and magic weapons that have been born are countless.

Furukawa alone, no matter what, cannot multiply this knowledge to its peak.

Only with the help of the power of the wisdom of all living beings , generation after generation, countless geniuses succeed one after another, and they can perform endless forbidden methods, formation methods, and weapon refining methods.

And he can also gain huge benefits from it and absorb the wisdom of countless lives.

To be honest, Furukawa also learned from it. I have never underestimated the wisdom of all living beings. Sometimes it may be a small person who bursts out with a spark of wisdom, thereby creating techniques and power that overwhelm the heavens.

"Three thousand avenues, eight hundred side doors?! Furukawa smiled slightly. He remembered the many cultivation methods that appeared in his previous life. Among them, the three thousand avenues are naturally the most authentic cultivation methods and can be called the authentic ones in the world.

But there are also eight hundred side gates.

And these so-called eight hundred side gates, they Without understanding the great ways of heaven and earth, you just use the power of heaven and earth to control the power of immortals with a mortal body, exerting terrifying power that makes even immortals look at you.

Although many immortals call it heresy, it is undeniable that it The profoundness of it.

There are even many immortals from the left side sect who can prove the Tao.

At this moment, the Chaos Divine Forbidden and the Innate Divine Forbidden he realized are the basis of the Eight Hundred Side Sects, which can deduce infinite formations. Infinite power.

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