"end? Is this the end? How can it be? How did the power of Doom penetrate the Chaos Star Zhoutian Formation and invade all the heavens and worlds?!"

A Chaos Demon God couldn't believe it. He didn't know why such a thing happened. They patrolled day and night to prevent Doomsday from invading.

But even so, Doomsday still invaded all the worlds.

"To actually kill them all in Chaos City and challenge the city lord directly. It’s so arrogant and arrogant."

"Just watch, the city lord can definitely kill this doomsday in an instant"

"But if this weird doomsday dares to enter Chaos City, it must have someone to rely on, and it is impossible to come here to seek death."

"In other words, is it confident that it can compete with the city master?!"

Many gods were talking about it. When they thought about this, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, remembering the scene of the death of countless chaos demon gods in the era of chaos.

That was the huge damage caused by the doomsday invasion.

Some newly born gods did not know this A little bit, so they don’t know the horror of the doomsday, but after experiencing the days of being invaded by the doomsday, they know the horror and horror of the doomsday.

If the doomsday invades, it will definitely cause infinite calamities, and even the gods will fall.

Deep in the hearts of many gods, It was an emotion of fear that surged up involuntarily.


At this moment, Weird Doomsday is ecstatic deep in his heart, yes, that's it, just be afraid of me and exude fear. The more afraid you are, the stronger the power in me will be.

In fact, the reason why it appeared in Chaos City blatantly and announced its arrival without any scruples was because it had a purpose. It was to take this opportunity to announce it to the world and make the gods fearful.

The more fearful the god is, the more power he will give it.

At this time, it felt that the power in its body was increasing at a geometric rate.

The power of fear of mortals is still too weak. The power of fear of gods is the most powerful. The power of fear born from a god cannot surpass many mortals.

Its plan to come to Chaos City to tell the world is indeed correct.

"That's it, no wonder you dare to appear in front of me. It turns out that your body is not here, this is just your projection."Furukawa squinted his eyes, sensing the reality of the black skull.

The opponent was just a projection. Even if the projection was defeated, it would not be able to harm the weird doomsday in the slightest.

"As expected of the Lord of Chaos City, he is indeed a powerful being who has blocked several doomsdays."

The weird doomsday Jie Jie said with a smile:"But even so, you can't prevent the destruction of this universe. My power comes from all living beings. If all living beings are immortal, I will not be destroyed. If you want to kill me, you can only destroy all living beings.""

It is already sure of winning, and it has no time to talk to Furukawa.

Because the longer it talks, the more gods will know about its arrival and the emergence of the weird doomsday, and the more fear will be born, and its power will increase. The stronger.

Because the power of weirdness comes from the spiritual power of all living beings and from the fear of all living beings, and the emotion of fear is involuntary and uncontrollable.

As long as living beings retain weird memories, these weirdnesses will continue to revive..

It is very simple to kill the weird doomsday. That is to destroy the world and kill all life. Then the source of the weird doomsday's power will disappear. The problem is that doing so is no different from destroying the universe.

A universe without life , that is a dead universe, which will perish sooner or later.

And this is the horror of the weird doomsday, a doomsday monster that is almost indestructible

"Don’t worry, I will not destroy all life, but if you do this, life in this universe will not be extinct. Furukawa said lightly.

Why he said this is actually very simple.

Because the power of weirdness comes from the fear of all living beings, they also rely heavily on the power of all living beings. The more lives there are, the more powerful they become..

And the smaller the number of lives, the weaker their strength, and the two are directly proportional.

Because of this, the weirdos will not exterminate life, but will continue to expand and grow the number of life, so that Maintain their powerful power.

After all, they only need the fear of living beings, not death. Death is just a means to inspire fear.

In fact, Furukawa can also allow weirdos to appear in all the worlds, but in this way, The world will fall into a state of terror, weirdness, death, darkness, and blood.

All life will live in an extremely miserable hell, with fear every moment, no life protection, and human life is like a piece of grass. Not the world he wanted to see

"As expected of the Lord of Chaos City, he immediately saw the limitations of the weird doomsday. It is true. My power comes from all living beings, so it is naturally impossible to destroy all living beings."

Weird Doomsday Jie Jie said with a smile:"But that doesn't matter. It's enough to destroy you high-level Chaos Demon Gods. The only gods in the future in the world will be evil gods. All other gods will fall, and all living beings will be in constant fear. , there is no longer any existence to compete with our weirdness."

Its purpose is very simple, which is to kill the gods of all heavens and worlds, replace the Chaos Demon God with evil gods, rule all heavens and all worlds, rule countless mortals, and create a dark, terrifying and desperate evil god universe.

But the weird doomsday has not stopped. , continued:"And the fact of destroying the world is too childish. Only despair, pain, death and darkness can please me. What's the point of dying all at once?

Looking at your small lives, in a desperate world, with no way to struggle, your destiny has been determined from birth, everyone is a lamb"


Many gods and beings in Chaos City also heard such words, and all of them stood up with fear.

At this moment, they seemed to see the world ruled by the weird doomsday. It was a dark and hopeless world, and all the lives born were like lambs.

The reason why these beings were born was only to provide the evil god with the power of fearful emotions, and they could only be regarded as food.

Once the evil god looks down upon him, he will be killed and destroyed.

In such a world, all living beings are not allowed to be cultivated, they only need to survive and reproduce.

Thinking of this, these gods were simply trembling, wishing to immediately annihilate the weird doomsday.

"Jiejie, yes, that’s it, just fall into despair and fear. Your fear will be the strength and food for me to become stronger."

The Weird Doomsday is extremely excited. It feels that its power is increasing at a geometric rate, almost reaching an unprecedented level.

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