At this moment, in the central dojo of Chaos City.

Furukawa sat cross-legged on the ground, with his body as the center, a huge chaotic vortex was created, and the endless chaotic air flow surged forward and poured into the deepest part of his body.

Even the entire chaotic universe is trembling slightly, and the sound of the great avenue is faintly heard. The three thousand principles of the great avenue are trembling slightly at this moment, just like the resonance of the great avenue.

At this time, he was in an epiphany.

Since refining the Beast King, Furukawa began to have an epiphany about the Avenue of Destiny, and gradually clarified many messages about the Avenue of Destiny. At this moment, he finally clarified it completely.


At this moment, Furukawa's body shook, and a little chaotic aura seemed to appear in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, like a chaotic explosion. This caused incredible changes in his soul, and endless messages of the Avenue of Destiny surged in.

"So, this is the road of destiny."

At this moment, he opened his eyes. The depths of his pupils were like chaotic whirlpools, swallowing up the energy of the entire chaotic universe. These eyes simply encompassed everything, all-encompassing, and the laws of the three thousand avenues were all in them.

If other gods saw him This pair of eyes must be trembling, and it is almost impossible to withstand such divine power.

His eyes saw many lines of cause and effect, endless lines of cause and effect intertwined with each other, one after another, like a big net, covering the entire Chaotic universe.

Endless creatures are intertwined in this web of cause and effect.

At this time, he finally understood what the avenue of destiny is.

Cause and effect is destiny, reincarnation is destiny, life and death are also destiny. It can be said that destiny is all-encompassing and encompasses everything. , it is the symbol of Tao, the root of everything.

And destiny is actually a long river.

This long river of destiny is not only the destiny of an individual, but also the destiny of countless worlds, the destiny of the entire universe, and even the destiny of countless lives..

It is precisely because the fate tributaries of countless lives continue to gather together that the long river of fate is formed. This river is not in cause and effect, life and death, or within the six paths. It is between reality and reality and cannot be touched. Of course, due to the nature of life Power varies. Some powerful beings have relatively powerful tributaries of destiny. If they are weak lives, they only have weak tributaries, or even just a drop of water.

Therefore, a powerful tributary of destiny can easily affect the weak ones. The tributaries of destiny affect the direction of every drop of water in this river.

The endless tributaries of destiny condense together, which is the vast river of destiny with no beginning and no end.

Because of this, if you want to understand the road of destiny, It is necessary to sort out all the tributaries of fate, sort out the cause and effect of all living beings, and sort out all the intertwining of cause and effect.

The problem is how difficult it is to sort out the tributaries of fate and the bad fate of all living beings.

The fate and cause and effect of all sentient beings are intertwined. It is simply like a mess, and even with the computing power of supreme magic like Chaos Bagua, it cannot be clarified one by one.

If these causes and effects cannot be completely clarified and the chaos can be restored into an orderly existence, then It is impossible to fully understand the Avenue of Destiny and master the Avenue of Destiny.

But once it is clarified and once mastered, then you can master the Avenue of Destiny, the fate of the world, the fate of all living beings, and even the fate of the entire universe.

If Furukawa wanted to understand the Avenue of Destiny before, I'm afraid it will take endless years of accumulation before we can slowly clarify all the tributaries of fate and karma. But after refining the Beast King, it is equivalent to mastering the universe in the Beast King's body, giving him cosmic-level computing power. This makes his comprehension ability increase at a geometric rate.

Even if this is just a young beast king and a newborn universe, the universe is the universe, and the nature of the universe does not change because of its weakness. The computing power it possesses is basically It's not something that a saint can imagine.

With such cosmic-level computing power, Furukawa is as comfortable as a duck in water. It's like a super computer has been upgraded to a quantum computer. He doesn't know how many times it has been improved.

"Chaotic virtual network."

Furukawa clenched his fists, and his soul was suddenly immersed in the ball of cause and effect, which is the chaotic virtual network.

To be honest, this chaotic virtual network is the opportunity for him to achieve enlightenment.

Basically, in all the worlds, except for the prehistoric creatures, In addition, other lives have entered the Chaos Virtual Network. Their cause and effect are intertwined, and many bad fates are recorded by the Chaos Virtual Network. It can be said that with the help of the universe-level computing power in the Beast King’s body, coupled with the computing power of the Chaos Virtual Network, the two If you add them up, he will definitely be able to clarify all the causes and consequences of the entire chaotic universe and clearly see all the tributaries of fate.

"The avenue of destiny, the fate of cause and effect, the river of destiny!"

Furukawa's eyes showed a terrifying light, as if he had penetrated the origin of the chaotic universe and saw the essence of the road of destiny. He was simply in control of everything.

Through the control of the chaotic virtual network, he saw the intertwining of cause and effect on all living beings and countless threads of cause and effect. They all emerged from the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. It was originally a chaotic network of cause and effect without any regularity.

But under the calculation of super powerful computing power, he actually perceived it clearly. No matter how complicated it was, it was all covered by him. Calculated clearly.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to easily calculate the fate of any life, seeing the other's birth, growth, future, and then the final ending.

Countless tributaries of fate converged, and that must be the only one. The ending.


In an instant, the endless messages of the avenue of destiny seemed to be free of charge, and crazily poured into the depths of Furukawa's sea of ​​consciousness, and then gathered together, reaching the state of perfection in an instant

"Is this the road of destiny?"

Furukawa was so excited that all the Dao energy in his body was boiling. Every cell in his body was trembling, like the great road vibrating and buzzing. I saw that there was an extra book of the Great Road of Destiny in the depths of his consciousness. Billions of golden lights bloomed, completely illuminating the dark sea of ​​consciousness.

The other two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine scriptures condensed by the Great Laws also vibrated at the same time, forming boundless fluctuations of the Great Laws, resulting in The power of the great avenue.

Originally, each of these great avenue laws was unruly, like a real dragon. It would not obey anyone. The dragons had no leader. Even the Hongmeng saint could not condense the power of all the great avenue laws into one.

But after understanding the avenue of destiny, It's completely different.

It's as if a king was born in the Great Law, and the only true god was born to rule everything. All other Great Laws can only obey orders and obey obediently, and no one can resist.

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