At this moment, in the prehistoric world, a fierce battle between the witch clan and the demon clan is going on, but the first one to suffer when the evil spirits come out of hell is the prehistoric world.


At this time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan, Di Jun and Taiyi of the Monster Clan, etc., instantly sensed that the gate of hell had been broken, and the endless power of death covered the prehistoric world.

Endless evil ghosts crawl out of hell. The power of evil ghosts, the power of death, the power of hell and other powers permeating their bodies are like covering the sky and the sun, shrouding the prehistoric world in darkness.

Such an abnormal situation in the world caused the Witch Clan and Monster Clan to stop in an instant.

"what happened? Why does this happen?"

"The gate to hell was broken, and countless evil spirits crawled out of hell"

"How can it be? Didn’t it say that the gate to hell is guarded by the Chaos Demon? Who has the ability to break down the gates of hell?"

Many powerful people from the Witch Clan and Monster Clan were shocked. They all felt a fatal crisis. If they are not careful, I am afraid that both the Witch Clan and Monster Clan will be destroyed.

Now is no longer the time to fight for the protagonist of the world, but to protect their own race. When I was young

"Gaga, Dijun, Taiyi, you didn’t expect that we crawled back from the depths of hell. You wiped out the hatred of my clan, and now you have to retaliate."

"Go to hell, you demon gods of the demon clan, you used to rely on the huge power of your race to suppress the weak races like us and annihilate the clan at every turn. This time we will take revenge and pay for the blood debt."

"Damn the demon clan, today we came back from hell just to kill the demon clan."

At this time, many evil ghosts came overwhelmingly, covering the sky and the sun. They were filled with the terrifying aura of death, like dark clouds in the sky, destroying everything.

"Are these the enemies we killed? They were all resurrected and returned from hell?"

The expressions of Di Jun, Taiyi and other great masters of the Great Wilderness changed greatly. You must know that in order to dominate the Great Wilderness, the demon clan has conquered countless races, and they have caused countless killings.

Any weak life that disobeys the demon clan will be wiped out. No one is left alive, and the chickens are killed to frighten the monkeys. But these lives killed by the demon clan actually crawled out of hell at this moment, and each one turned into a terrifying evil ghost, seeking revenge on them.

Many powerful demon clan can Perceiving the horror of these evil ghosts, it is obvious that these evil ghosts are many times more terrifying than before, and they contain terrible power of death.

Just a slight contact, they feel that the power of their flesh and blood seems to be eroded by the energy of death. It seems that even I will be dragged into hell and become one of the evil ghosts.

Of course, in addition to the enemies of the demon clan, the enemies of the witch clan are not willing to give in. After all, in order to dominate the earth, the witch clan has destroyed the races. There are countless of them.

And the Witch Clan is not a benign race. They are almost the same as other races. If they are not my race, their minds must be different. Races that encounter threats will naturally be destroyed.

"Di Jiang, Zhu Rong, you damn ancestral witches, you are trying to destroy my clan. This is an irreconcilable hatred."

"Damn the Witch Clan, you are the scourge of this world. Kill my whole family and destroy my clan. This time we will take revenge and drag you to hell with us."

"I hate, I hate, I hate, if we die, you, the Witch Clan, will not even think about living."

Endless evil ghosts are coming overwhelmingly, attacking in the direction of the Witch Clan. Such a scene is simply more terrifying than the yellow sand in the sky. Ordinary beings who get even slightly closer to these evil ghosts will be instantly attacked by them. The evil ghosts devoured them all and left no corpses.

Moreover, each of these evil ghosts were fearless of death. After all, they were already dead, so how could they be afraid of death?

"Oops, hell is broken and these dead lives are resurrected?"

"Return of the dead? Are you kidding me, what the hell is going on?"

"What on earth are those gods doing? Don’t they know what will happen after hell is broken? When countless evil spirits emerge from hell, they will definitely cause devastation and countless deaths and injuries."

The faces of many ancestral witches changed greatly. They also felt the terror of these evil ghosts. Although these evil ghosts were not their opponents during their lifetime, their strength increased greatly after death.

There were also some terrifying evil ghosts who had reached the level of In the Holy Realm, after they die, they also become quasi-holy level evil ghosts, unparalleled in tyranny.

And the number of evil ghosts is endless, countless.

You know, this is equivalent to the resurrection of all the creatures killed by them, How terrifying it is to turn into evil ghosts and seek revenge from the Witch Clan.

Even if all the Wu Clan members were added together, they would not be able to compare with the number of these countless evil ghosts who died.

"Di Jun, Taiyi, now is no longer the time for our witch clan and the demon clan to fight. We must first deal with these evil spirits. There is a big problem in the world. If we are not careful, we, the two witch clans, may all be doomed."

Ancestral Witch Emperor Jiang said in a deep voice.

He found that he could no longer contact his master. It seemed that many gods were in a state of disconnection. This was much more serious than the Lich struggle for hegemony.

If even the gods appeared, It’s a big problem, then this is a disaster sweeping the world


Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun snorted coldly. Although they now wish to destroy the Wu clan immediately, they are the emperors of the demon clan after all, and the emperors of a clan.

Faced with such a thing, they will also weigh the pros and cons.

Obviously, if If we don’t kill these evil spirits, let alone destroy the Witch Clan, I’m afraid that all the Demon Clan will have to be slaughtered by these evil ghosts coming out of hell, and they will be completely wiped out.

Therefore, the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan have a tacit understanding, and immediately The duel was suspended.


In an instant, the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan each rushed forward to fight with the evil spirits coming out of hell.


But the emergence of evil ghosts from hell has caused more disasters in the prehistoric world. Countless evil ghosts have crashed into this world. They wander around and break into secret worlds by virtue of their immortality.

I saw that the seals of these secret worlds were broken by evil spirits, and the endless wild beasts inside came out instantly.

You must know that these wild beasts are terrifying monsters born from the corpses of the Chaos Demon Gods, combined into the power of killing doomsday, and are born to kill.

Even these wild beasts can gain strength through killing. The more lives they kill, the stronger they become and the faster they increase their strength.


Immediately, endless wild beasts also ran out from the major secret worlds, forming a tide of beasts and attacking in all directions. Wherever they went, there were countless deaths and injuries.

Even the evil ghosts and wild beasts will not let go. If you dare to stop them anyway, you will die without any body parts.

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