"Lady Leia, do you want to help?"

At this time, an official from the original Kingdom of God came to Leia and asked, although these evil gods don't seem to be good things, but they are released by Master Leia, so they are his own people.

And these evil gods are indeed It's very powerful. With one attack, it actually killed countless Fire Origin Beasts. This kind of fighting power is much more powerful than ordinary Hongmeng Saints.

"Need not. Leia shook her head:"They are immortal and don't need help. Just watch.""

"I see."

A group of officials couldn't help but nodded, feeling extremely emotional. As expected of Master Leia, he could actually refine so many immortal monsters.

They could sense that each of these evil gods had the strength of the Hongmeng Saint. Nine Billions of evil gods, that is, 900 million Hongmeng saints, do not know how terrifying they are.

The most important thing is that these evil gods are immortal.

So no matter how many fire-origin beasts there are, they will not be able to survive when they encounter these immortals. The evil gods will definitely suffer from severe headaches.

They may be beaten to the point of collapse by the power of the evil gods, and they will be defeated step by step.

"Lord Leia, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood and the others seem to be at a disadvantage. They don’t know what to do now. The Lord of the Kingdom doesn’t know when he will come back?"

An official said worriedly.

To be honest, these fire beasts are just trivial details. The purpose of resisting these fire beasts is to prevent the casualties of ordinary people from being so heavy. The ones who can really decide the outcome of this war are the masters of the universe. If the battle between them fails, then no matter how powerful these evil gods are, it will have no effect.

"No, it doesn't matter, I will help."

Liya said

"I see, then please leave it to Lady Leia."

Many officials are extremely excited.

Although they have never seen Leya take action, as the person closest to the Lord of the Kingdom and mastering the secret treasure of the universe like the morning bell and evening drum, how can such strength be simple.


In an instant, Leia flew up out of thin air and came directly to the mid-air. Looking at the hundreds of beast generals in front of her, she had no expression on her face and said nothing.

She took out the morning bell and evening drum from her body and immediately started to move.

Bang, bang, bang, bang. ~~

In an instant, the morning bells and evening drums began to vibrate, with Laiya's body as the center, waves of waves like the rhythm of the great avenue rippled out, invisible and shadowless, spreading out in all directions.

Even billions of light-years in radius were shrouded in such a Among the sounds of morning bells and evening drums

"what happened?!"

Immediately, the fire-origin beasts couldn't bear such hypnotic melody. They all fell to the ground and began to fall asleep. This situation was like falling into pieces, which was extremely spectacular. Even those beast generals, They also sensed waves of hypnotic sounds, and could not resist the sounds of morning bells and evening drums, causing them to feel extremely sleepy.

Every one of them wanted to fall to the ground and fall asleep.

But they are also the masters of the universe after all, so they naturally know that in this situation Next, if they really fall asleep, I'm afraid they will definitely die.

"As expected of Lord Leia, she is so powerful that she shocked these universe masters as soon as she made a move."

Everyone was very excited when they saw this situation. The power of the morning bell and evening drum is so powerful that even the Lord of the Universe cannot resist it. Of course, the reason why this situation occurs is not only because of the morning bell and evening drum. The power of the sound is also due to the power of the source of sound in Leia's body.

The two are superimposed and resonate with each other, and the power exerted is not as simple as one plus one.

That is to say, Leia is still relatively young now, far away She is far from reaching the peak of growth. If she reaches the peak of growth, I am afraid that with one drum beat, countless lives will instantly fall into endless dreams and be unable to extricate themselves.

Even the Lord of the Universe cannot resist the blow of a few breaths. time

"Great, take the opportunity to take action and destroy all these beast generals."

The Lord of the Blood Sea's eyes showed a glint. Although he had converted to Furukawa, the ferocity deep in his heart had not weakened much. He still had the decisive ferocity of killing. Seeing that he had the upper hand, he immediately wanted to kill the killer and eradicate him. These scourges.

As long as this group of beast generals are wiped out, the threat of the beast tide this time will be reduced by more than half. If we don’t take advantage of the current situation to wipe out this group of beast generals, then where will we start?


At this moment, deep in the earth, a terrifying roar suddenly came out, sending out a devastating sound wave, which simply swept the world. Suddenly, the sounds of morning bells and evening drums were instantly shattered by this roar, and the original fainting sound was The sleeping beast generals suddenly woke up and regained their consciousness.


At this time, on the ground in the distance, a terrifying giant flame beast immediately appeared. It was a fierce bird of flames. , flying in the sky.

Its body is so huge that it can cover most of the sky. One wing can cover most of the sky. It flies directly and basically covers the sky. At the same time, it roars from its mouth. , the sound was like breaking through gold and cracking stone, causing pain in the eardrums of countless lives, blood flowing out one after another, and even the earth was shattered by such a sound.

"Oops, this is the Skyfire Beast King."

The faces of the Lord of the Blood Sea and others changed drastically. They could instantly sense the terrifying power of cosmic reincarnation contained in this flaming beast, which was so vast. Vaguely, it seemed that there were hundreds of thousands of universes contained in the other person's body. The power of reincarnation, the reincarnation energy in its body alone, is enough to collapse the sky.

It flies in mid-air, its body emitting terrible flames, seeming to dye the sky red, the endless flames even the endless clouds It burned up and turned into a fire cloud.

At this moment, the entire sky was red, shrouded by endless sky fire, and turned into an endless sea of ​​fire.

There is no doubt that this is the famous Sky Fire Beast King, and the king of the Fire Origin Beast Clan. , the culprit of every sky fire disaster, the most terrifying natural disaster-like existence.

Just the moment it appears, it plunges countless lives into despair.

It seems that with one breath of the other party, it can set off an endless fire storm, destroying the entire world. burn to ashes

"Sound source beast king."

At this moment, the Skyfire Beast King was flying in the mid-air, condescending, with ruthless eyes. It stared at Leia, as if the only threat in its eyes was Leia. At this time, it communicated with Leia through spiritual consciousness. dialogue

"Why do you want to help these lower creatures?"

It can sense the huge original power in Leia's body, and can instantly detect that the other party is a beast king of the same level as itself, and may have a stronger potential.

Therefore, it is very curious about the other party's actions and why it wants to stop it. Own.

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