"No, no, the whole world is pregnant too."

Furukawa's pupils contracted.

At this moment, he sensed that all life and all matter in this world had given birth to offspring, but the entire world also had children.

And she was pregnant with nine babies at once.

It can be said that, After a while, nine small Great Thousand Worlds will be born in this world.

Although they are small Great Thousand Worlds, they are still at the level of Great Thousand Worlds, and as time goes by, these Great Thousand Worlds will continue to grow, and will eventually grow. For the real Great Thousand Worlds.

Even these special Great Thousand Worlds also have the ability to conceive and give birth to the offspring of Great Thousand Worlds. The

Chaos Bagua Technique deep in Furukawa’s sea of ​​consciousness is constantly deducing. If these Great Thousand Worlds are not destroyed, Under such circumstances, in a few years, countless worlds will be born in the chaotic universe.

"Just one look made the whole world pregnant with children."

The corner of Furukawa's mouth twitched. He didn't know how to describe such a result.

Originally, even a Hongmeng saint would have to expend a lot of effort to open up a vast world, and might even be seriously injured, but now he just glanced at it. These Great Thousand Worlds can actually be conceived by themselves.

To be honest, if the Great Thousand Worlds have such ability, I don’t know how much time it will save him.

As time goes by, he will not be needed to open up the Great Thousand Worlds and the Chaos Universe. A large number of worlds will naturally be born, just like the reproduction of life in nature, endlessly

"This ability is too abnormal."

Furukawa was speechless. He didn't expect that just by taking a look at the world, the whole world was pregnant, and gave birth to one world after another. It is estimated that the ability of the Eye of Ten Thousand Mothers is not just that, if it is powerful enough , may be able to impregnate stars, or even the chaotic universe, thus giving birth to countless universes.

To be honest, such an ability can create a large number of universes, which is really unbelievable

"No, it is still too difficult to impregnate a chaotic universe."

Furukawa narrowed his eyes. He sensed that the activation of the Eye of All Laws actually requires original energy, and it is still based on the user's own strength.

If the power is not enough, then the power of the Eye of All Mothers cannot be activated at will..

If you want to conceive a universe at the level of the Chaos Universe, I'm afraid it will require unimaginable power of reincarnation. The energy of this world is conserved, and it is impossible to do such unreasonable things casually.

Of course, let the Chaos Universe It is difficult to have children, but if the elementary universe, the intermediate universe, the advanced universe, or the supreme universe have children, it will be much easier.

And it is not impossible.


A few days later.

Furukawa is still constantly testing the limits of the Eye of All Mothers' power, wanting to know to what extent the Eye of All Mothers' abilities reach and where its limits are.

After experimenting day and night, he finally knew the limits of the Eye of All Mothers.

First of all, the Eye of All Mothers does not work on those unique treasures, such as the cosmic secret treasure. A magic weapon of this level is unique even in the entire universe.

In other words, apart from this cosmic secret treasure, there cannot be a second one, so even the power of the Eyes of All Mothers cannot add a second cosmic secret treasure to this kind.

This uniqueness is the limitation of the law of origin and cannot be changed.

Secondly, the power of the Eyes of Ten Thousand Mothers is almost permanent, which means that life, or non-life, affected by the Eyes of Ten Thousand Mothers will permanently become pregnant.

Of course, this phenomenon can still be eliminated if Furukawa spends a certain amount of money.

But other lives basically cannot be relieved by any means.

Finally, the power of the Eye of All Mothers requires a large amount of original energy. The larger the life, the larger and rarer the object, the more energy it will naturally consume.

Of course, once these beings become pregnant, it is actually very dangerous and there will be a certain period of weakness.

It's like a female dragon has offspring. When she gives birth, it is also when she is at her weakest. Many enemies will take the opportunity to take revenge and kill her.

If you can use this ability, you may be able to easily defeat the enemy.

"Interesting, if you use this kind of power to deal with the enemy, wouldn't it be invincible?"

Furukawa touched his chin.

If during the battle, he glanced at the enemy with the Eyes of Ten Thousand Mothers, and the enemy had a child on the spot, I'm afraid the enemy would be confused on the spot and their combat effectiveness would be reduced by half.

"It's too dangerous. This Eye of Ten Thousand Mothers is still too dangerous."

Furukawa can sense the uncontrollability of the Eye of All Mothers ability. Basically, if he takes one look at it, the opponent will be finished. Although this ability can be released by himself.

But every time it is released, it requires a lot of his strength. He It is impossible to go there often to clean up the mess.

Therefore, the power of the Eye of the Ten Thousand Mothers must be used with caution, otherwise it will definitely cause huge disasters.

Thinking of this, he temporarily sealed the Eye of the Ten Thousand Mothers and only used it at critical moments.

Just this At that moment, the voice of the Lord of the Blood Sea suddenly came over:"Your Majesty, there are important people outside looking for you."

"VIP? who is it?"

Furukawa raised his eyebrows. He knew that if he were not a very important person, the Lord of the Blood Sea would probably not bother him at this moment.

"He is the king from the Canglan Kingdom - the Canglan Lord, a higher master of the universe."

The Lord of the Blood Sea said in a deep voice.

To be honest, although the Lord of the Blood Sea had a great reputation before, he only enjoyed a good reputation among the junior Lords of the Universe. In the face of an established high-level Lord of the Universe like the Blue Lord, he still Not qualified to contact anyone

"Lord of Blue? I seem to have heard you introduce it before. How many little guys want to come and see me on behalf of the Blue Country?"

Furukawa also remembered what happened before. It seemed that two envoys from the Canglan Kingdom came to look for him and wanted to form an alliance with the original Kingdom of God. Unfortunately, he went to the Universe Sea at that time, so he didn't see it.

But at this time, Canglan The owner actually came directly to the door, but he was a rare visitor.

"Yes, it is estimated that the Lord of the Kingdom suppressed the Skyfire Beast King, which attracted the attention of the higher Lords of the Universe. In order to show respect, they came to visit him in person."

The Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood expressed his guess.

"Did he say he wanted to see me if he had anything to do? Furukawa asked

"He didn't explain it in detail, but the other party wanted to meet with the Lord to discuss it in detail."

The Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood said

"Interesting, then let him come over. I want to see what the Blue Lord wants to do."

Furukawa Road

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Lord of the Blood Sea immediately took the order and went down.

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