"Laws, simply put, are rules."

The quasi-sage explained:"In order to prevent the powerful power of the gods from causing huge damage to the mortal world and causing countless deaths and injuries to mortals, the law came into being. If anyone violates the law, even the gods will be severely punished."

"Give your uncle a shit!"

The horned Chaos Demon God shouted angrily:"Who on earth created this thing, and they actually want to restrain the gods. Do you know how great the gods are? That is a supreme life, a creature that is superior to mortals, but it actually wants to use laws and rules to restrain gods. Are you mortals crazy?!"

It feels that these mortals are completely crazy. Who has heard of such a thing in its time.

Maybe there is such a thing as rules, such as Chaos City, which does not allow any Chaos Demon God to kill in Chaos City.

But outside Chaos City , the rules cannot restrain the Chaos Demon God. Whoever has a bigger fist will be justified. Whoever dares to use this bullshit law to restrain the Chaos Demon God is not crazy or something.

They Chaos Demon Gods were born from chaos, and they have always been They will not be bound or constrained by anything, and don’t think about anything that can restrict their behavior.

"The law is a rule determined by the councilors of Chaos City after 129,600 discussions. It applies to all heavens and realms and to countless gods. These are the rules promulgated by Chaos City. If anyone wants to violate this rule, he will be imprisoned in the divine prison, or even hell, and will not be reincarnated forever."

The quasi-sage said lightly.

Chaos City?!

Many Chaos Demon Gods were awe-inspiring. Of course they knew that Chaos City, this supreme holy city, is still a super power and behemoth standing in countless lives after countless epochs?

In other words , , is the Lord of Chaos City still alive today? If the Lord of Chaos City personally issued such an order, then it would be difficult for them, the Chaos Demon Gods, to disobey it.

But what are the so-called councilors, what is hell, and what is the divine prison? , why are there so many unintelligible nouns everywhere?

"What is the Divine Prison, and why are people who break the law sent to this place?"

The red-eyed Chaos Demon couldn't help but ask

"The so-called divine prison is a prison where gods are imprisoned. Any god who violates the law will be imprisoned in that place and cannot be released until the end of his sentence."

The quasi-sage explained

"Your uncle actually dares to imprison the supreme god and the great Chaos Demon God. You are so courageous. Who gave you the courage and the power."

The Ox-Horned Chaos Demon God is simply furious. These hateful mortals actually want to imprison gods. Who doesn't know how great and sacred gods are? They are the great powers who create life.

These humble mortals actually want to imprison gods." God, and the so-called prison term, are simply trying to rebel.

"It is not your turn to make the decision. The law is sacred and cannot be disobeyed, even God is no exception."

The quasi-sage said in a deep voice

"Your uncle, I will kill you to see if you can still disobey this so-called law. You are just a mere mortal, but you dare to speak nonsense in front of me. I have tolerated you for a long time."

The horned Chaos Demon God shouted angrily and immediately wanted to take action.

The other Chaos Demon Gods also wanted to take action instantly, break out of the siege, and escape from this place.


The quasi-sage looked indifferent, nodded to his companions, and motioned for them to take action.


In an instant, thousands of Daluo Golden Immortals formed a great formation of heaven and earth. They immediately took out a large golden net from their bodies and threw it towards the group of Chaos Demon Gods.


The attacks of the Ox-Horned Chaos Demon God and others blasted past, but they found that their attacks were of no use. They could not help this golden net at all, and all the energy was swallowed up.


The next second, this A big golden net shrouded it, instantly capturing all the Chaos Demon Gods, and even restraining them all with ease.

Every thin thread on it contained the power of a seal, and it instantly suppressed these Chaos Demon Gods. All power, even these sealed webs, are integrated into their demonic bodies

"How can it be? The power in my body actually had no effect. How could it suddenly disappear?"The red-eyed Chaos Demon couldn't help shouting. It was unbelievable. It found that all the strength in its body had completely disappeared, and it could no longer use any power, as if it had turned into a mortal.

"This is a given."

The quasi-sage said:"This is the Demonic Sealing Net created by the Machine Clan. It is a super magic weapon specially created to target the power of the Chaos Demonic God. It is indestructible. The more you struggle, the stronger the power of the seal becomes.

Moreover, it can also block most of the extraordinary powers. If they fall into this demon's sealing net, even gods will be unable to fly or move even an inch."

"Mechanical clan? How is it possible that the mechanical tribe actually created such a magic weapon?!"

This group of Chaos Demon Gods is unbelievable. They didn't expect that the mechanical race back then was so terrifying. They could actually create weapons specifically designed to deal with the Chaos Demon Gods. It's incredible.

"I advise you not to continue to be arrogant. Although gods like you were very rare in the era of chaos, in this era, gods are nothing."

The quasi-sage said

"Fart, what do you think a god is? Do you think you can be promoted casually? That is a realm that you mortals can never reach, you know?"The Ox-Horned Chaos Demon God said angrily. He's just a mortal. He dares to say such treacherous words, and he dares to say that gods are nothing. It's simply a joke.

"I'm not lying to you. This is a fact. There are more than 900 million gods like you in this era, and the number is still increasing."

That quasi-sage.

Nine hundred million gods?!

Hearing this, the Ox-horned Chaos Demon God and others were immediately confused and stunned. What is the concept of nine hundred million gods? In that era, they only gave birth to 120,000 There are only nine thousand six hundred gods. There are actually 900 million gods born in this era. Doesn’t that mean that all of them, the Chaos Demon Gods bundled together, are not enough for a fraction of the number of gods now?!

"You're lying, you're lying. How could there be 900 million gods born? Do you think they are gods? Are they something from the street?"

The red-eyed Chaos Demon God was a little collapsed and suffered a big blow. After all, if this thing is true, doesn't it mean that these ancient Chaos Demon Gods are nothing at all?

"There is no need for me to lie. Is it true? We will take you back to Chaos City soon, and you will know then. Moreover, we have captured hundreds of Chaos Demon Gods like you before, and you are not the first batch."

The quasi-sage said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he left with this group of Chaos Demon Gods and quickly disappeared from this place.

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