"Are you the jailers of the evil ghost realm? It looks like a human being!"

At this time, an evil ghost discovered these jailers of the evil ghost realm, and immediately cursed, extremely arrogantly:"Do you know who I am? When I was in the fairy world, I was a famous extremely evil demon, and my methods were all over the world. , you'd better be wiser and let me go immediately.

Otherwise, when I escape from the evil ghost realm, none of you will be able to eat and I will make you try what it means to be worse than death. Do you understand?"

It glared angrily at these evil ghost jailers. Even if it was caught, it still did not change the hostility deep in its heart. It was fierce and cruel and threatened when it opened its mouth.

"Extreme Demon Lord?"

Hearing these words, one of the jailers held a roster in his hand and said expressionlessly:"Looking at your origins, you are indeed a famous demon in the fairy world. You have destroyed 373 planets and killed countless people. Life loves to use all kinds of torture to torture enemies, especially women. His nerves are also extremely strong, and he is not afraid of torture at all. This is probably what you rely on for your arrogance.

In this case, you will be punished by becoming a woman, bleeding once a day, giving birth to a child once, and experiencing the pain of being a woman until you feel a little repentant."


When the Demon Lord heard this, his expression suddenly changed. But before he could figure it out, a divine light suddenly struck down. Immediately, the form of the Demon Lord changed dramatically.

It actually emerged from a The form of a young man has directly transformed into a middle-aged woman, changing from the inside out.

"No way, what did you do to me?"

The Supreme Demon Lord screamed, but it was like a woman's scream. When he was alive, he liked to torture women the most, and he liked to torture the weak the most. It does not mean that he wants to become weak.

But the incredible power of hell is to change He took the form of his soul and forcibly turned him into a woman.

At this moment, he felt that blood was constantly flowing out from deep inside his body, leaving him in a weak state all the time. This fear of constant bleeding , made him shudder.

Even his belly was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if his belly was giving birth to life. The child in his belly seemed to be about to burst out, kicking and rolling inside.


In an instant, the Extreme Demon Lord fell to the ground and screamed in pain, because the pain of giving birth is comparable to the most cruel torture in the world, and the pain is extremely severe.

But ordinary women just try the pain for a period of time, However, the Extreme Demon Lord feels this kind of pain all the time, day after day, every day.

Such pain cannot be described in words.

"Stop, stop now, change me back, Dog Officer, change me back."

The Supreme Demon Lord screamed and moaned repeatedly, with a ferocious face.

But the hell jailer next to him ignored him and directly dragged the Supreme Demon Lord away.


When many evil ghosts saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly. When they were in the world of the world, they were all demons and very cruel. They have never seen any torture.

But torture like hell is unheard of. The torture in hell is not It's not as simple as torture, but execution aimed at the deepest fears in their hearts.

If this is the case, even the most ferocious demons will not be able to withstand such a hellish punishment.

"Venerable Xuan Ming, you were a villain when you were alive. You loved to stir up trouble, were glib, and were murderous. You have killed countless people and your methods were ruthless. Then I will punish you by having your tongue pulled out, once a day, and then resume in the early morning of the next day, and it will start again and again."

An evil ghost prisoner pointed at the second evil ghost and said.


"Stop, stop, stop now, you bunch of dog officials, using chicken feathers as arrows, dare to pull out my tongue, how can you dogs treat me like this?!"

The evil ghost Venerable Xuanming screamed, terrified and trembling all over.

But it was of no use. Several evil ghost guards came forward, immediately dragged Venerable Xuanming away, and directly used tools to remove his tongue. Pulled it out.

I saw a tongue that was immediately pulled out by the pliers of the evil ghost prisoner. It was pulled out little by little, almost reaching the limit of the tongue, dripping with blood. You know, the tongue itself is the softest in the human body. It is one of those places where even if the teeth bump against each other, it will hurt for a long time. Pulling it out bit by bit now is simply the greatest torture in the world.

Even if the tongue is pulled out today, it will grow back the next day, and it will be accepted again and again. The punishment of pulling out the tongue!

"Demon Lord Wusan, you are quite a character. You are not afraid of torture or any torture. You are good at using poison. I don’t know how many lives have been killed by poison. It is a pity that you have done many evil things and were surrounded and killed."

A hell jailer said, pointing at the third evil ghost.

"Just tell me what kind of torture you plan to use on me. If I frown, I will believe you."

The evil ghost Wusan Demon Lord is very disdainful and is not afraid of any torture at all.

"Torture is useless to you. You are not afraid of any torture, so I will punish you to go to the lonely hell, which is a chaotic and empty space."

The hell jailer said solemnly:"That place has no up, down, left, right, east, west, north or west. It is a dark and void place. You can't even hear your own voice, and you can't see anything. It's an absolutely dark space.

At the same time, the time there will be extremely long. One hundred million years have passed inside, and only one second has passed outside. Just go and stay there and see how long you can last."


Demon Lord Wu San's face suddenly turned green. He is not afraid of torture or torture, but he is most afraid of silence.

Because even the Chaos Demon God is most afraid of the silence of chaos. There are no people, no sound, no color, even It doesn’t even know whether it exists, and it doesn’t even feel the passage of time.

Maybe it can stay like this for 100 million years, 200 million years, but it can stay like this for 10 billion years, 100 billion years, or a trillion years. space, it will definitely go crazy and cannot even maintain its own consciousness.

"You bastard, I won’t go, I won’t go to that kind of hellish place, let me go, let me go immediately."

The Wusan Demon Lord roared and struggled desperately.

Unfortunately, it was of no use at all. It was immediately grabbed by a jailer and pulled out without any resistance.

"Stupid evil ghost, entering hell, the biggest fear in his heart has long been exposed"

"Trying to resist the torture of hell is simply a fool’s dream. Hell has plenty of means to deal with you evil ghosts."

"Guess how long this Wusan Demon Lord can stay?"

"One day, maybe he will go completely crazy in one day"

"Can one day? The tough guy was more arrogant than him last time, and he went crazy after a while."

Many Evil Ghost Realm jailers shook their heads with indifferent expressions. They had seen countless similar evil ghosts before.


No matter how arrogant they are, they cannot be arrogant in the Evil Ghost Realm!

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