"It seems that it can also be connected to the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

Moral Heavenly Lord closed his eyes and felt a little. He immediately felt the depth of his soul, and an interface appeared in an instant. This was the interface of the main god space of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

And in this interface, there were densely packed magic weapons and elixirs. , Kung Fu, etc., basically all the treasures in the Chaos Universe are available.

However, redeeming these treasures requires a lot of meritorious deeds.

In other words, he needs to complete the tasks issued by the Six Paths of Reincarnation before he can obtain these treasures.

"The mission of the Six Paths of Reincarnation? what exactly is it?"

Moral Heavenly Lord curiously clicked on the task column, and it immediately displayed

"Task 1: Understand the surrounding environment as quickly as possible, understand the surrounding race, culture, history, and cultivation knowledge, and provide information for the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The more detailed the understanding, the more merits you will receive."

"Mission 2: Improve your strength as soon as possible. In an unfamiliar and dangerous environment, improving your strength is the only way to ensure your safety. The faster your strength improves and the stronger you are, the more merit you will get."

"Mission 3: Occupy this world, plunder the world’s destiny, and become the son of destiny"


"Note 1: Once you die in this universe, your soul will return to the six paths of reincarnation. If you want to enter this universe again, you need to wait a hundred years."

"Note 2: You have three hours a day to enter the virtual universe and exchange information or cooperate with other sentient beings in the six realms of reincarnation. However, when entering the virtual universe, the body is defenseless. If the enemy attacks, it may lead to death. , be sure to pay attention to safety when surfing the Internet"

"Note 3: It is not allowed to reveal the existence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to the local natives. Once leaked, they will immediately return to the chaotic universe and be kicked out of the Six Paths to fight for gods."

Moral Heavenly Lord squinted his eyes. He saw the task above. It is obvious that the Six Paths of Reincarnation requires him to understand the specific situation of Universe No. 72 and various kinds of information.

And he can also hand over the treasures of this universe. , the more treasures that are handed in and the more precious they are, the more merits he will get and the more resources he can obtain. It can be said that this is a snowball development method.

If you are very strong from the beginning and complete many tasks, If you have a lot of meritorious deeds, then you can develop quickly and improve your cultivation level crazily.

"It seems that you can't die casually. Once you die, you can be reincarnated again after a hundred years."

Daodetianzun knows that although in this universe, sentient beings in the six realms will not die, his purpose is to seize the supreme universe, so he cannot die casually. After all, everyone who competes with him to seize the supreme universe will He is the ancient Chaos Demon God.

Especially the gods of the mechanical race, who are extremely powerful and not weaker than himself. If he lacks a hundred years of development time, he doesn't know where he will be left. If he falls behind one step, he will be Falling behind step by step.

This is the importance of time.

After all, these gods in the human world have all come to Universe No. 72 through reincarnation. Basically, everyone is on the same starting line at this moment.

In other words , whoever runs faster and whoever is promoted to God Emperor first will have the advantage. It can be said that this is simply a super competition.

He even has to guard against other competitors. If the other party discovers his identity, You may even be attacked and killed by your competitors and eliminate yourself.

It can be said that the enemy is not only the natives of this universe, the origin of this universe, but also the gods from the six paths of reincarnation. Currently, the only one you can rely on is yourself.

"By the way, log into the virtual universe first to see what's going on."

Moral Heavenly Lord's eyes showed a glint. At present, intelligence is the most important. Whoever knows more information will be able to gain the upper hand in the battle between the six gods.

And the place where intelligence gathers must be in the virtual universe, and it will inevitably happen. There are many sentient beings logging into the virtual universe and sharing all kinds of information.

He just happened to find out.


The next second, with a thought, he logged into the virtual universe in an instant, and his consciousness suddenly appeared In the space of the virtual universe, various interfaces appeared in front of him.

The virtual universe at this moment was indeed extremely lively, and various forums were filled with discussions about the six paths fighting for gods. Obviously, the six paths All living beings have been reincarnated into these supreme universes.

He immediately clicked on one of the forums and read the comments

"It's so miserable for me. I was reincarnated into a poor family. Because they couldn't feed me, that family actually threw me into the wild. Now I'm a baby, unable to move at all, and about to starve to death. What do you think I should do? What can I do? How can I continue to live? I don’t want to die just after reincarnation."

A six-path sentient being said angrily.

Because the identities of six-path sentient beings reincarnated in other universes are random. Some people may be reincarnated into rich families, and some may be reincarnated into poor families. Everything depends on chance..

Of course, due to issues of chance, those who are reincarnated into rich and noble families will naturally have an advantage and have a very high starting point, which cannot be compared to those sentient beings in the six realms who come from ordinary families.

"What do you mean, I'm just feeling aggrieved. I was just reincarnated into a prince's family. I thought I was getting rich and could live a life of great wealth and wealth. I had a very high starting point and took advantage of the opportunity to rise. But who would have thought that this prince actually rebelled, and the rebellion failed, and he was beheaded by the emperor. Even a newborn baby like me was going to be killed. I was just born and was about to die. Who would be as unlucky as me?"

A sentient being in the Six Paths cried. He complained on the forum that he was one of the few unlucky people. He had just been reincarnated and was about to be killed by the enemy.

And once he died, he would have to wait for hundreds of years before he could be reincarnated again.

Question Yes, hundreds of years have passed. Who knows what changes will happen to this supreme universe.

We have lost the opportunity, but we are struggling every step of the way.

"Lessons of blood and tears, lessons of blood and tears, everyone must not learn from me, because I had just been reincarnated, and I was so awesome. Even though I was a baby, I actually spoke. At that time, I was so scared that the parents of this reincarnated body collapsed and shouted that a monster was born. As a result, When the nearby villagers heard the news, they came and strangled me to death. I disrupted a good situation and I almost cried without tears."

A man cried bitterly, stunned by his own stupidity.

"It's so stupid to think that reincarnation is playing a game. This is a real world."

"That's right. Before you have a firm foothold, nothing strange can appear, otherwise you will definitely die."

"The most important thing in the Six Paths Fighting God is intelligence. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle."

"In short, the more trouble you cause, the faster you will die."

"It is better to increase your strength as soon as possible, otherwise others can strangle you to death at any time."

Everyone was talking about it, and they all felt the authenticity of the Six Paths Contest of Gods. This is completely a super-real online game, and all the laws are the laws of reality.

Except that you will not die, everything else is almost the same as reality.

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