"What a huge source of energy."

Furukawa was sitting in the center of the source of chaos. He felt the vast source energy surging from all directions. The magnitude of these source energies simply surpassed everything he had seen before.


At this moment, he As if bathing in an ocean of energy, every primitive ancient snake cell in his body is greedily devouring this original energy.

It turns out that he and the three major titles of the Gnawer, the Destroyer of All Creations, and the Brain Eater were the Lords of Life and Death of the Universe. Fighting with all his strength, despite the long years and the nourishment of the huge light of merit, the injuries on his body have improved to some extent.

In fact, there are still some minor injuries on his body that have not fully recovered.

But at this time, Such a huge influx of source energy instantly caused his injuries to completely recover. Every primitive ancient snake cell was restored as before, even stronger.

But it was not just that, the depths of his consciousness were The power of reincarnation also expanded rapidly at this moment, and the breath of the body was also increasing at a geometric speed.

One million of the power of reincarnation in the universe, 1.2 million, 1.5 million, two million, Two and a half million, three million cosmic reincarnation powers... In the end, his power had climbed to five million cosmic reincarnation powers.

It can be said that in a short period of time, his energy had increased five times. So much.

If other titled Lords of the Universe saw this scene, they would definitely be stunned and in disbelief.

Because normally, at the speed of cultivation of ordinary Lords of the Universe, they would not know how to improve so much. How much time does it take to reincarnate in the universe?

Even if they survive in the cosmic sea, constantly destroying many universes, and plundering the origin of the universe, evil cosmic sea monsters like gnawers can't improve their cultivation at such a fast speed.

First of all, they Without a wish compass, they are like headless flies in the vast sea of ​​the universe. Just finding other universes does not know how much time it takes.

Secondly, if they want to plunder the origin of the universe, they need to break through the barriers of the universe. They don't know how much effort it will take them to break through the barriers of the Supreme Universe.

Even if they really succeed in attacking, the entire Supreme Universe has long been shattered into pieces, and most of the original energy has been dissipated in the cosmic sea.

In other words , the entire Supreme Universe has been shattered into pieces. , they get only a very small part of the original energy of the universe.

Due to various reasons, even if these monsters of the cosmic sea destroy many universes, their promotion speed will not be particularly fast.

But Furukawa is different, the six paths of reincarnation The ability is extremely powerful. It does not need to forcibly destroy the barriers of the universe, nor does it need to destroy the supreme universe. It can sneak into it silently.

In this way, the original energy of the supreme universe can be perfectly occupied and captured by the six paths of reincarnation, and even It was assimilated together with the laws of the supreme universe.

So Furukawa only eroded one-tenth of these laws of the supreme universe, and instantly brought him an incredible amount of source energy, raising his cultivation level to five million universe reincarnations. The degree of power.

With such power, even among the titled Lords of the Universe, one can no longer be regarded as a rookie, but can be regarded as a veteran. He can begin to stand out among the titled Lords of the Universe.

"This force is very powerful."

Furukawa clenched his fists. He felt that after the power of his body surged to the power of five million universe reincarnations, his power was simply increasing endlessly. It was originally very difficult for him to maintain the parallel world technique before. When needed, Always pay attention to avoid being broken free by the three masters of the universe and breaking the parallel world technique.

But after possessing the power of five million universe reincarnations, he began to control this technique with ease, at least not like just now It was so difficult at the beginning, and he was struggling. Now, he can even free up his hands to do other things and multi-task.

This also made him feel a lot more relaxed. This is the huge change brought about by his improvement in strength.

"Just assimilating one-tenth of the original laws actually raised my cultivation to this level. If I assimilated all three hundred and sixty supreme universes, that would be great."

Furukawa's eyes shone with excitement.

To be honest, once all three hundred and sixty supreme universes are successfully seized, the huge source energy of these supreme universes will flow into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, helping the Six Paths of Reincarnation to completely evolve.

At that time, he might be able to master the power of tens of millions of cosmic reincarnations in an instant.

Even if such power may not be comparable to the masters of the universe with the pinnacle title of The Gnawer, The Destroyer of All Creatures, and The Brain Eater, he is not afraid of this. The three titles are the Lords of the Universe.

Even if they really break free from the art of parallel worlds, the other party cannot kill themselves. It can be said that he is already in an invincible position.


At this moment, Furukawa The body of the primitive ancient snake immediately emerged, and his huge snake body wrapped around the entire six-path universe, twisting around and around.

Deep inside the huge six-path samsara, there was a primitive ancient snake coiled in it, containing incredible The power of reincarnation is filled with the terrifying power of the universe.


With the Six Paths Universe as the center, the huge cycle of reincarnation seemed to turn into a chaotic vortex, producing extremely terrifying devouring power. Chaos energy from all directions swarmed in as if it was free of charge.

Every breath and every swallow makes the Six Paths Universe swallow up huge amounts of chaotic energy. It also causes the Six Paths Universe to expand, constantly expanding the size of the Six Paths Universe.

This kind of expansion speed is many times faster than the previous chaotic universe.

Because this is the power of reincarnation, it seems to have formed a whirlpool and cycle, as if it is an unimaginable devouring power, swallowing up the endless chaotic energy of the cosmic sea.

And this is just a prototype.

If we wait for the Six Paths of Reincarnation to fully mature, I am afraid that the cosmic sea with a radius of hundreds of trillions of light years and the endless chaotic energy will be completely swallowed up by the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

By then, there will be no need for Furukawa to search for other supreme universes. Wherever the Six Paths of Reincarnation is close, all matter, all light, and all universes will be assimilated by the Reincarnation and become part of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

This is the overbearing power of the six realms of reincarnation, swallowing everything, assimilating everything, and possessing everything.

The moment it appears, it is destined to be invincible and sweep across the world.


Just when Furukawa was devouring chaotic energy unscrupulously, in the Origin Continent, there was a vast long river running through the Origin Continent, and the supreme will suddenly awakened at this moment.

This made many terrifying beings tremble. A forbidden giant awakened at this moment. This was one of the nine masters of the Origin Continent: the Eternal River.

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