"Is the charm of the original kingdom of God simply safety?"

Pangu continued to ask. He felt that just being safe was not enough to attract so many beings to travel long distances and spend a lot of time and effort just to survive in the primitive kingdom of God.

"Of course it's not just about safety."

The tauren smiled slightly:"If it's just about safety, in fact, other advanced countries are not too bad. Although they are not as good as the original kingdom of God, they are not far behind for weak beings like us.

In fact, what attracts us most about the original kingdom of God is equality. Whether we are natives of the continent of origin or cultivators from the cosmic sea, we are all treated equally without any difference."

It means that the biggest advantage that attracts all races of life to enter the primitive kingdom of God is the equality of the primitive kingdom of God.

Don't think that the word equality is easy, but in fact this kind of thing is the most difficult.

Some universes are natives of the origin continent. Even if the country's leader does not discriminate against outsiders, the country's officials are all of indigenous origin and are very unfriendly to those cultivators from the universe sea.

And those superpowers from the universe sea established the country. The country actually has great discrimination against the indigenous people, and such discrimination is ubiquitous and cannot be eliminated at all.

However, the original Kingdom of God is different.

From the beginning of Furukawa's establishment, there was no so-called distinction between indigenous people and cosmic sea monks. , the officials occupying high positions are equally divided between natives and powerful people from the Universe Sea.

Because of this, the equal atmosphere of the original Kingdom of God attracted countless natives and ascetics from the Universe Sea. In the Original Kingdom of God, they There is no need to worry about persecution from other races

"However, these are only the insignificant advantages of the original Kingdom of God, and they are all nonsense."

The Tauren changed the topic and laughed:"Actually, the more important reason is that the original Kingdom of God is rich in materials, high wages, strong people, and prosperous trade. We come here to work, and we can do anything for just a month. You can earn more in one year than in other countries. How could you not come to a place like this?"


Hearing this, Pangu's mouth twitched and his face was speechless. He simply had nothing to say. He had said a lot of high-sounding words before, but I'm afraid this was the truth. The reason that can drive countless lives to come to the primitive kingdom of God. There is only one thing, and that is profit. The wages here are high.

Just like the monthly salary of an ordinary worker in a developing country is only one or two thousand yuan, but in developed countries, it is at least more than 10,000 yuan, or even 20,000 or 30,000 yuan per month..

Even if you think about it with your knees, you know how to choose.

Even if this developed country has many shortcomings, such as discrimination, frequent gun battles, many thieves, and high crime rates, people’s wages are high, which can cover up all the shortcomings.

"Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore, I’m going in."

The tauren waved to Pangu, and immediately entered the primitive kingdom of God with his companions.

"Let's go too."

At this time, Furukawa said to Pangu, and the two of them quickly passed the customs of the original divine kingdom, registered their information, and then entered the primitive divine kingdom.


After entering the primitive divine kingdom, Furukawa can immediately feel the prosperity of the primitive divine kingdom at this moment. Huge cities one after another rise from the ground like stars, spreading all over the primitive divine kingdom.

Compared with Furukawa before returning to the Six Paths Universe Up to now, the number of cities in the original kingdom of God has increased by tens of thousands of times.

This is because during this period of time, the population of the primitive kingdom of God has increased dramatically, so a large number of cities need to be built to accommodate the rapid increase. The population.

At the same time, the void trains have also increased too much. Almost cities are connected by railways, and countless void trains run day and night.

This has also completely reduced the population of the entire primitive kingdom of God. When flowing, it appears extremely energetic and full of vitality.

"As expected of the country founded by Brother Gu, it is indeed extremely prosperous, and the cultivation environment here is also extraordinary. It is much stronger than the outside world. It is simply a holy land for cultivation."

Pangu was amazed. He felt that practicing within the primitive kingdom of God was much faster than practicing outside.

"Indeed, the energy of the dragon vein, the origin of the original divine kingdom, has increased."

Furukawa nodded.

He sensed that the world was filled with rich origin energy. Billions of origin dragon veins ran through the original divine kingdom. This also made the energy of the primitive divine kingdom so rich that it was almost unbelievable. Obviously, with time, With the passage of time, the dragon vein of the original divine kingdom has also grown rapidly.

Originally it was just a high-level dragon vein, but at this moment it has been promoted to the level of the supreme dragon vein. Both the quantity and quality of the origin energy have shown qualitative improvement. General changes.

Vaguely, a giant dragon of origin that has become a substance lies across the deepest part of the earth, running through the land of the original kingdom of God. It stretches and rises and falls, as if it is alive.

And this giant dragon of origin every moment They are all swallowing the energy of origin, exhaling and inhaling, forming a regular energy tide, making the energy within the original divine kingdom continue to circulate and become crazy active.

"I have actually been promoted to the level of the Supreme Dragon Vein. Could it be related to my promotion to the title of Lord of the Universe?"

Furukawa touched his chin.

He could sense that the origin dragon vein of the original divine kingdom seemed to be integrated with the power of destiny of the primitive divine kingdom. It was precisely because of this that the high dragon veins transformed and were promoted to the supreme dragon veins..

In fact, after he was promoted to the title of Lord of the Universe, he was recognized by the source of the origin continent and received his own title, which greatly increased his luck. The leader of a country, and the luck of his own country. Luck is closely related.

The stronger the country's luck, the stronger the country 's luck.

In the same way, the stronger the country's luck will naturally drive the country's luck. After Furukawa was promoted to the title of Lord of the Universe, In an instant, the luck of the original kingdom of God was raised to an incredible level.

"I didn't expect that the Dragon Veins would be improved as a result, which is also a good thing."

Furukawa smiled slightly, very happy.

You must know that the supreme dragon vein can only be owned by the country where the title of Lord of the Universe is located. Each supreme dragon vein contains incredible divine power of origin, which can silently and subtly change the surrounding environment..

Even though this was originally a barren place where birds had no shit, as long as the Supreme Dragon Vein exists, this place can be completely transformed into a holy land for cultivation.

Obviously, due to the emergence of the Supreme Dragon Vein, the cultivation environment of the original Kingdom of God has evolved into He built a holy land of cultivation, which is the paradise of the Origin Continent.

It’s no wonder that so many cultivators flocked to the primitive kingdom of God, crying and wanting to settle here. It turned out that they were coveting the cultivation environment here.

In fact, in this If you practice in a special cultivation environment, the efficiency may be increased by tens or hundreds of times.

As a result, every cultivator will flock to it.

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