However, at this moment, Furukawa ignored the shock and comments of other people in the original kingdom of God. He looked up and immediately saw the original ancient snake transformed from the original ancient snake talisman appearing above his head.

To be honest, he felt extremely weird.

Because this primitive ancient snake is almost exactly the same as his own body, just like his own clone. But in fact, this is not a clone, but the snake of desire transformed from the primitive ancient snake talisman.

"Master, I can grant you three wishes, no matter what they are, but there are only three wishes."

At this moment, above the sky, the Snake of Desire opened its mouth, and its voice buzzed, as if it were the sound of the law, causing a huge resonance of the law.

It had no emotions, no fear or joy, just There is only absolute reason, because it is the desire snake formed by the condensed power of the wishes of all living beings. It is a one-time creature created to realize wishes.

Therefore, its power is incredible and beyond the imagination of countless living beings.


Hearing this, Furukawa's eyes flashed. To be honest, he really wanted to make a wish to quickly improve his cultivation and advance himself to the peak of the title Lord of the Universe.

But in fact, doing so would probably surpass the Snake of Wishes. The scope of his abilities, and the most important thing is that such an act of plundering will probably make his foundation unstable and may leave huge hidden dangers to his cultivation.

So he will not choose such a wish.

Of course, I want to It is unrealistic to destroy the Lord of the Universe with the three titles of Gnawer, Destroyer of All Creatures, and Brain Eater. It is estimated that the power of the Snake of Wishes has not reached this level.

By the way, at present, he really has a wish. Want to realize it.

That is the gate of space.

To be honest, it takes a lot of time every time he travels from the Six Paths Universe to the Origin Continent. After all, he cannot travel through the void in the cosmic sea, so he needs to fly honestly.

The same is true in the Origin Continent. In this way, even the title of Lord of the Universe, under the suppression of the laws of the Origin Continent, cannot break through the space and can only fly in mid-air.

As a result, the journey alone will take no one knows how long it will take.

If There is such a secret treasure of the universe that can reach the destination you want to go in an instant, so I don’t know how much it will help Furukawa.

"I want a magic weapon that can teleport anywhere."

Thinking of this, Furukawa said to the Snake of Wishes

"This wish is not simple. It requires the energy of three of your wishes. If you grant this wish, the remaining two wishes will not be granted. So are you sure you want this wish?"

The Snake of Desire said.


Furukawa nodded. To be honest, it doesn't matter even if he needs to consume the energy of three wishes. If he gets such a magic weapon, he doesn't know how convenient it will be.

Moreover, the cooling time of the Snake of Wishes is ten thousand years, and he only needs to After waiting for ten thousand years, he can make three more wishes.

It's only ten thousand years. To him, it's just a nap, it's nothing at all.

"That's as you wish."

The voice of the Snake of Wishes rang, and at the same time, its huge snake body bloomed with infinite golden light. An incredible power of desire quickly gathered, seeming to distort various laws of heaven and earth.


The next second , a void wormhole suddenly opened, and a dark golden portal suddenly fell down, just in front of Furukawa.

"Um?! What's this?"

Furukawa reached out and took it. He sensed that the dark golden door was made of a special material. He didn't know what material it was made of, but it contained immortal properties. It seemed that it was difficult to be destroyed by any force.

There is no doubt that this is A cosmic secret treasure, and a high-level cosmic secret treasure, with a level beyond imagination.


Furukawa did not hesitate, his consciousness quickly refined the magic weapon, and all the information about the dark golden door suddenly poured in like a tide. Deep in the sea of ​​his consciousness

"Name: Any Door, Level: Advanced Universe Secret Treasure, Ability: As long as you record the location of the spatial coordinates, then open any door, you can go anywhere instantly, ignoring any space laws."

Any door?!

Furukawa's eyes flashed, and he was amazed. Although the ability of this high-level cosmic secret treasure is simple and not many, there is only one.

But the power contained in this arbitrary door is extremely powerful. What a powerful ability it is to ignore any space and go anywhere at will.

But the most important thing is that the Snake of Wishes really did it. He just made a wish, and the Snake of Wishes really realized it. His wish brought him any door.

The power of this wish amazed him.

"Your wish has come true."

The Snake of Wishes looked at Furukawa. As he finished speaking, its huge figure dissipated in vain, as if all the power of wish was consumed at this moment. There was a bang, and the next second, the sky above All the dark clouds completely dissipated and light returned. The originally huge body of the Snake of Desire also disappeared completely at this moment, as if it had never appeared before, and as if it was a dream.


And the original body The ancient snake talisman seemed to have exhausted all its power and turned into an ordinary talisman. It fell into Furukawa's hand, dim and dull.

"Have you exhausted all the power of desire?"

Furukawa immediately understood why the original ancient snake talisman needed a cooling time of 10,000 years. That's because every time you make a wish, you consume the huge power of wishes accumulated by the original ancient snake talisman.

If there is no power of wish, then It is impossible to make a wish or realize any wish.

And if the original ancient snake talisman continues to evolve, the wishes that can be realized will become more and more powerful, and the cooling time will probably continue to expand. It is only ten thousand years now. , I’m afraid it will be 100 million years or even an epoch in the future.

"It seems that the power of faith is very important, and more believers will need to be added in the future."

Furukawa clenched his fists and his eyes flashed.

To be honest, he had not paid much attention to increasing his followers before. After all, the power of believers' faith is also dispensable for his cultivation, and help is not Very big.

So in these years, he has basically been content with the situation, let nature take its course, and has not interfered with the development of believers.

But it is different now. The snake of desire transformed from the original ancient snake talisman has evolved into a miracle. This is a power that can completely reverse the law.

The help to him is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, it is imperative to continuously increase the number of believers and increase the power of faith.

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