At this moment, the original imperial city palace was in a quiet room.

Furukawa sat cross-legged on the ground, with his body as the center, endless chaotic air currents surged up, seemingly forming a huge chaotic vortex in this place, and the energy almost condensed into substance.

And these chaotic energies seemed to show traces of reincarnation, forming a perfect six-path reincarnation cycle, pouring into every corner of his body, enhancing the original energy.

Vaguely, the endless original laws vibrated, filled with incredible rhythms of laws.


At this time, Furukawa is comprehending some insights gained from the Chaos Bear King, because the other party's body is very special, and it seems that his body has been condensed into a universe. It can be said that every cell in the other party's body is a building. In the vast world, countless cells combine to form a huge and vast universe.

Originally, the Origin Beast clan lived in the secret world of the Origin Continent. Every time the Origin Beast was dispatched, a terrifying tide of beasts would be launched, sweeping in all directions.

But the Beast King who has reached the realm of the title Lord of the Universe is completely different. All their clansmen live in the world of the Beast King's body cells.

It can be said that at this time, one person is a clan, and a clan is one person.

Promotion to the title of Lord of the Universe The Beast King in the Main Realm has completely integrated countless lives of the entire race, gathered the power of infinite sentient beings into one person, and exploded with unimaginable power.

This is the power of the Beast King in the Main Realm of the Universe. It is simply invincible.

You know, If ordinary source beasts face the Lord of the Universe, they are not worth mentioning. A sneeze can kill all ordinary source beasts and turn them into ashes.

In other words, lower creatures are in a battle at the level of the Lord of the Universe. It has no effect at all. It is like cannon fodder and cannot resist the Lord of the Universe at all.

But obviously the beast kings have thought of a solution, which is to let the tribesmen live in their body cells and drain the life force of the entire race. Integrate into one.

Although the power of an ordinary tribesman is very weak and not worth mentioning, like the light of a firefly, if the power of billions of tribesmen come together, it will be a quantitative change that leads to a qualitative change.

Countless weak lives The superposition of power can increase the strength of the beast kings dozens of times in an instant. This is the powerful fighting method of the beast kings.

One person is a clan!

In this way, even if they face those who are fighting at the level of the Lord of the Universe, At that time, the weak tribesmen would not die in the battle at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

Instead, they would still live well under the protection of the beast kings.

To be honest, this kind of fighting method is of great reference significance.

"But this method of fighting doesn't make much sense to me."

Furukawa's eyes showed a glimmer of light, because he took the body of the chaotic universe and merged into the depths of his own sea of ​​consciousness. In fact, it was similar to the fighting method of the beast kings. Moreover, the chaotic universe he took the body evolved into six paths. The universe has given birth to the supreme power of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the combat power it can exert is even more terrifying.

This kind of power gives him hope to aspire to the top.


Suddenly, Furukawa had a whim. It seemed that fate had an inexplicable omen for him, as if there was an inexplicable danger coming from the depths of the void.

Such whims are very rare.

Since his birth, there have been There are only a handful of whims, but every time they happen, something earth-shattering will happen.

"Is there any danger surrounding me?"

At this moment, Furukawa's eyes showed a glimmer of light. The Chaos Bagua Technique in the depths of his pupils kept running, deducing countless messages, and seemed to have seen through the laws of the road of destiny. In the vague, endless cause and effect, reincarnation, time and space, Messages about the laws of destiny and so on were all rushing towards his sea of ​​consciousness, and his soul directly communicated with the Origin Continent.

Somehow, his soul seemed to resonate with the origin of the Origin Continent, an endless wave of destiny. Wrapped in power, he entered a certain future scene.

"What's this?!"

In an instant, Furukawa seemed to see a long river running through chaotic time and space. There is no past, no present, and no future. It is an unimaginable great existence that controls everything and dominates everything.

It seems to exude immortality, eternity, eternity, etc. Waiting for the breath, no one knows when it appears, where it comes from, and why it goes away. Its power is unfathomable and never-ending.

These are the nine masters of the origin continent-the eternal river!

Yes! It is said that its power has exceeded the power of 100 million cosmic reincarnations and reached an unimaginable level of power.

Even the eater, the annihilator, the brain eater, etc. who are called the Lord of the Universe, compared with this eternal river, They are all worth mentioning, just like ants


At this moment, Furukawa wanted to peek into the future. The eternal river, the unimaginable existence, seemed to sense something, and glanced at the past time and space. Suddenly he sensed a huge crisis, as if there was an inexplicable The power of time and space was traced back to his soul along the line of cause and effect.

Such an existence cannot be spied on, sensed, or blasphemed!


In an instant, Furukawa made a decisive decision and immediately activated the Six Paths of Reincarnation in his body. Power, the terrifying cycle of reincarnation seemed to turn into a huge millstone of fate, crushing everything, spanning the deepest part of the long river of time and space.

Immediately, he stopped the prying eyes of the eternal river, and instantly erased the traces of cause and effect on his body, and removed the aura on his body. It was wiped clean, not a drop was left.

With a pop, Furukawa's soul returned to his body at this moment, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. It was obvious that his soul had suffered a lot of damage just now.

"Enemy, malicious!"

Furukawa's eyes flashed with light. Although the space-time scene in the future was just a glimpse, it gave him a great shock and deduced the crisis in the future.

He was actually killed by the Eternal River, one of the nine masters of the Origin Continent. After being targeted, the other party has endless malice, and seems to want to completely erase all traces of itself.

This is an enemy many times more terrifying than the Lord of the Universe, such as the Gnawer, the Exterminator, and the Brain Eater.

If the Eternal River discovers his traces, his existence may be wiped out in an instant. Such a supreme master's power exceeds the power of 100 million universe reincarnations.

No one knows how terrifying the power of the Eternal River is. Such a being is still one of the top three superpowers even among the nine masters.

"Actually provoked such an enemy?"

Furukawa frowned immediately.

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