The human world, a certain vast world

"What? You are a cross-time and space mall trading system, and you have chosen me as the time and space merchant of this world? Through this system, I can trade various items across all realms?"

A fat man in yellow clothes, Wang Yi, was shocked.

When he woke up, he found a strange light spot in the depths of his consciousness. The other party claimed to be a cross-time mall trading system and wanted to sign a contract with him. Soul contract.

As a descendant of a big family businessman, of course he instinctively doubts this kind of thing that comes without asking. The problem is that his home is well-protected and no monsters can come in, so he is aware of this strange light spot in the depths of the sea. Where did it come from?

"That's right, as long as you sign a soul contract with me, you will be a member of the time and space merchant. You only have ten seconds to make a decision. If you miss it, this system will leave you and find the next host."

The cross-time mall trading system said.


Fatty Wang Yi originally wanted to wait for the price, and even refused this system of unknown origin. The problem is that this system is so arrogant and doesn't care about him at all. On the contrary, if he refuses, he will He would leave in an instant and miss himself.

In this way, he hesitated all of a sudden, because he felt deep in his heart that if he really missed this opportunity, he would have missed a supreme opportunity.

"If I refuse, will you leave?"

Fat Wang Yi couldn't help but ask

"Yes, this system adheres to the principle of equal exchange. Only if you are willing, I will bind your soul. But if you refuse, this system will disappear immediately, and you will be completely erased. You still have five seconds to think about the memory of everything in this system. five four three two one……"

The cross-time and space mall trading system said in a deep voice.

She doesn't care at all whether the other party agrees or not, because she can split into billions of system clones. If this one doesn't agree, then just look for the next one.

Anyway, there will always be someone who agrees. If the other party doesn't agree, it will be the other party's loss and miss out on an ultimate adventure.

As a system, its power is beyond imagination and cannot be imagined by ordinary mortals.

"I agreed."

Thinking of this, during the last second countdown, Fatty Wang Yi agreed almost instantly.

Because at this moment, he completely thought clearly that although he was born in a businessman family, he was ranked twenty-third. There is no family inheritance right.

The best outcome is probably to obtain part of the family's management rights and live an ordinary life without worrying about food and clothing.

But Wang Yi is also an ambitious person and is not willing to live such an ordinary life.

Even though there are pitfalls in this transaction, for Wang Yi, it is an opportunity to jump over the dragon's door.

After all, there is no risk in anything in this world. High risk and high reward. He feels that if he misses this opportunity, he will really regret it for the rest of his life.

"Very good, the contract has been reached, and you are welcome to become the 186 million time and space merchant in the cross-time and space mall trading system."The voice of the system came out.


The next second, a huge time and space mall appeared in the depths of Fatty Wang Yi's consciousness. There seemed to be many dazzling merchant lists on it, as well as a large number of cross-time and space materials.

It is really unbelievable that there are so many items that are unimaginable and impossible to buy in this small world, but they are openly sold in the mall.

Phoenix true blood, true dragon bones, innate magic weapons, god-level skills...

Seeing everything above, Fatty Wang Yi felt that he had completely lost his temper. His choice was indeed the right one. If he did not become a time and space merchant, he would probably regret it for the rest of his life and would never get this life-changing opportunity.

"I want to become the strongest time and space merchant."

Fat Wang Yi clenched his fists, showing his blazing ambition.


Six Paths Universe Fairyland, Blue Ocean Planet, in a city

"Are you a killing system? Can I obtain various killing points by killing creatures, and then help me become stronger quickly?"A young man in black, Liu Yu, was shocked.

He was walking peacefully on the street, but suddenly, something unexpected happened. A stone hit him from high in the sky, and he was taken to the hospital in one fell swoop.

When he woke up, When he came over, there was a strange thing in the depths of his consciousness. The other party claimed to be a killing system, which could quickly enhance his cultivation by killing monsters in the world. To put it simply, you can level up by killing monsters.

But this monster's The definition is very broad. All living creatures are monsters. Everyone in the world except me is a monster and a non-human creature.

"That's right."

The killing system said in a deep voice

"I refuse. I will not agree to sign this soul contract with you. Get out of my head immediately."Liu Yu is a cautious person by nature. He never believes in surprises or things of unknown origin.

Especially this evil system, where you can become stronger by killing, you can tell at a glance that it is not a good thing.

Although there are many Everyone wants to have an adventure and soar into the sky, but he is a down-to-earth person by nature. He never does such risky things and is naturally stable. It can be said that he is very stubborn. If he can, he wants to practice to be invincible in the world. Then exit the customs

"I see, that means that you reject the contract of this system and activate the killing mode. In order to avoid the leakage of information about this system, you need to erase your current soul."

The voice of the killing system came out, indicating that it would erase the soul of the young man in black and eradicate the root cause.

This is a very simple thing for a system. Don't think that it can only serve as an auxiliary function. In fact, it itself It's a powerful magic weapon with tyrannical combat power. It's just too childish to erase an ordinary person.


Liu Yu's face turned green when he heard this. He didn't agree and actually wanted to erase himself. This kind of thing I’ve never heard of this before. It’s really something evil. It’s so evil. Those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. Obviously, if he rejects this killing system, he will be in trouble today.

At this moment, he can feel himself Once the destructive aura coming from the depths of his soul breaks out, I'm afraid he will die immediately and die.

"I agreed, I am willing to become the host of the killing system."

Liu Yu immediately gave in without saying a word and directly chose to become the host of the killing system.

Since there is no way to resist in life, he can only accept it. This is the way of Gou, his philosophy of survival.

"The host agrees to sign a soul contract and the contract is established."

The voice of the killing system came out, and a mysterious soul contract instantly enveloped the souls between the two, and the killing system was also parasitic on Liu Yu.

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