Because of this, although this seven-headed sea monster only has the power of millions of cosmic reincarnations, it has survived for a long, long time and has never encountered much danger.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, they were incredibly fast and merged into the chaotic airflow, becoming invisible. They turned around and ran away without any intention of competing with Furukawa.

But at this moment, Furukawa took action and pointed lightly.


With this finger, a black light spot instantly appeared. No, this was not a black light spot, but a black hole, a black hole that swallowed everything in the world and countless substances.

And this black hole is like the origin of the birth of the universe and the first singularity of the universe. It condenses the three thousand laws of the universe and seems to encompass all the power in the world.

In an instant, the entire black hole exploded and expanded rapidly, covering an area of ​​100 million light-years in an instant at a speed that exceeded the speed of light many times.


At this moment, the hairs of the seven-headed sea monsters stood up. They felt that they were enveloped in a boundless black hole, and seemed to be wrapped in endless darkness.

There is no air, no light, not even matter around. This is all darkness, the ultimate nothingness.

"Damn it!"

The seven-headed sea monsters roared, and terrifying power erupted from them, trying to tear apart the dark sky, but no matter how they blasted out their power, it was like sinking into the sea, unable to shake this place at all.

It seemed that they were trapped in In a dark universe.

Blah blah~~

But the next second, light seemed to be born in this boundless dark area, as if it was the first light at the beginning of the universe, tearing apart the thick black curtain and dividing the entire universe into two Half.

But this is just the beginning.

From this light, countless rays of light split, seeming to cut the entire area into billions of pieces, as if to completely separate the area.

"what happened?!"

The seven-headed sea monsters were suddenly stunned. They felt that these lights were shining on themselves, and they almost didn't feel anything. Their bodies and souls were cut into billions.

And they didn't feel any pain, as if this was Of course.


One after another parallel worlds are born in this place. It seems that this area has turned into a miniature multiverse, and all matter has been equally cut into billions.

"Our power, our power is diminishing, what is going on?!"

"Damn it, what did this monster do to us, and why did this happen?"

"Damn it, it's really hateful, we seem to have many more clones. I can feel that there are billions of selves in this area. What is happening?"

The sea monsters all screamed in fear. They were completely confused. Even if they have lived for such a long time, they have never encountered such a thing.

With just a finger, the entire area seemed to be struck by a wave of The spell shrouded the area, causing the area to condense into a multiverse, and all matter was equally cut into billions of parts. What frightened them most was that they didn't feel anything, as if their bodies lacked soul and matter. It is a matter of course.

And this is the horror of Ragnarok. When the magic comes, it can instantly distort the soul perception of life, making them instinctively think that all this is normal, and their soul and material lack It is also a matter of course. Even if one is missing a leg or an arm, it is normal.

By the time they notice it, it is already too late.

It can be said that when Furukawa used this doomsday technique, it enveloped With a radius of 100 million light-years, this area has been shrouded in doomsday spells and condensed into a micro-universe in an instant.

Within the area shrouded in this micro-universe, all living things will be cut into countless clones, as if they are parallel to the mirror. The world is normal.

However, these creatures are not aware of it at all. Instead, they think it is a matter of course.

"The art of parallel worlds that works on reality can also be called the art of cutting parallel worlds. Furukawa was amazed and admired the power of this technique.

When this technique is bombarded, a small parallel universe can be created in an instant. In the area covered by the technique, nothing in the world can escape and can only be absorbed into it. In this parallel universe, powerful life entities will also split into countless individuals, and their strength will be weakened to the extreme.

If these life entities distributed in major parallel universes want to gather together, they must cross other parallel universes and attack Kill the selves in other parallel universes.

The problem is that defeating yourself is the most difficult thing. Even your own enemy is yourself, and no one wants to be the one who is fused.

So you want to defeat yourself in countless parallel time and space and become the only one. It is an extremely difficult thing to do, and it is almost impossible to succeed.

But this is just the beginning.

The doomsday spell of Ragnarok not only cuts the world into countless parallel time and space, but its most important It is to simulate a micro-universe, create a micro-universe, and then accelerate the evolution of the universe, causing the universe to fall into the cycle of epochs and doomsday collapse. In this way, everything will be annihilated in the Big Bang and the collapse of the universe.

This is the real In Ragnarok, countless lives and countless gods were destroyed in the collapse of the era. In the collapse of the universe, everything was completely reduced to chaos.


In an instant, this micro-universe accelerated its evolution, and every parallel time and space seemed to have reached the end of the universe, as if it had entered a cycle of collapse.

Parallel time and space exploded one after another, bursting with destruction, annihilation, destruction, death, decay, etc., and everything came to an end.

"No no no!!!"

The clones of the sea monsters let out shrill screams. They howled in various parallel time and space. If they still have the strength to be called the Lord of the Universe, they may be able to survive the reincarnation of the universe and escape the Big Bang.

The problem is Their strength has long been weakened to the extreme. No matter how strong their individual strength was before, after dividing it by billions, it is still a very small number.

Every sea monster clone is worth mentioning and vulnerable to a blow. , there is no way to escape such a universe collapse, Ragnarok.

Bang bang bang!!!

In an instant, this newly created micro-universe exploded in an instant, producing the devastating power of universe collapse. It seemed that everything was destroyed. Returning to chaos, returning to nothingness, all energy and matter were completely annihilated.

The famous Seven Sea Monsters of the Universe, a monster known as the Lord of the Universe, was also completely destroyed in this collapse of the universe, and both its soul and body were completely destroyed.

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