"You have actually stepped into the realm of the intermediate universe master? It's really awesome."

Furukawa looked at the Star Tree Girl with admiration.

"So-so, just good luck."

When the star tree girl heard this, she was so proud that she could hardly hide it, but she still acted very modestly, saying that this was nothing at all, but just the first step in a long march of thousands of miles.

"But your progress is so fast, does it have anything to do with your parallel universe?"

Furukawa asked curiously.

His parallel world technique was born out of the parallel universe principles of the Star Tree and the World Tree. If not for their inspiration, he would not have been able to comprehend this supreme technique.

"I don’t know, I became like this after sleeping."

The World Tree girl said confidently


The star tree girl also nodded, agreeing very much.


Hearing this, Furukawa's mouth twitched and he was very speechless. He didn't expect that these two guys were just lying down and upgrading. He had no idea how he had improved to this point.

"Forget it, let me see what is happening in your universe."

Thinking of this, Furukawa pointed lightly.


In an instant, the barrier of the supreme universe where the World Tree girl was was instantly broken, and then his huge power of consciousness enveloped the entire supreme universe in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, infinity Endless information poured into the depths of his consciousness at once, and he understood many things that happened in this supreme universe in an instant. Finally, a ray of his consciousness penetrated into this supreme universe, silently


The multiverse, a certain universe, a certain universe.

This world has long been occupied by the Federation of Wizards. Countless beings throughout the world are wizards. Every child of school age needs to go to school and learn all kinds of knowledge about wizards.

In every corner of this world, there are towering wizard towers one after another, filled with huge magical power, like turrets.

This also turns the entire world into a war fortress. Once any enemy invades, they will immediately encounter a powerful blow from the wizard tower, causing the enemy to be wiped out.

At this moment, in a classroom at a certain wizard school, a teacher was making an impassioned speech, and under the podium sat dozens of young wizards of about six or seven years old, all wearing black wizard robes and holding staffs in their hands..

On the blackboard are special wizard symbols, wizard formations, etc., which look extremely mysterious and unfathomable, just like college math problems.

"The wizard is the greatest profession in the multiverse. He pursues the truth, believes in the truth, explores the reality of the universe, and searches for the end of the truth tirelessly throughout his life, never stopping."

The old wizard explained the true meaning of wizards to a group of young wizards. He was extremely proud of the wizard profession.

"Teacher, what is the multiverse?"

A little wizard asked curiously.

Other little wizards are also very curious about this. They are in the process of exploring the entire world, eager to absorb all useful knowledge and arm their heads.

"At first, the wizards thought that the world was a round sky and a square place, and that there was only one and only world. However, the wizards soon discovered that there was not only one world, but countless others, and each world had different civilizations, technologies, and humanities. The same, and countless worlds form a universe."

The old wizard smiled slightly:"But as those powerful wizards continued to explore, they discovered that the universe is not unique, but is multiple, parallel, and non-interfering, so it is called a multiverse.

In other words, there are countless universes outside our universe, but these are all parallel universes. There may be another us living in those parallel universes, but they live different lives and create different civilizations."

"Us from another universe? Is there more than just wizard civilization in the world?"

A group of little wizards were very curious.

They suddenly felt that their eyes were opened. There was not only one world in this world, but also countless worlds. In addition, there were countless parallel universes.

Immediately, they felt that the whole world was really... It’s so big, so boundless, that even the utmost imagination cannot imagine how big the multiverse is.

"Of course, there are not only wizard civilizations. In the multiverse, civilizations are extremely brilliant, giving birth to one civilization after another, and they are extremely powerful, not weaker than us wizards."

The old wizard said solemnly:"For the same reason, in the whole world, there are not only us humans, but also many other powerful creatures, such as dragons, titans, giants, dwarves, elves, goblins, orcs, and tree people. , monsters, even monsters and demons from the abyss world."

After countless epochs of development, the entire multiverse has developed into a civilization of wizards, magic energy, and faith. Many powerful wizards and many powerful gods have been born. The entire multiverse is filled with extremely rich magic energy. Wizards The web also covers every corner of the multiverse, and any mortal can control magic energy.

Dragons, Titans, giants, elves, dwarves, orcs, monsters and other creatures from the Western fantasy world have appeared in this multiverse. , the civilization is extremely brilliant.

Human beings are naturally one of the powerful races in this multiverse. Of course, they are not the most powerful, just part of them. The dragons, titans, giants, elves, etc. are all extremely powerful. civilized race

"That's awesome, teacher, can we communicate with ourselves in other parallel universes?"

A group of little wizards asked chattering.

If they could communicate with themselves in another universe, they didn't know what an incredible experience it would be.

"Of course, ordinary wizards can't do it, but powerful wizards can do it. For example, Merlin, the most powerful wizard in our wizarding world, communicated with himself in other parallel universes and gained a lot of precious and precious wizard knowledge. In the end Only then was it possible to create the entire wizarding world and create this wizarding paradise."

The old wizard said with emotion, admiring the wizard Merlin.

But at this time, his voice changed:"But for a weak wizard, being able to communicate with yourself in other parallel universes may not be a good thing. Sometimes it may encounter danger"

"Why is it in danger?"

A group of little wizards were very curious.

"Well, you are still young, you will know this when you grow up."

The old wizard shook his head and did not explain anything. After all, these young wizards are too young. Does he have to tell these young wizards how cruel this world is?!

If he can kill himself in the parallel universe, he can get it instantly The entire power of another parallel universe will not be wasted at all, and its strength will increase at a speed visible to the naked eye, without any sign of unstable foundation.

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