"Teacher, I heard that there seems to be a war between gods. Is this true?"

A little wizard asked curiously

"of course it's true. The old wizard smiled slightly:"The strength of a god depends entirely on the number of believers. The greater the number of believers, the stronger the god will be."

It is said that some powerful gods will even occupy one world after another and convert the lives of the entire world into believers of this god, which will give them great power.

The problem is that the number of believers is limited, and there are too many gods. In order to increase their power, seize territory, and increase the number of believers, these gods often launch wars in the name of jihad.

In fact, although we wizards are the biggest enemies of these gods, they are not the most important enemies. Their enemies are always the gods themselves, and they are the undying enemies."

In fact, this is also true.

In this multiverse, because too many gods have been born, these gods have become gods through belief. There are other ways to become gods, but they are much more difficult than becoming gods through belief. There is simply no level of difficulty.

Most of the gods became gods through the path of belief, and because there are so many gods taking this path, it is like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge.

In this way, The number of believers is crucial.

Whoever has more believers will be more powerful.

This is also the root of the gap in strength between gods. Therefore, in order to snatch believers, gods constantly launch wars of faith and attack the territories of other gods. Stealing the number of believers and increasing the population of their own territories.

Some powerful gods even directly crossed the multiverse and went to other universes to kill their clones in other parallel time and space to enhance their own strength.

But although they are all clones, each clone They are all independent, with their own experiences, interpersonal relationships, thoughts, and views.

So in fact, each avatar only looks the same, but is actually a completely different life, so they naturally don't want to be alone. After being killed, they hope that they are the last one to survive.

Because of this, wars between gods often occur throughout the multiverse. A large number of gods fall every moment, and a large number of believers change their beliefs.

This also leads to War in the multiverse is frequent, and a large number of lives will die every moment. This also accelerates the evolution of the entire multiverse and promotes the process of history.

In fact, war is often a catalyst for technology, and every war will force itself to accelerate. Evolution, otherwise it will disappear in the dust of history.

As for the wizard civilization, although it is also the enemy of the gods, the problem is that wizards do not actually threaten the foundation of the gods, and have no intention of plundering the believers of the gods.

So to a certain extent It is said that the two are actually inseparable.

If the gods united, with the power of the gods, the wizard civilization would have been sieved long ago, and it would be impossible to survive to the point where it is today.

It can be said that , the wizarding civilization is actually trying to survive in the cracks, and it begins to thrive amidst the suspicion and wars of the gods.

And this is actually an opportunity for the wizards.

"Teacher, if this is the case, which one of the gods is the most powerful?"

A group of little wizards were extremely curious.

Since there are as many gods as stars, there are naturally three, six or nine levels of distinction among the gods. There are weak gods and there are gods that are above all.

"Which one is the most powerful? To be honest, no one is very clear about this kind of thing. After all, each god has different methods. To a certain extent, different gods restrain each other. It is difficult to say who is the most powerful. To a certain extent, a certain god Maybe they can kill other gods, the situation is extremely complicated. The old wizard smiled slightly:"Of course, even so, there are a group of ancient and powerful gods standing above the gods. These gods are undoubtedly powerful. You also need to be careful to avoid offending these ancient gods who cannot be offended.""

He looked at the many little wizards

"Who are they?"

A group of little wizards were extremely curious.

"For example, the original dragon of the dragon clan, the Ten Thousand Mother Dragon God, all dragons believe in it."

The old wizard talked eloquently:"The Titan God of the Titan clan controls the power of thunder and storm, holds a spear, and has unparalleled combat power. Countless gods have died under its spear.

The giant god of the giant family, he is born powerful and sacred. It is said that with his bare hands, he can smash a vast world with one punch. He once spanned the multiverse, fought with other gods, and was besieged by thousands of gods. Being able to escape unscathed is extremely powerful.

The elven god of the elven clan is also extremely powerful and beautiful. He has created the Fountain of Eternity, the Well of the Full Moon and other artifacts. Although he rarely uses them, it is enough to scare other gods."

At this point, he paused, and then continued:"There is also the God of Light who controls the power of light, the God of Darkness who controls the darkness, the Mother Goddess who controls the earth, the God of Sky who controls the sky, and the God who controls the ocean. The god of the sea, the god of Hades who controls the underworld, the god of death who controls death, etc. These are all unimaginably powerful gods."

He said many messages from the gods in one breath

"Teacher, since the gods are so powerful and almost invincible, can we wizards compete with the gods?"

A group of young wizards feel that the wizarding world is in danger. They are being watched by countless gods and are in danger of overturning at any time.

"no need to worry.

The old wizard laughed:"Our wizard world has survived for so long in a world surrounded by gods. Naturally, we are capable. Why are those gods so afraid of us wizards? There is only one reason, and that is that we wizards have mastered the method of becoming gods." , so powerful that it can even kill gods."

"Kill the God?! Is this true?"

The eyes of a group of young wizards lit up, and their moods were surging. They killed gods with mortal bodies. What a feat it was. In the world of gods, it was simply unimaginable.

"Of course it is true. Merlin, the most powerful wizard in our wizarding world, once personally took action and used witchcraft to kill nine gods and shocked the gods. This allowed the wizarding world to survive without being tainted by other gods."

The old wizard touched his gray beard.

Mortals become gods, wizards kill gods?!

These words made many young wizards extremely excited. This is simply a feat, a great example. If Merlin can do it, then maybe they will It can also be done.

And this is also the way for mortals to compete with the gods, the method that makes the gods fear them.

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