At Furukawa's order, the troops of the original Kingdom of God immediately dispatched to occupy the territories of other abandoned countries.

Originally, the masters of the universe in these countries had fled, most of their elites had been taken away, and there was basically not much combat power left, so it would be easy to occupy them.

Even the residents of those countries are willing to accept the rule of the primitive divine kingdom. After all, the reputation of the primitive divine kingdom has long spread in all directions, and is yearned for by countless lives, just like a paradise.

Originally, the primitive kingdom of God was far away and difficult for ordinary life to reach, but now it was actually annexed by the primitive kingdom of God. For them, it was like pie in the sky.

In just a few years, the surrounding ownerless countries were all annexed by the primitive divine kingdom. The territory expanded more than ten times, and the power of the Immortal Monument also expanded and grew further.

The entire immortal barrier continues to expand, and its power is growing at a geometric rate.

"The national fortune has been enhanced!"

At this moment, Furukawa's avatar was also staying in the primitive kingdom of God. He felt that the luck of the original kingdom of God had expanded ten times compared with before.

A huge golden dragon of luck lay across the sky of the primitive kingdom of God. Intangible and incorporeal, it is the condensed power of luck, symbolizing the boundless national destiny of the original divine kingdom.

Moreover, dense luck runes appear on the body of the luck golden dragon, which contains incredible divine power and is almost condensed into substance, as if It has an average attack power.

As long as Furukawa has a thought, he can control the Luck Golden Dragon to carry out devastating attacks on the enemy.

Ordinary monsters, ghosts, ghosts and sprites will be instantly destroyed by the Luck Golden Dragon when they enter the primitive kingdom of God. Even if they encounter any disasters , can also turn bad luck into good luck.

This is the role of the power of luck, and it is blessed by heaven.

"The supreme dragon vein has also been strengthened."

Furukawa clenched his fists. In addition to the increase in the power of luck, the most important thing for the original Kingdom of God is that the power of the Supreme Dragon Veins is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In fact, this is a matter of course.

Those who have been annexed Countries, each country will have a high-level dragon vein, which contains abundant origin energy. It is impossible for the Lord of the Universe to take away these high-level dragon veins.

So when he occupies these countries, these high-level dragon veins will be destroyed by the supreme power of the original kingdom of God. The dragon veins are absorbed by the dragon veins and taken as their own to enhance their own strength.

If someone can see where these dragon veins are located and where they go, they can see the high-level dragon veins all over the earth, running through the land like rivers. , extending in all directions.

In the end, the final destination of these high-level dragon veins is the supreme dragon vein of the original divine kingdom, which is equivalent to the gathering of countless rivers, and finally the sea is formed.

Because of this, the supreme dragon vein of the primitive divine kingdom is produced by quantitative changes After a qualitative change, it expanded more than ten times than before, almost reaching the peak of the Supreme Dragon Vein.

Not many countries with the title Lord of the Universe have such a powerful Supreme Dragon Vein. It is estimated that it is only one step away, and it may be promoted to Chaos. The level of Dragon Vein.

The Chaos Dragon Vein is almost the highest level of Dragon Vein. Legend has it that only the country where the Overlord is located can possess it. It is almost impossible for other countries to have this level of Dragon Vein.

Even if you really have it, you will probably be killed by the Overlord himself. Take it away, you can't keep it at all

"The speed of cultivation is also accelerating, and it seems that the original kingdom of God will soon become a truly supreme cultivation holy land."

Furukawa smiled slightly.

With the increase in the power of luck and the improvement of the Supreme Dragon Veins, the speed and efficiency of his ability to absorb the origin energy have become more than ten times stronger than before. The efficiency has improved too much.

In fact, it is not just him. In this way, the residents of the entire primitive divine kingdom feel this way.

In the primitive divine kingdom shrouded by the immortal barrier, there are naturally places with rich energy and places with thin energy. But even so, even if the energy is thin, It is not comparable to those places with the strongest energy in the country before.

If you have to compare, before it was the cultivation environment of the human world, and now it is the cultivation environment of the fairy world. The gap is so big, so big that it is almost incomparable.

In the original Residents who practice in the Kingdom of God will feel as if they have entered a holy land of cultivation. They don’t know how many times better they are than practicing in the outside world.

"The power of the Immortal Monument has also been increased."

What makes Furukawa most delighted is the power of the Immortal Monument. Obviously, the power of the Immortal Monument is closely related to the power of destiny, the power of dragon veins and the land area of ​​the entire country.

As the power of the original Kingdom of God continues to increase, the power of the Immortal Monument The power is also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the immortal barrier with the immortal monument as the center spread out, covering the land in all directions. The barrier level has also increased from the previous one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred. When it reaches the 1.08 million level, it has increased by more than seven or eight times. The defensive power is too powerful.

If the previous immortal barrier could not resist the ordinary Lord of the Universe, then the current immortal barrier, It is also difficult for the Lord of the Universe with a power of less than ten million universes to enter.

Once inside the immortal barrier, you will be noticed instantly and suppressed by the immortal monument.

Even these immortal powers permeate every part of the original kingdom of God. place, the density of the entire land, mountains, stones, plants, etc. has also increased.

This is like an object living on a planet with ordinary gravity and an object living on a planet with a hundred times the gravity. The densities of the two are completely different. , the quality and level are also different.

It is difficult for ordinary cultivators to destroy the land of the original Kingdom of God, and the surrounding chaotic void has become more solid. It seems that the surrounding materials are constantly evolving.

And this is just the beginning. etc. After the original divine kingdom has completely consolidated the land area it occupies and devoured all the power of the dragon veins, it is obvious that the power of the immortal monument will be further improved, and there will be almost no bottlenecks at all.

"It seems that there is no need to worry too much about the future security of the original Kingdom of God."

Furukawa is very satisfied.

Because the power level of the Immortal Monument is related to the safety of the entire Primitive Divine Kingdom. After all, he cannot stay in the Primitive Divine Kingdom all the time and may always leave. At this time, the Immortal Monument's Power is very important.

If the Immortal Monument is strong enough, even if there is only one secret treasure of the universe suppressed here, it will be like a needle that fixes the sea. Ordinary Lords of the Universe will be helpless.

As for other ordinary Lords of the Universe, if they want to cause trouble in the original Kingdom of God If so, it would be even more self-destructive.

Therefore, the Immortal Monument can also be regarded as the sea-fixing needle of the primitive divine kingdom, one of the strongest barriers. The stronger it is, the safer the primitive divine kingdom will be.

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