XX supreme universe.

Deep in the dark starry sky, one of the planets.

At this moment, the planet seemed to be wrapped in steel and transformed into a huge war fortress, surrounded by densely packed Star Destroyer cannons and battleships.

Once any enemy comes close, they will receive a thunderous blow.

The people who live on this planet are none other than Zero, the strongest god of the Machine Clan, and other gods of the Machine Clan. They are all gathered here.

"Clan leader, after spending hundreds of millions of epochs of effort, we finally succeeded in refining the ultimate magic weapon of our mechanical clan."A mechanical god was extremely excited, looking feverishly at a crystal clear cube floating in the air. It was like a crystal, blooming with bright light.

"Patriarch, what is the magic weapon that we have spent a lot of time and countless efforts to create? Why is it so important that we have not yet begun to conquer this supreme universe?"

A mechanical god asked curiously

"This magic weapon is called the source of fire."

Zero smiled slightly and pointed at this crystal clear cube. It seemed to contain endless mysterious energy. It seemed to be all-encompassing, including the original energy of the entire universe.

Source of fire?!

A group of mechanical gods were curious and looked at it. They can all feel the mystery of this cube, which seems to contain infinite mysteries.

Even gods like them seem to be attracted and want to take this cube as their own immediately.

"Do you know what is the most important thing for our machine race?

Zero said:"Is it a body part?" No, we can replace any mechanical parts and manufacture them. It is not the most important thing.

Is it the equation of life? This set of life equations constructs the behavioral logic of our mechanical family, but this life equation can be changed and is not static.

Is it a computing chip? It is true that computing chips are very important. They symbolize the computing power of our mechanical family. The stronger the computing power, the more powerful the natural robot will be, but we can survive without computing chips.

I think the most important thing for our machine family is the soul. The soul is the core of our machine family. Without the soul, we are just a pile of junk."


Many mechanical race gods nodded involuntarily. Many races believe that their mechanical race has no soul and is purely a unique life composed of smart chips.

But this understanding is really wrong. The lives of their mechanical race and other There is no difference in the lives of the races, they also have souls.

In fact, the mechanical race will go to hell after death, become evil ghosts, and become undead.

This kind of undead is also called mechanical undead in hell, which is very unique.

The reason why There is such a misunderstanding because there is almost no emotion in the lives of the mechanical race. They only have absolute reason and everything they do must be carefully calculated.

"In fact, the number of lives of our mechanical family is limited, not infinite."

Ling said in a deep voice:"The most important reason is that in the mechanical factory created by Father God, the number of mechanical souls that can be born every day is limited, and it is impossible for them to be born without restraint."

This is indeed a fact.

Perhaps in the eyes of other races, the lives of the mechanical race are endless. They all come out of the factory workshop. As long as there are as many raw materials as possible, they can make as many robots as possible.

But in fact, although most robots They are all intelligent beings, but they are not really members of the mechanical family. They are just tool men, equivalent to ordinary intelligent machines.

Naturally, you can make as many soulless robots as you want.

"But it's different now. I spent countless epochs of time and thought, and finally figured out a way to continuously create the life of the mechanical family with energy, and the crystallization of all this wisdom is the source of fire."

Zero stared at the source of fire in the distance, his eyes showing a hint of excitement.

This is an extremely rare thing for Zero, who has long stepped into the realm of the God Emperor, replaced the laws of heaven, and become the law of heaven. After all, Its emotions have not fluctuated much for a long time.

Unless this matter is of great importance, otherwise it will be difficult to arouse Zero's emotions at all.

"Clan leader, do you know what power this fire source has?"

Many mechanical gods asked curiously

"Its power is very simple, that is, it gives soul to all machinery, all inanimate magic weapons, and all electronic products, turning them into real robots."

Zero said seriously:"And it can replenish the consumed energy by devouring the energy of the universe. It is an almost eternal magic weapon and can create a large number of living robots every moment."


Many mechanical clan gods held their breaths. They looked at each other, and they could see each other's shock and disbelief. This incident was really shocking, enough to shock the entire mechanical clan.

Because of such a treasure Once it is born, it is equivalent to a huge increase in the reproduction speed of the entire mechanical family. This is not as simple as several times. It is basically increasing at a geometric rate.

"For example, like this, you can easily create a group of robots."

Zero pointed lightly.


In an instant, the fire source floating in the air vibrated, the internal energy was completely activated, and bursts of blue light burst out from the depths of the fire source.

Suddenly, cars on the ground, Trucks, ambulances, off-road vehicles, alarm clocks and other mechanical equipment seemed to come to life at this moment, taking on an anthropomorphic state.

From the depths of their pupils, clusters of soul fire seemed to emerge.

In all Under the gaze of the mechanical gods, these little guys actually deformed and turned into humanoid robots, possessing the power of the mechanical clan.

"The robots created by the fire source in this way, I named them Transformers."

Ling smiled slightly and said the name he chose.

"Transformers? He is indeed as his name suggests. He is worthy of being the leader of the clan. His talent in naming is really great."

"With the fire source, we can easily create a large number of mechanical life forms. Even if they are reduced to debris, the power of the fire source can keep them resurrected and regenerated."

"You are right. With the source of fire, our mechanical race is simply immortal. Even if we are killed countless times, we can be resurrected countless times. Our mechanical army can literally sweep across the universe."

"There is no doubt that this source of fire is the Dinghai Shenzhen of our mechanical clan. If Father God knew about this, he would definitely praise the patriarch."

A group of mechanical gods came forward to flatter him.

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