XX supreme universe.

In some vast world.

Many sentient beings in the six realms gathered together with sad faces to discuss countermeasures.

"No, we can no longer stay in this supreme universe. Now this supreme universe has become the territory of Buddhism and is full of Buddhist believers. There is no room for us here."

A god said in a deep voice.

He originally thought that he would be able to achieve great things after entering this supreme universe, but who could have imagined that he would encounter the leader of Buddhism - Taoist Jieyin.

Facing this supreme god emperor, there are also The destructive force of Buddhism, no matter it is any force or any god, is no match for Buddhism and has no power to fight back.

"Don't we have any chance?"

Another god asked unwillingly. To be honest, the decision to give up this supreme universe is too difficult. After all, it has been operating in this supreme universe for a long time and spent a lot of effort.

If you quit now, you will lose everything. I don’t know how tragic it is.

And even if it really leaves, if it goes to other supreme universes, it may encounter similar things. Then it will really be a dilemma.

So if it is not a last resort, it will never give up. The Supreme Universe, which has been operating for such a long time, will fight Buddhism to the end.

"There is no chance, there is no chance at all. Perhaps you don’t know yet, but Buddhist believers have filled every corner of this supreme universe."

A god shook his head:"And their souls will not disappear after death. Instead, they will be led to the Buddhist Pure Land, enter the Paradise World, and enjoy eternal life."


Hearing this, many sentient beings in the Six Paths were shocked. They knew that the so-called Paradise is actually the same place as the Hell World, a paradise for the dead. There is no paradise for the dead in this supreme universe. After death, Even after death, the soul completely dissipates and returns to the origin of the universe, never to appear again.

Only those top powerful people whose souls remain after death will cause huge disasters.

However, Buddhist greats such as Jieyin Taoist appear in After this supreme universe, he actually created the Paradise of Paradise himself, created a supreme Buddhist pure land, and led countless dead people into the Paradise of Paradise.

"You must know that all living beings suffer. When people live in this world, no matter they are poor or rich, whether they are men or women, regardless of their status, they are bound to encounter pain."

A god said solemnly:"So almost everyone is looking forward to the afterlife, looking forward to being reborn after death and entering the paradise world, and looking forward to not encountering any pain.

The emergence of Buddhism has brought hope to countless sentient beings and created a paradise after death. As long as they are Buddhist believers, they will enter the paradise after death and enjoy eternal life. In this way, who does not believe in Buddhism?!"


Hearing these words, many sentient beings in the six realms couldn't help but nod. This Buddhist trick is really amazing. It simply captures the psychology of countless sentient beings.

As long as you believe in Buddhism, everyone can become a Buddha after death. , ascend to the Paradise of Paradise, and enjoy blessings.

To be honest, death is always the most feared thing for all living beings. Whether they are princes, generals, or traffickers, they are all extremely afraid of what happens after death.

But Buddhism appears and tells them that after death, they can Entering the Land of Ultimate Bliss and enjoying eternity, who would not be ecstatic, and who would not be scrambling to believe in Buddha.

In this way, in the entire supreme universe, the number of believers in Buddhism is simply increasing at a geometric rate, and there is no need for more. It has spread throughout every corner of the supreme universe for a long time.

At this moment, temples have appeared in every world, and countless Buddhist believers are emerging, which has also made the power of Buddhism grow rapidly.

"Moreover, the most ruthless method of Buddhism is that no matter whether you are a criminal who has committed heinous crimes or a murderous villain, as long as you believe in Buddhism and put down the butcher knife, you can instantly become a Buddha and enter the paradise world. There is no punishment, only enjoyment.."

A god couldn't help but sigh.

This is the terrible faith method of Buddhism, because there is no threshold for believing in Buddha, and anyone can believe in it.

Even before, even if he committed heinous crimes, he would be forgiven by Buddha, and there would be only rewards and no punishment. I guess As long as you are not a fool, you will be willing to become a Buddhist believer.

Just like a multinational company recruits employees, pays generously, and does not value academic qualifications. It will not reject anyone who comes. I am afraid that the threshold of this company will be crossed by job seekers. The same method is used by Buddhism to recruit believers. This is the truth.

The other party does not look at any background or anything when recruiting employees. All living beings are equal. As long as they are alive, they can enter Buddhism and become a member of Buddhism.

Although doing so will lead to a mixed bag of good and bad Buddhist believers, it is good for the family. For Buddhism, which has a great cause, it doesn't matter at all. Under the general trend, these rat shit are irrelevant and cannot destroy the general trend.

As long as the entire supreme universe and countless lives believe in Buddhism and everyone is a disciple of Buddhism, then Buddhism will naturally dominate the world. , become the master of the universe, and become a unique hegemonic force.

This is to dethrone hundreds of schools of thought and respect only the Dharma. In heaven and on earth, I am the only one.

"Originally, such a paradise and the world after death could not be created in the Six Paths Universe. After all, such power was incompatible with the hell power of the Six Paths Universe, and would definitely be struck by thunder."

A god said solemnly:"But it's different when you come to this supreme universe. There is no hell in this supreme universe, and there is no world after death. This gives Buddhism a great opportunity to create a paradise world.

Of course, if you want to create the world after death, the world of bliss is not that simple. You need to master the laws of life and death, reincarnation, cause and effect, world, etc. Even the God Emperor cannot easily do similar things.

It is estimated that Buddhism has thought up this plan for a long time, but now they finally found the opportunity to implement it, so it is like a dragon entering the sea, the sea and the sky are vast."

He expressed his guess. This may be an earth-shattering plan that Buddhism has been planning for a long time. If not, the speed of creating the Paradise would not be so fast.

By the time they know about this, Buddhism will be dead long ago. The world they created was successful, but by the time they wanted to catch up, it was already too late.

After all, there is only one world after death. Once it is conceived, there will be no room for other worlds after death.

"Even so, do we really have no chance? They can spread their faith, and so can we, tit for tat with Buddhism."A group of gods clenched their fists

"Tit for tat?"

Hearing this, a god emperor shook his head and sighed:"You should take a look at the situation outside first."

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