At this moment, in the XX supreme universe, in the paradise world.


Souls that were brought back from various places in the supreme universe arrived in the Paradise in an instant

"Is this the world after death, the paradise?"

"Oh my God, it’s true. There really is a paradise after death. Those monks didn’t deceive us."

"It's really great. I, a very sinful person, can actually enter the Paradise. Buddha is merciful. Buddha is merciful."

"I have lived a very miserable life in this world, but now I can finally enter the paradise world, and I can finally enjoy happiness."

Suddenly, each soul was amazed. They felt that they were summoned by a golden light, and then instantly entered an alien space. This is an unknown world.

Immediately they saw that this was a world with bright golden light. Looking at it, it is simply boundless, as if living in a world in the clouds.

A scorching sun stretches across the sky, seemingly shining on the earth forever, but the sunshine is not vicious, but extremely gentle, just like a mother gently caressing a baby.

Big There are also towering trees growing on the ground, with green trees and a peaceful atmosphere surrounding it. It seems that there is no war, no difficulty, no hunger, no famine in this place.

Golden gravel appears on the ground, as if it were made of gold. It is made of, but it is not an ore, but a kind of golden energy, containing vitality.

Living in this place is like living in a gold mine or living in a palace.

In the distance, there are buildings one after another. From time to time in the temple, there are clear bells, sounds of tapping fungus, and even the sound of chanting scriptures.

Hearing such sounds, they felt that the negative emotions deep in their hearts disappeared all of a sudden..

Whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, Buddhas flew from a distance, holding whisks in their hands, with compassionate faces and boundless Buddha power in their bodies. They just appeared in front of many souls.

"Welcome to the paradise world. You don’t need to worry about anything here. There is no war, no hunger, no fighting, and all living beings are equal. You only need to chant sutras and chant Buddha here, understand the profound meaning of Buddhism, and praise me, the Buddha. It is enough. Buddha will forgive. All your crimes."

A Buddha with his hands folded

"Thank you Lord Buddha for your mercy."

Many souls burst into tears of gratitude. They were all extremely excited. They followed these Buddhas and entered the temples in the Paradise.

And they also became a member of the monks in this Paradise.

Each one of them was extremely pious, After becoming a believer in Buddhism, my body is filled with bursts of golden light of faith, and I seem to be integrated with the Paradise of Paradise and become a part of it.


At this moment, in the deepest part of the Paradise, there is an ancient temple - Leiyin Temple.

A Buddha wearing a golden cassock sits on the lotus, and his body is filled with bursts of Buddha's light. It seems that the place where he is is a supreme Buddhist pure land, which can save all sins.

This Buddha is clearly the guide of Taoism, the ancestor of all Buddhas.

Sitting next to them are Buddhas. They are all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. They have achieved Taoism and Fruition, and their bodies are filled with endless Buddha power.


A Buddha said:"Everything in the plan is going well. Most of the beings in this supreme universe have become followers of my Buddhism. The light of my Buddhism has enveloped every corner of the supreme universe.

After almost all life in this universe dies, whether due to accidental death or illness, their souls will be led into the World of Ultimate Bliss and become part of my Buddhist Pure Land."

"However, although my Buddhist plan went very smoothly, there are still a small number of indigenous people who are still resisting, and there are even many sentient beings in the Six Paths who are trying to sabotage it. We must be extremely careful."

The other Buddha said in a deep voice, expressing that he must be extremely vigilant. The more critical the moment, the more likely accidents will happen. This time the Six Paths Contest for Gods must be foolproof.

Because this is of great benefit to the development of Buddhism, there is no room for loss. If you miss it, If we miss this opportunity, then Buddhism will never have a chance to make its mark in the Six Paths Universe.

"Don't worry, they are just young people. Our Buddhist sect has long been established, and a little trouble is nothing. Even if they unite, they are just trying to control the chariot, not overestimating their own capabilities."

Another Buddha said calmly.

"very good."

At this moment, the Taoist leader smiled slightly:"This is my Buddhist plan for billions of years, to create a Buddhist paradise, a supreme Buddhist pure land. Such a plan is almost impossible to complete in the six-path universe.

Fortunately, the beginning of the Six Paths Conflict for Gods gave us Buddhists the opportunity to go to other universes, and also gave us Buddhists the opportunity to show their talents, so that we can create a paradise in this supreme universe.

Once this plan succeeds, then this supreme universe will be completely refined and turned into my Buddhist paradise, the pure land of Buddhism, containing endless Buddhas, and it will be difficult for any enemy to attack."


With a thought, the entire supreme universe seemed to appear in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. His soul and his consciousness had already spread to every corner of the entire supreme universe.

Even the God Emperor's perfection level It is difficult for a master to spread his spiritual consciousness to the entire supreme universe.

But Taoist Jieyin is different. With the power of the light of guidance, the power of Buddha in him spreads everywhere in the supreme universe, wherever there are Buddhist believers. Wherever there is, the light of guidance is there, and his power is there.

Then his gaze can touch any place.

Vaguely, the depths of the chaotic void of the entire supreme universe have been illuminated by the light of guidance one after another. Through the hole, there is ubiquitous golden light everywhere. It is like a net of attraction, a net of cause and effect, which has long unknowingly enveloped the supreme universe, as if it has preyed on the entire supreme universe and turned it into its own prey..Clatter


Even endless Buddhist energy surges from these guiding lights, showing a golden color, almost condensing into substance, and permeating every place in the supreme universe.

These are the power of faith of infinite Buddhist believers. At this moment, these powers of faith have been gathered together by Taoists and integrated into the origin of the supreme universe.

Basically, every time these Buddhist believers recite sutras and recite sutras, a large amount of faith will be generated.

Taoist Taoist Jie Yin will use the power of these beliefs to continuously refine the chaotic origin of the entire supreme universe, just like a whale swallowing and cannibalizing the origin of the supreme universe.

If the origin of the supreme universe is completely eroded successfully, then the Taoist Taoist Master will succeed in seizing the body and be promoted to the realm of the Lord of the Universe, mastering the laws of the three thousand avenues.

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