
In an instant, the endless calamities of heaven and earth transformed into knives, spears, swords, halberds, bows and arrows, bells, tripods and other supreme killing weapons, all of which bombarded Furukawa.

If ordinary lives encountered a disaster, it would be enough to wipe them out, leaving no residue, and even the entire world would collapse.

With Furukawa's body as the center, hundreds of millions of kilometers in radius were completely blasted and razed to the ground. The surrounding void was completely shattered, and countless void cracks appeared.

Any life that comes close to this place cannot resist it for even a second and dies instantly.

It was as if the malice of the entire world and the entire universe had descended upon Furukawa to completely wipe him out.

"too strong"

"Is this the calamity of heaven and earth? It's so terrifying"

"Rumor has it that every time a calamity of heaven and earth occurs, there will be countless casualties, and even saints may fall as a result."

Many members of the group were shocked when they saw this scene in the live broadcast. Even if they watched it through the live broadcast and did not feel it live, they could still feel the terrifying extent of these heaven and earth calamities, which seemed to be able to attack through the screen. They came to kill each other.

Every one of them was still terrified and overjoyed. If they had been at the scene, I am afraid that in just one second, they would have completely disappeared from this world.


The devil Lucifer was watching from the side, and she felt the deepest. Even as a devil, she had never encountered such a terrible disaster. It seemed that if she got closer, she would completely disappear from this world. This was impossible. The power of imaginary disasters.

Even the gods in the Bible, the legendary infinite dragon god Orpheus, and the Great Red are probably nothing more than this. They cannot compare with this kind of power. The entire demon world is affected by heaven and earth. The influence of the calamity seems to be in a fragmented state. It seems that if this continues, the entire demon world will collapse.

"Is this a taboo existence that can survive the collapse of the universe?"

Devil King Lucifer was inexplicably shocked. Now she truly feels the horror of this taboo existence, which is definitely not something ordinary people can compare to.

In fact, compared with the disaster of the collapse of the entire universe, such a calamity of heaven and earth, I'm afraid It's just a child's play, so this kind of power can't kill such a taboo existence at all.

"The calamity of heaven and earth? Is this the backlash from the origin of the chaotic universe?"

Perceiving the power of heaven and earth to measure calamity, Furukawa smiled slightly.

If he had just been promoted to the realm of the Lord of the Universe, he might not be able to resist the backlash from the origin of the entire chaotic universe, and would be wiped out in an instant.

But today At this point, his cultivation has already entered the realm of being called the Lord of the Universe. He has the power of 25 million universe reincarnations, which is enough to compare with the ancient overlord of the universe.

Although he is far away from the eater and the destroyer of all things, There is still a certain distance between the strongest cosmic overlord like the Brain Eater, but in fact it is enough to run rampant in the cosmic sea.

Even if it is just a clone condensed by him, it cannot be easily wiped out by the origin of the chaotic universe.

"Chaos barrier."

In an instant, Furukawa's thoughts moved and he immediately displayed a supreme magical power. With his body as the center, chaotic air currents and chaotic laws surged from all directions, quickly covering Furukawa's body. Among the surroundings.

Almost instantly, his body was covered with a chaotic barrier, like a huge circular air shield, spreading to thousands of kilometers in radius.

And such chaotic barriers are layered on top of each other, seemingly superimposed. One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred layers, extremely thick, as if any force approaching this barrier of chaos will completely turn into nothingness.


At this moment, billions of calamities weighing on the heaven and earth descended, as if the origin of the entire universe The malicious intent bombarded Furukawa mercilessly, causing a huge explosion and roar.

But what shocked everyone was that Furukawa did not move, just stood there, letting the origin of the chaotic universe , allowing the power of the calamity of heaven and earth to bombard them in all directions at will.

But this time, it was bombarded for three days and three nights. The endless calamity of heaven and earth poured down unceremoniously, as if to vent the anger of heaven and earth, and destroyed this Everywhere was completely exploded, and all matter returned to chaos and turned into powder.

But even so, the power of the calamity of heaven and earth was so terrible, but it could not do anything to Furukawa, and even the clothes on his body were not broken.

All of them Liangjie was blocked outside Furukawa's chaotic barrier, which seemed to be an unbreakable circle, leaving him in an absolute realm.

In the end, all the energy of Liangjie in heaven and earth disappeared at this moment, and the calamity in the depths of the void The power also completely disappeared at this time and ceased to exist.

Obviously, the origin of this universe also believed that it could not help the existence of this taboo. Even if it tried its best, it could not exclude such people.

In the end, it could only admit Furukawa exists. After all, if this continues, Furukawa will not be killed. If the original energy is exhausted, it will only cause the chaotic universe to collapse prematurely and return to chaos.

This is also something that the origin of the chaotic universe cannot accept.


At this moment , all the power of the disaster disappeared. After the rain, the sky cleared. With Furukawa's body as the center, everything with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers had been completely blasted and razed to the ground.

"A nice massage."

Furukawa moved his muscles and bones, stretched a little, and there was a popping sound. The infinite calamity before had only loosened his muscles and bones, and could not do anything to him. Even if he was just a clone, But that is also the avatar of the Lord of the Universe, and it is not something that the origin of the chaotic universe, which is just in its early stages of growth, can do anything about.

"Monster, really a monster"

"Even the calamities of heaven and earth can't do anything to him. It's really terrible."

"Oh my god, is this a taboo existence that cannot be killed even if the universe collapses?"

"The ultimate of Tao, this is the ultimate of Tao, the supreme existence that brings the Tao to its end."

In the cross-universe chat group, each group member was extremely excited and scrolled. They felt that they had really met an unimaginable big man.

Before that, they had never thought that there would be such a thing in the world. The existence of such a taboo is really unbelievable. The existence of the other party alone is beyond the scope of their imagination.

If they had not witnessed it with their own eyes, how could they believe that such a life actually existed? This is the decay of the universe, but I But they are immortal legends.

But they also have a trace of ambition deep in their hearts. If such a life really exists, then they may also hope to become such an immortal existence.

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