"You are really too weak."

Furukawa stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Thanos with great pity.

Although Thanos wore the Infinity Gauntlet and used the power of the six infinite stones to deliver a powerful blow, it was only at the level of an ordinary saint, barely reaching The level of the Saint of Hongmeng.

If it is the strength of Thanos himself, it will be even weaker. It is estimated that it is not even as good as the Saint who has mastered several laws of the avenue, but is the weakest magic weapon.

In fact, the reason why Thanos is so weak is actually It has nothing to do with his own qualifications, it is purely caused by this multi-parallel universe.

Thanos's own qualifications are extremely powerful, and he is the evil genius of the Titan clan. The problem is that he is divided by countless parallel universes.

Even a top genius will be incredibly weak if he is divided into countless parts.

If he can kill himself in countless parallel universes, devour Thanos in other parallel universes, and become the only true self, he may be able to compare with the real self. Hongmeng Saint.

But obviously Thanos cannot do this, so even if he reaches the realm of a saint, he is only the weakest saint and is not worth mentioning at all. It is estimated that even if I, Lingbao Tianzun and other saints come Here, all life in this chaotic universe can be easily destroyed without wasting much effort.

To be honest, although this kind of multi-parallel universe has amazing potential, if it fully grows up, it will be a very powerful universe.

The problem is This is a universe that belongs to the later stage, and the resources that need to be consumed are staggering.

From ancient times to the present, no multi-parallel universe has been able to grow to the later stage, and they are usually killed in the early stage.


Hearing this, Thanos couldn't believe what he heard. He was so angry:"How dare you say that Thanos, who has obtained the power of six infinite gems, is weak? Do you know that I can do whatever I want? With a snap of my fingers, I can destroy life in half the universe. I am the invincible god of the multiverse. Do the invincible gods know this?"

He was so angry that he wanted to kill Furukawa immediately.

After all, in order to obtain the six infinite stones, he wanted to gain invincible power, but this mysterious figure in front of him actually dared to underestimate himself like this. It was really abominable.

This made him simply I couldn't bear it, I was so angry that I could hardly speak.

"Invincible god?"

Furukawa suddenly laughed:"What a frog in the well. After staying in his own well for too long and claiming the throne, do he really think he is invincible? This universe is very big. There are countless people like you in the endless sea of ​​universe.

You said you could wipe out life in half the universe with just a snap of your fingers? For such a childish thing, there is no need to wear the Infinity Gauntlet or the six Infinity Stones, just blowing a breath is enough."


Thanos's eyes widened and he stared at Furukawa.


In an instant, Furukawa blew a gentle breath at Thanos.

And this breath was not another breath, but Chaos Gangfeng, the Chaos Gangfeng that blows in the chaos all the year round, all the time.

Any substance, any life, any world, encountering the Chaos Gangfeng will be completely reduced to nothing, and will be shaken into powder in an instant. Falling into a state of eternal destruction.

With a bang, Thanos had no idea what was happening. He couldn't even resist a step. His whole body disappeared, blown away by the chaotic wind, and his body turned into atoms. Completely disappeared into the starry sky.

Even the chaotic wind spread out in all directions, and wherever it went, planets and stars were instantly shattered into pieces.

It was just a matter of a moment, Several surrounding galaxies have been completely wiped out, and all planets seem to have been wiped out at this moment. No matter can survive.

And in this starry sky, there is only one Infinity Gauntlet and six Infinity Stones left. , and Furukawa standing alone in this place


Naturally, this scene was also seen by the friends in the cross-universe chat group. They were all scared to death and dumbfounded.

"Your sister, this super villain who wanted to destroy the entire universe was actually destroyed by a big boss?"The young man who is proficient in alien fire was completely stunned.

Through the live broadcast of the cross-universe chat group, he also clearly saw the scene of Furukawa killing Thanos.

You know, this is the strongest villain that can threaten the entire multiverse. , the ultimate villain that made Iron Man Tony lower his proud head and beg Furukawa to take action.

One can imagine how terrifying such an existence is. With just a snap of his fingers, half of all life in the universe can be wiped out.

But now, He was killed just by Furukawa's breath. This is really an exaggeration.

"Tragic, really miserable."

The sword-crazy Tomato felt that he felt a little pity for Thanos, and said:"This can be said to be the worst villain. I originally thought that after obtaining the ultimate treasure, I could finally come out and become invincible in the world.

But just after I came out of the mountain, I actually met the real ultimate boss, and he was killed after being blown away. He didn't win for a long time. It made me want to cheer for Thanos."

"I've said it a long time ago, the boss is no ordinary boss at all, this is a monster that has lived for countless epochs. The boss is the true ultimate villain, the invincible devil. Thanos is not worth mentioning at all. Even if he has an immortal treasure in his hand, it will be of no avail. The gap between the two sides cannot be bridged by treasures."

Bima Wenmengshenji sighed with emotion.

"But why didn't the boss seem to show such terrifying strength before?"

Tang Sanshao, who is proficient in martial arts, couldn't help but ask

"Do you still need to ask? Before, the big boss must have not used even one trillionth of the power, for fear of blowing up the universe where the devil Lucifer lives. Now it is just a small test."

The monster sage Yakumo Murasaki said matter-of-factly.

"Haha, the boss didn't take action seriously, destroyed the universe I was in, and left me a relatively complete nest. I'm really grateful."

The corners of Demon King Lucifer's mouth twitched. She didn't know what to say. The boss didn't go all out to blow up the world she was in. She should be grateful?!

This feeling is too weird.

"You're welcome, if you're interested, you can invite the boss to travel to your universe."

Jin Shining said loudly.

"Travel your sister."

Devil King Lucifer bared his teeth, wishing to beat this mean-mouthed Jin Shining to death. It would be extremely terrifying for such a big boss to appear in any universe.

Just one visit, she was so scared that she couldn't sleep for days. , come again, I'm afraid she will almost go crazy with fear, fearing that the world will be destroyed.

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