At this moment, in a certain elementary universe.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

After collecting the first batch of six dead souls, the Lord God Space immediately transferred these six dead souls to one of the elementary universes according to the spatial coordinates provided by the cross-universe chat system, and began the first trial of the Lord God Space.

At this time, there were thirteen people lying in a forest. After a while, they finally slowly woke up and regained their consciousness.

"This, what is this place?"

At this moment, the first person woke up first. His name was Liu Banxian, but his head was dizzy at the moment and he didn't know what happened.

"Wait, am I dead? Why does it look like it's still alive now?"

Liu Banxian was stunned. He remembered that when he was going through the thunder tribulation, he was struck to death by the thunder. He should have been wiped out long ago, but now he is not dead yet. This is really unbelievable.


In an instant, a huge message poured out from the depths of his consciousness. This was a message transmitted from the Lord God's space. The purpose was to tell these trialists what the current situation was.

"It turns out that I was revived by the so-called Main God Space, and then became a warrior of the Main God Space. Only by passing the tasks issued by the Main God Space can I continue to survive."

After receiving the message from the Lord God Space, Liu Banxian suddenly understood his current situation. Originally, he was indeed dead and should go to hell to be reincarnated.

But he was rescued by the mysterious Lord God Space and returned to this world again. Resurrection.

But this is not without a price. The price is to complete one task after another issued by the Lord God Space and work hard for the Lord God Space. Whoosh whoosh!!!

At this time, the other twelve people gradually woke up. Come over and slowly regain their consciousness. They obviously also received the message from the Lord God Space.

Because this is the first batch of warriors from the Lord God Space, the Lord God Space is basically carefully selected. They all They were extremely powerful cultivators.

However, they died suddenly due to various accidents or being killed by enemies.

Otherwise, all of them would definitely become big shots and stand out.

So not long after, They quickly figured out what was going on and calmed down immediately.

"Haha, it seems that we are very lucky. We were actually saved by this main god space and resurrected. We really saved a small life."A middle-aged man laughed, very forthright and open-minded.

"It seems that we are all in the same situation. After we died, we were resurrected by this main god space. But being able to resurrect so many dead people at once, it seems that this so-called main god space is not simple."

A young man in white had a glint in his eyes.

"Of course it's not simple.

Another woman in purple sneered:"Anyway, I have met many big figures in the world, but I have never seen anything like this. Being able to resurrect the dead and snatch the souls from hell is a serious crime."

Just resurrecting one person is enough, but resurrecting so many people at once is equivalent to robbing business from hell and will offend many gods in hell.

And this so-called main god space is so bold, resurrecting so many people at once, and has no fear. I am afraid that the creator of this main god space is probably those high and unfathomable chaos demon gods."

She expressed her guess.

She was also a big shot during her lifetime, but she was killed by her enemies because she failed in her struggle for power. But that doesn't mean she is a waste, it just lacks bad luck.

"This is indeed the case, and according to what the Lord God Space said, this is not the Six Paths Universe, but other universes."An old man wearing a Taoist robe smiled slightly,"The ability to teleport us to other universes is probably not something that ordinary Chaos Demon Gods can do. At least it can only be done by the top Chaos Demon Gods."

He also agrees with the woman in purple.

"Interesting, if this is the case, what do the top Chaos Demon Gods want to do? In the eyes of those top Chaos Demon Gods, we are nothing more than ants, not worth mentioning at all. Why should we be saved?"

A young man in blue said in a deep voice.

"Who knows, the thoughts of the Chaos Demon God are not something we can guess. Maybe they have lived for too long and are bored, so they want to capture us and play a game. It is very likely that the big shots from above are watching us secretly, just like watching TV, watching us struggling to survive, and some big shots may even be gambling on which of us can survive the longest."The young man in white smiled slightly.

"play games? Are you kidding me, resurrecting all of us, and then catching us in other universes, just to play games, watch us dying, and even gamble in front of the screen?!"

The young man in blue was very angry. He was so angry that he felt like a puppet manipulated by the big man behind him and lost all his freedom.

"angry? Are you actually angry? It's so interesting."

When the woman in purple saw the young man in blue, she immediately laughed, laughing very loudly.

"Aren't you angry? Are we so fooled? Just thinking about being treated like an animal for viewing makes me feel sick and want to vomit."

The young man in blue said angrily. He felt that these people were simply crazy and unreasonable.

"So what if you are fooled, the weak are weak and cannot resist the power of the strong. If you are fooled, you can only blame yourself for being too weak and cannot blame others."

The woman in purple sneered:"And even if you are angry, so what if you are angry, what can you do in the face of the power of the Chaos Demon God? Can you bite them to death? What you said is just the wail of a weakling. It is of no use at all. Instead, it may be regarded as a joke, an interesting performance, just like a monkey."


The young man in blue was shocked and angry, and his face was extremely ugly. He wanted to refute something, but he couldn't refute anything.

Because the words of the woman in purple were true and to the point, and he had no way to refute.

After all, it was the truth. That's it, even if he knew that the Chaos Demon God was controlling him behind his back, so what if he knew that the other party was watching a monkey show, he had no choice but to sulk. He even had no way to get close to the other party.

Any words he said were just for the weak. Wailing, like a bereaved dog, will only be laughed at.

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