Of course, Furukawa did not say that he suppressed not only the gnawers, but also the three masters of the universe, such as the exterminator and the brain eater.

If it were told, it would definitely scare these three guys half to death.

After all, just suppressing one cosmic overlord is extremely difficult, let alone three cosmic overlords. This is simply unheard of.

So he had no intention of telling this matter. Just suppressing the Gnawers was enough to make these three ancient universe overlords take him seriously.

Even when you are in the limelight, you should remember that going too far is never enough.

"No wonder you were able to leave the chaotic universe and go to the Origin Continent, and soared into the sky, even being promoted to the title of Lord of the Universe in a short period of time. It turned out that you suppressed the Gnawers."

The Void Angler took a deep look at Furukawa.

To be honest, Furukawa was just a country bumpkin before, a native who couldn't get out of the chaotic universe. He was not much different from all other living beings, and he couldn't catch his eye at all.

But now Well, he has grown to the point where he can be equal to him.

No, it is not just as simple as being equal, even he cannot ignore the threat of Furukawa.

After all, even the Gnawer can be suppressed, so he, the Void Angler, will not be an exception. , although I don’t know what method the other party is using, but this incident is enough to prove the strength of the other party and should not be underestimated.

In fact, if he did not have this ability, it is estimated that the other party would not dare to let him fish, and take advantage of this opportunity to directly come and fight Meet him.

This incident alone is enough to prove how confident the other party is in himself. Even if he faces an ancient universe overlord like himself, he will not be afraid at all.

It can only be said that young people nowadays are getting more and more scary. Rising stars emerge in endlessly

"That's pretty much it for me. I don't know what you call them?"

Furukawa looked at the other two old men. To be honest, he knew the true identity of the old man in gray robes was the Void Angler, but he didn't know the true identities of the old man in white and the old man in blue.

But since he can be friends with the Void Angler , I’m afraid they are also old monsters of the same level, otherwise it would be impossible for them to talk to each other in this tone.

"How rude, I didn’t expect that we haven’t introduced ourselves to the guests yet."Hearing this, the old man in white smiled slightly,"To be honest, I have almost forgotten my previous name. After all, I don't know how many thousands of universes have passed. Now many people call me the prophet."


As soon as these words came out, Furukawa's body trembled and his eyes flashed. He had collected a lot of information about the Lord of the Universe, including the Prophet, an ancient overlord of the universe. It is said that this overlord of the universe It is an extremely mysterious and powerful existence in the Origin Continent. It is said that he can predict the future and understand the past. He is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

I don’t know how many masters of the universe want to find the prophet even if they pay a huge price. , let the other party help you predict and gain insight into your future.

You must know that after reaching the realm of the Lord of the Universe, it is almost impossible to predict the future.

After all, every Lord of the Universe is an existence that transcends the laws of the great road. , is not within the Five Elements, and can interfere with future developments in every move. It is simply wishful thinking for other masters of the universe to predict the future of other people. Even once the masters of other universes sense that someone is predicting themselves, a war will instantly occur between them. It can be said that they are the kind of people who will not stop until death, and will even suffer from the backlash of cause and effect.

But the prophet, the ancient overlord of the universe, can withstand the pressure of countless masters of the universe, and from countless impossible results , deducing a clearly visible future and finding a feasible path.

One can imagine the terror of this ancient overlord of the universe.

It is said that many Lords of the Universe once wanted to cause trouble for the prophet because of his prediction, but The prophet had known about this for a long time and avoided seeing it.

As a result, the other masters of the universe could not find the prophet no matter what. In the past countless reincarnations of the universe, they had never seen the prophet, so in the end they had no choice but to give up..

Of course, there are some titled Lords of the Universe who still refuse to give up, but each of these titled Lords of the Universe actually suffered misfortunes. Either they met an enemy and died together, they entered a dangerous situation and died, or they died in an accidental natural disaster.

Appeared After these things, the reputation of the prophet became even more famous, and the prophet became a taboo existence among the countless Lords of the Universe, who must not be provoked. To be honest,

Furukawa did not expect that he would meet in this place. The fate of a famous prophet is really wonderful.

After all, other masters of the universe could not find the prophet even if they tried hard to find the prophet, but he found the prophet accidentally. It is really incredible.

"It turned out to be a prophet, whom I have admired for a long time."

Furukawa looked at the old man in white with burning eyes, and then turned to look at the old man in blue, because he felt that this old man in blue was not simple, and he was not as good as the other two ancient universe overlords.

"I am actually not as good as these two old guys. I am just good at fighting. Because I have fought a little more often, I am somewhat famous. People outside call me the Immortal."

The old man in blue laughed.


As soon as these words came out, Furukawa was even more shocked. The three words"immortal" were like the thunder of chaos, vibrating back and forth in the depths of his consciousness.

How can this be counted? He is somewhat famous. If the Immortal is somewhat famous, then the other Masters of the Universe can only be regarded as unknown.

In fact, even among the many Masters of the Universe, the reputation of the Immortal can be ranked among the top. 10.

You must know that it is easy to live forever, but it is difficult not to die.

Even if you are promoted to the realm of the Lord of the Universe, you will die if you encounter a powerful enemy. No one can guarantee immortality. This is the difficulty of immortality.

But as for the immortal, he Completely different.

According to incomplete statistics, the undead have experienced countless battles in their lives, including countless near-death battles. They have also encountered unimaginable heavy losses and injuries, and have entered countless ordinary titles. The Lord of the Universe considers them to be... The danger of death.

Even the most famous achievement of the undead is the battle with the Overlord, but after withstanding the attack from the Overlord, he was able to survive. This battle simply shocked the entire continent of origin. Because of this, the undead It began to become famous throughout the Origin Continent, making all the masters of the universe believe that the undead had really realized the ability to die.

After all, even the master could not kill him, so one can imagine what a terrifying monster this was.

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