
Furukawa's eyes flashed. He could feel the unusual and strange spiritual power coming from the brainwasher. It ignored any of his own mental and physical defenses and directly reached his soul. At this moment, he actually felt All kinds of hallucinations are almost irresistible.

You must know that he is a real master of illusion and an expert at playing with souls, but when faced with the power of the brainwasher, he actually feels like he can't stand it.

If the brainwasher faces other names in the universe, According to the Lord, wouldn’t that be in a state of ruin?!

"The ordinary title of Lord of the Universe cannot have such power of illusion. The reason why this brainwasher has such unusual mental power is that he probably has the origin text."

Furukawa stared at the brainwasher. He sensed that the power of the powerful origin text was permeating the brainwasher. It seemed that the power of the law of origin greatly increased the mental energy of the brainwasher.

"Can you actually withstand my mental power?"

Seeing Furukawa's appearance, the brain was also surprised, but it quickly calmed down and sneered:"You are considered a smart person, and you actually saw that there are origin words on my body. Yes, I am walking. The reason why I have been invincible in the universe sea for so many years is because I got two origin words from the Gate of Origin: Du Hua.

With the supreme transformation power of these two origin words, coupled with the transformation technique I have practiced, it is simply invincible. Even the title of Lord of the Universe cannot escape my brainwashing."

It made a jeering laugh.

But the sound also contained terrifying and weird mental fluctuations, which penetrated into the chaotic void and directly covered the depths of Furukawa's sea of ​​consciousness. It seemed to arouse the fear in Furukawa, causing him to have a fear in his heart. Flaw.


In an instant, bursts of strange sounds erupted from it, as if they were the whispers of evil gods.

When an ordinary person hears such a sound, he will immediately become insane, go crazy in an instant, and completely lose his mind.

"Surrender to me, surrender to me"

"I am the supreme god, the lord of all origins, the supreme great supreme, the father of all life."

"Believe in me, worship me, surrender to me, take refuge in me, I am the destination of all life."

The endless whispering voice of the evil god is instilled, permeating the chaotic void in all directions. This is the power of transformation and brainwashing that transcends everything.

Even the ordinary title of the Lord of the Universe can hardly resist such a power of transformation. Of course , this is not only the transformation power of the brainwasher itself, but also the transformation power of the origin text. This increases the transformation power of the brainwasher hundreds or thousands of times.


Furukawa sensed that endless evil spiritual power was infiltrating. This was the transformation power from the Gate of Origin. It seemed to be able to transform all creatures and make countless creatures convert to it.

As long as the creatures with insufficient spiritual power would Was completely transformed and became a puppet of the brainwasher

"Interesting, you actually want to forcibly convert me?!"

Perceiving such a huge power of transformation, Furukawa suddenly smiled. To be honest, he is a Chaos Demon God with infinite power of faith. He has transformed masters of the universe one after another.

Especially after creating the Six Paths of Reincarnation. , became the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and gained the faith of countless sentient beings in the entire Six Paths Universe.

Although he is a younger generation and not as old as the brainwasher, when it comes to believers, the brainwasher cannot compare to Furukawa's painstaking efforts. The title of the Lord of the Universe.

When it comes to the quality and quantity of belief, the brainwasher is no match for Furukawa. The only advantage of the brainwasher is that he has mastered two origin texts, which allows him to have extraordinary transitions. The power of transformation is simply invincible.


In an instant, Furukawa took action, casting a doomsday-level spell—True Lie!

This technique can be called one of the most powerful techniques in his body. It is infinitely powerful and follows his words. Everything he says must be true, even if it is false, it will definitely come true.

It is a supreme doomsday magic that can distort reality, reverse right and wrong, and make lies come true. It has incredible power and is beyond the imagination of all living beings.

"I am your father"

"I am your father"

"I am your grandpa"

"I am your master."

A sentence came out of Furukawa's mouth. Although it was simple and crude, it contained the supreme power of magic. It could distort reality, distort cause and effect, and confuse right and wrong.

"You are my father, my father, my grandfather, my master!"

In an instant, the brainwasher was confused. It felt that its cognition seemed to be forcibly changed, its memory was being tampered with, and even the causal relationship was reversed. There were many more things in the depths of its consciousness. What a false memory, it seems that it itself was created by Furukawa, and its life and death are all under Furukawa's control.


Just when this technique was about to be completed, suddenly, from the depths of the brainwasher's consciousness, The two origin words at the place instantly burst out with terrifying power of origin, tearing everything apart. The supreme magical power that originally enveloped the brainwasher was torn apart in an instant, as if pierced by countless rays of light. , which instantly shattered the doomsday-level magic spell performed by Furukawa - the true lie.

In an instant, the brainwasher was in a trance, and suddenly woke up from the process of memory tampering. Thinking of what just happened, it was shocked and confused. Angry, furious

"Bastard, you fucking dare to tamper with my memory, how dare you transform me?!"

The brainwasher is completely crazy, simply furious.

It has always been the only one that tampered with the enemy's memory, brainwashed the enemy, and reduced the enemy to its own slaves and puppets, but it has never tried to be transformed by others.

But not now It's the same. The Lord of the Universe in front of him actually masters the same power of transformation as his own, even more mysterious and secretive than his own.

If its technique of transformation is violence, forcing the enemy to surrender to him. , extremely simple and crude, using power to overwhelm people.

Then Furukawa's technique of crossing is the ultimate in skill, deceiving the enemy, tampering with the enemy's memory, making the enemy willing to be deceived, and minimizing the psychology of resistance.

It can be said that these two There are advantages and disadvantages to all kinds of transformation techniques, but it is obvious that from the effect alone, there is no doubt that Furukawa's transformation technique is more mysterious.

It is like a robber who robs by force without any skills. The content is negligible.

The other is a clever thief who stole the treasure silently.

There is no doubt that Furukawa is the most clever thief. Even without the power of the origin text, he can easily transform the universe. Lord.

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