Just like the Lord of the Universe such as the Eater, the Exterminator of All Things, and the Brain Eater, the reason why their strength is so strong is because they have obtained the Origin Script.

Then they combined with their own strength, so that the combat power on their bodies was improved geometrically, which was simply the realm that could dominate the master of the universe.

Invincible overlords in addition to dominance.

From this, it can be seen that the importance of the origin text is no less than the power of the universe secret treasure.

“Found the origin text?”

Furukawa’s eyes showed a hint of essence.

To be honest, if it is the Lord of the Universe with other titles, it is estimated that you can only rely on luck to find the origin text, but with luck, you can find several origin texts.

It is like the title Lord of the Universe like the Prophet, who has the ability to predict the future, but even so, there are still very few origin words obtained from his body.

From this, we can see how difficult it is to get the origin text.

It is estimated that most of the origin texts have long been divided by the lords of the title universe, or even completely refined, if you want to get these origin words, you can only kill these title universe lords.

The problem is that if the title Lord of the universe is so easy to kill, maybe the powerful title Lord of the universe can defeat the other party, but if you want to kill, it is extremely difficult.

Even if you can’t beat the other party, you can easily escape.

After reaching this realm, unless it is to master the killer universe secret treasure or secret art, it is too difficult to kill the title of the lord of the universe of the same rank, almost impossible to do.

But obviously Furukawa is different, he has a universe secret treasure such as the wish compass, as long as he makes a wish, he can find any secret treasure in the world.

With this cosmic secret treasure, he didn’t know how many difficulties he had passed.

It can be said that he can improve to his current cultivation, and one-third of the credit is on the Wish Compass.

“Wish compass, where can you find a large number of ownerless origin texts?”

Thinking of this, Furukawa immediately took out the wish compass from his body, he wanted to find the ownerless origin text, so that he could avoid conflicts with other titles of the Lord of the Universe.


In an instant, the wish compass began to move, and the pointer on it rotated wildly, vaguely seemed to trigger the power of fate in the depths of the void, and spied into the deepest part of the river of fate.

At the same time, Furukawa sensed that the huge power of essence blood in his body was swallowed and absorbed by the wish compass as if he did not want money, and it seemed that most of the essence blood power was lost every second.

You must know that he has been promoted to the realm of the title Lord of the Universe, and he has 50 million cosmic reincarnation power in his body, and the power of essence and blood in his body does not know how huge it is.

But at this moment, he felt a feeling of weakness coming from his body, and it can be imagined that in order to realize this wish, the wish compass devoured most of the essence blood power in his body.

And this is the weight of this wish, it is not small, if it is the lord of the universe with other titles, it may be swallowed up by the wish compass, and there are no bones.


At this moment, the wish compass finally stopped, and the pointer on it seemed to stay in the southeast direction, as if pointing to a certain place in the cosmic sea.

And at this time, Furukawa sensed that most of the essence blood on his body had been lost, but fortunately at this moment he finally found some ownerless origin texts, otherwise he might not be able to support it.

“Interesting, go over and take a look.”

Thinking of this, Furukawa instantly condensed a doppelganger, carrying the wish compass, and quickly advanced towards that place in the direction of the wish compass pointer.


In the blink of an eye, millions of years have passed.

Furukawa flew all the way and finally reached the place indicated by the Wish Compass, which was a secret realm of the cosmic sea.

“Is this the legendary cosmic garbage dump?”

At this time, Furukawa stared ahead.

He found that what appeared in front of his eyes was an endless, milky way-like area, which was filled with all kinds of cosmic garbage.

The void in the entire area was distorted, and dense void cracks appeared, and it seemed that if you rushed in, you would be swallowed by the void rift, and there would be no corpse.

When he was in the Origin Continent, he had heard other masters of the universe say similar places.

Once upon a time, there were wars in the cosmic sea that claimed the title of Lord of the Universe one after another, and this war stretched for billions of trillions of light years and affected countless universes.

As a result, these universes exploded and fell apart, making this area an extremely dangerous secret realm, containing countless cosmic garbage.

At the same time, some titled masters of the universe often throw some extremely dangerous substances into it, and over time, this place has also become a famous cosmic garbage dump.

Over time, this place seems to have undergone various strange changes, giving birth to strange and terrifying cosmic sea monsters, plus an extremely dangerous environment inside.

Therefore, even the title Lord of the Universe does not dare to break into this place casually, and it is said that all the lives that break into the Cosmic Garbage Dump basically do not come out.

Because of this, this cosmic garbage dump has also become a forbidden place in the minds of many universe lords, and no one will come to this place if it is not necessary.

“Huh? It actually produced a chaotic vortex with devouring power?! ”

Furukawa’s eyes showed a hint of essence.

He sensed that the entire cosmic garbage dump seemed to form a huge chaotic vortex, and its central place swallowed matter from all directions from time to time.

It may also be because of these devouring forces that the area of this cosmic garbage dump is getting bigger and bigger.

“Wait, there are really a lot of people taking out the trash.”

Furukawa blinked.

He was surprised to see that in the outer area of the cosmic garbage dump, huge trans-space-time teleportation arrays appeared, arranged with dense forbidden formations, and did not know where to connect to.

I saw that these cross-time teleportation arrays instantly lit up, and then a large amount of harmful garbage poured down from it, as if they didn’t want money, and they all poured into this garbage dump.

It can be said that at every moment, there will be a large amount of garbage pouring down from the cracks of time and space.

It is entirely conceivable that the formation of this cosmic garbage dump also has a great relationship with many masters of the universe.

Of course, because the cosmic sea is too big.

There are still many similar cosmic garbage dumps, scattered all over the cosmic sea, and this is just one of them.

However, since this is a place where garbage is dumped, if some master of the universe throws away some treasures as garbage, this kind of thing is actually very likely.

But because this place is too dangerous and full of toxic substances, no master of the universe dares to come to this place to hunt for treasures.

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