The prince is very fierce

Chapter 17: Instant Kill (12/81)

The night wind is cool and cold, and the palace lanterns outside the wall are like daylight.

In the old peach blossom garden, only the remaining white paper flowers rustled in the night wind.

The white lantern swayed towards the stone pavilion where Queen Cui liked to stay, and the dim light illuminated a few feet in radius.

The lounge chair was still placed in the stone pavilion, and there was a small couch next to it, which was neatly tidied up. There was a jade flute on the table.

When Empress Cui was still here, Song Ji would come here every day, rocking on the recliner and playing popular tunes in the market.

Empress Cui never smiled after entering the palace. She leaned on the small couch with her poems and books in her arms and ignored the emperor.

No one knows whether Song Ji likes the queen, but whether as a husband or an emperor, he is almost impeccable. He behaves well and speaks rigorously just like in the court. However, Song Ji's poetry was not very good. It was too old-fashioned. It was neatly composed but contained emotionless words. It was not even considered a masterpiece. It could only be described as a pile of rhetoric. Queen Cui would not be happy about it.

Now this man has passed away, leaving the whole garden desolate.

Jia Yi wore a eunuch's robe and hung a lantern on the edge of the stone pavilion. He picked up the broom next to him and swept away some paper scraps on the ground.

Day after day, year after year, I was supposed to guard the Rinzheng Palace all my life, but a sudden soft sound broke the tranquility of the winter night.


The sound was rich and powerful, and it was the sound of breaking the wind caused by the warrior's surprise attack.

Jia Yi's red robe suddenly bulged, and he swept his sword backwards. A figure had already volleyed in front of him.

Xu Buling moved forward silently in the dark night, but he exploded violently when he was only two feet away. His tight-fitting night clothes did not make any sound, but the sound of the punches could not be covered up by the wind.

Worried about beating Jia Yi to death with one punch, Xu Buling's attack was not too heavy. However, the speed of the opponent's reaction made Xu Buling slightly stunned. I am afraid that this person is not far behind the mass murderer Zhang Xiang.

Jia Yi is obviously a master of the inner world. He follows the path of being soft on the outside and strong on the inside. His moves are silent and seemingly light, but the force of the knife is extremely fierce. He just swiped a peach branch, and the peach branch as thick as his finger was broken silently. , the paper flower was smashed to pieces.

Xu Buling was extremely cautious in this trip. The opponent was Eunuch Jia's adopted son, so he would not underestimate his opponent. He changed his fist into a palm and used the Baguazhang method to catch the knife. The two palms met without making any sound, but they were suddenly separated. The direction of the hand knife.

Jia Yi's eyes clearly showed some surprise. The opponent just punched using Tongbei Fist, which is famous for its cold, crisp and quick punches. It is considered a representative school of hard and fierce boxing. Baguazhang is completely opposite. It emphasizes using softness to overcome hardness and has many changes. From the force to the routine, it is completely different. On the other hand, the opponent can switch between hardness and softness smoothly. This adaptability alone is enough to crush 80% of the masters in the world.

However, Jia Yi was selected as a dead soldier to protect Empress Cui by the Cui family in Youzhou, and was adopted as a adopted son by Eunuch Jia. He was by no means an ordinary person.

After the knife in his hand was defused, Jia Yi's red robe bulged, his hands were like maggots attached to the bones, his steps were ghostly and forceful, and he stabbed twelve fingers in a row, directly reaching Xu Buling's throat, eyes, heart and other certain death points, which can be said to be a trick. fatal.

Whispering rustling——

Jia Yi's hands were like snakes spitting out messages. Xu Buring dodged and pushed away until he could no longer retreat to a peach tree in the back. Jia Yi suddenly turned his palm into a hook, yanked against Xu Buring's wrist, and struck out with the force. The knife stabbed into Xu Buling's heart.

Xu Buling missed the first blow and was at a disadvantage. After twelve consecutive blows, he was bound to retreat. At this time, he forcibly intercepted the knife in his hand and tried to retreat. His body also shook due to the pull, causing a flaw in the lower body.

Without hesitation, Jia Yi changed his sword to an inch fist and hit Xu Buling's palm three times in a row. Hearing three muffled sounds that were almost integrated into one, Xu Buling retreated backwards.

Thumb thump thump——

Xu Buling took three steps in a row until he leaned against the peach tree to steady his body. His back was pressed against the peach tree, causing a lot of paper flowers to fall.

"Good work."

Xu Buring twisted his neck and wrist, re-arranged his boxing stance, moved his feet forward and back, bowed like a tiger, and made a hook.

Jia Yi stood upright in the peach blossom forest, wearing a eunuch's red robe, but it looked like he was wearing blood clothes. His arrogant aura was unmatched by ordinary martial artists. He also stretched out a hand to hook:

"Your Excellency is not bad either."

"It's just half-successful."

Xu Bu Ling took a breath. Due to the anger just now, the energy and blood in his body surged, and there was already a dull pain in his chest and abdomen. He could not continue to fight. If he delayed for too long and alerted the other secret guards, he would be in big trouble.

Thinking of this, Xu Buling's eyes were slightly cold, his knees were bent slightly and he stepped hard on the ground. He only heard a muffled sound of "bang", and two small pits were forcibly stepped on in the frozen soil under the peach tree. His whole body was like He rushed out like a cannonball.

Jia Yi's face changed slightly, and he raised his hand and quickly grabbed Xu Buring's fist. But he never thought that the fist was caught, and the strength contained in it was inhuman. Jia Yi was hit by a punch in the palm of his hand. Before he could release the force, there was a crisp "click" sound, and his finger bones were broken.

And this is just the beginning.

Xu Buling's body was still in the air. After hitting Jia Yi's palm, he grabbed Jia Yi's hand. His five fingers were like hooks piercing the flesh and blood of his palm. He pulled his body over and pulled Jia Yi over.

Between the sparks of calcium carbide, Jia Yi raised his other hand to block, but he could no longer block it.


Xu Buling's right knee hit Jia Yi's chest as fast as thunder. The force was so strong that the back of the blood-red eunuch's robe was torn open, and the muffled sound of bone cracking was heard at the same time.

Xu Buling's hands followed suit, and between the rise and fall, his elbows hit Jia Yi's shoulders at the same time. Jia Yi's shoulders were obviously shorter, and his pale skin turned blood red in an instant. He was knocked back by the impact of the knee.

Jia Yi's arms were obviously useless. A battering ram-like knee strike was enough to make him lose consciousness for a short time. The moment his body flew back, he was pulled back by Xu Buling.


With a low groan, Xu Buling raised his right hand high, and a powerful "stone-opening hand" hit Jia Yi's severely injured chest.


Jia Yi fell vertically to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly.

The two fought in the blink of an eye, and it was as if Xu Buling rushed out and hit Jia Yi, and Jia Yi was knocked back and fell to the ground. Originally, he was unscathed, but after landing, he was covered with bruises and could no longer move.

As soon as Xu Buling stopped, a mouthful of blood rushed up his throat, his eyes were bloodshot, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The snowy night was quiet, and in just a few breaths, there were a few more footprints on the ground, one horizontal and one vertical, with two people, and paper scraps falling on the ground like withered peach blossoms...

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