The prince is very fierce

Chapter 31: The World in Your Palm (14/84)

The 108 squares of Chang'an City are decorated with lanterns like a sea, and the neighborhoods are like a checkerboard grid with buildings located among them.

The majestic Imperial City at the end of Zhuque Street is taller than all the buildings. From a distance, it looks like an insurmountable high wall. The dome of the palace inside is faintly visible, showing some outlines in the moonlight.

Xu Buring was dressed in night clothes, speeding past the houses and walls at full speed, approaching the imperial city like a black shadow.

The imperial city is very large, with sixteen palace gates on all sides. Each gate must be guarded by an expert. The wolf guards, the outer secret guards, and the five imperial guards on the outside, surround the imperial city from the inside to the outside. The iron barrel array is as difficult to enter from the outside as it is to reach the sky.

However, Xu Buling did not lead the troops to force the palace, so the imperial guards naturally did not have to deal with it head-on, they could just avoid the tightly defended places. Changle Palace Xu Buling had already visited some places last time. There were experts but not many, and most of the places were empty.

As night falls, the palace gate has not yet been closed, and the defense at this time is concentrated at the city gate. Xu Buring came to the street adjacent to Yongchangfang and the Imperial City. A large group of imperial guards stood nearby holding strong bows and crossbows and carrying lanterns to patrol back and forth along the city wall.

Xu Buling held his breath and waited quietly for a moment. When the guards patrolling up and down the city wall were far away and had yet to turn back, he suddenly set off and crossed the wide long street to the bottom of the city wall. Two daggers slipped out of his sleeves. He penetrated the gap between the wall bricks and climbed up with the help of his body. He blinked like a gecko swimming on the wall and reached the bottom of the wall. After listening for no movement, he turned over and jumped onto the palace wall...


The night is getting darker.

A green lamp was lit in the Imperial Study Room at the back of the Tai Chi Palace. Two eunuchs in red robes were standing at the door holding whisks. Directly in front of the Tai Chi Palace was the Tai Chi Palace. Several auspicious beasts on the top of the palace could be seen in the distance.

From the Zhuque Gate to the Chengtian Gate is the outer city, where the Imperial Guards are stationed. After entering the Chengtian Gate, there are hundreds of secret guards. From the Chengtian Gate to the outside of the imperial study, the entire Tai Chi Palace is covered with stars.

Whether it was Dayue or the previous Daqi, there had been incidents in history where brave warriors or dead warriors sneaked into the palace. Unfortunately, the walls of the Tai Chi Palace were three feet and five feet high, and there were nearly 6,000 steps from the Suzaku Gate to the Imperial Study Room. A person can successfully break through the Thousand Steps, which means that he has not even entered the Chengtian Gate, let alone the harem behind the Taiji Palace.

In the dead of night, with the sound of drums, the city gates of Chang'an City were closed one after another. The palace became quiet and became two worlds separated from the bustling capital outside the wall.

In the Imperial Study Room, Song Ji stood in front of Queen Cui's portrait, lit three sticks of incense and placed them on the incense table. He raised his head and stared at the scroll, his expression as calm as ever.

Eunuch Jia came in with a pot of tea, put it on the table, and said comfortingly:

"Your Majesty, the dragon body is important. If you have nothing to do, you should rest early."

Song Ji put his hands behind his back and sighed quietly:

"Have you found Jia Yi's whereabouts?"

Eunuch Jia's wrinkled cheeks showed a bit of regret, and he shook his head: "Jia Yi has good talent, but he is too upright when he was born as a dead soldier. He still hasn't enlightened after many indoctrination. He may have been taken advantage of... It's more dangerous than good."

"The queen was close to Jia Yi back then, and even I couldn't do anything to her... Jia Yi loyally protects the Lord. After so many years after the queen left, I'm afraid he hasn't been able to let go. Everyone has his own destiny, so let him go."

"...Jia Yi shouldn't have entered the palace. If he was in the Jianghu, in time his achievements would be no less than those of Lu Baiming. It would be a pity..."

When Song Ji heard this, he turned around and sat down in front of the imperial cabinet, and was silent for a while:

"In recent years, there have indeed been few outstanding figures in the world of martial arts. When I was hunting deer with Iron Eagle, my original intention was not to break the backbone of warriors and turn the world into a stagnant pool of water. It's just that those forces in the world of rivers and lakes have expanded their territory and have more people. I forgot my duty and began to think about getting involved in the court. There is still a group of young people who are secretly plotting to provoke a dispute among the Three Kingdoms and overthrow my world...

...Xia uses force to break the ban. I can't loosen my control, nor can I tighten it tightly. The majestic head of the Lu family in Donghai dare not even leave the Lu family's door. Speaking of which, it is a bit over the top. "

Eunuch Jia nodded slightly. Since ancient times, kings were mostly conceited and rarely reflected on their mistakes. But Song Ji is obviously not like this. As long as the minister's advice is true, even if he points his nose and scolds, Song Ji will happily accept the correction.

However, regarding "overcorrection", Eunuch Jia held different opinions: "Martial men founded the country, and literati ruled the world. There were too many military men in the peaceful and prosperous times, which would cause hundreds of harms but no benefits. If no one restrains them, it will inevitably affect the people in the market. Well... but the restraint is too strict. The Jianghu people have nowhere to vent their energy, which will also encourage the trend of burning, killing and looting secretly. Chang'an is prosperous in public, but private fights in secret every year lead to heavy casualties. "

"The Daxing of the Military Examinations is supposed to give warriors a way out, but those Jianghu people believe in their innocence and refuse to join the army. I can't let go of government orders and let them kill each other without interfering. Wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

Eunuch Jia thought about it for a moment: "What people want is nothing more than power, money, fame, and sex. People in the world are more interested in fame and sex. As long as they enter the world, they all want to occupy a place in the world. In the past, this 'name' was earned through fighting. Yes, I won’t let them kill them now, I can only argue with each other and no one is convinced...

...Lu Baiming's swordsmanship in the East China Sea is as good as that of Zhu Coushan. When people talk about "Sword Master" in the world, they only know the old swordsman Zhu Choushan but not Lu Baiming because Lu Baiming has never traveled around the world to gain reputation. The old slave thinks that we can start from this aspect. "

Song Ji picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Although the matter of martial arts was a trivial matter, as the Emperor of Dayue, he would naturally not slack off if he could bring peace to one side. After thinking seriously for a moment, he looked at the scroll hanging on the wall:

"During the reign of the late Emperor, there was the 'Xuanhe Eight Chiefs', which is still sung in the Jianghu market today. How about I personally create the 'Zhaohong Ten Chiefs', and bestow the title of martial arts scholar on the world's rankings, so that the world's warriors can compete?"

Eunuch Jia walked up and nodded and said: "There is such a saying in the world, but it has never become popular. As the saying goes, 'There is no second in martial arts.' If the Holy One had personally opened the mouth and given the plaque, the world would be a lot more lively...

...In fact, the people in the market are most interested in the deeds of talented people, heroes, and beauties. People work during the day, and they can chat and relax in taverns and tea shops in their free time, which also helps to calm the people's minds. "

Eunuch Jia’s words are very far-sighted. Even in modern society, the original purpose of the emergence of radio, television and other things is to give the people at the bottom a place to relax when they are tired.

Song Ji also became a little more interested. He thought about it for a while and nodded: "I will discuss it with Xiao Xiang and others tomorrow. If it is feasible, I will send the edict... If there is no first place in literature, the talented will be exempted. As for the beauties in the world... …Go and find Xu Danqing for me, give him a pen, and ask him whether he will accept it or not.”

"What about the candidates for the Ten Wukui?"

"I'm not a Jianghu person. Do you have anyone suitable to recommend?"

Eunuch Jia carefully recalled the past and said in a deep voice: "Sword Master Lu Baiming, Qianren Sect Situ Yuejin, and Su Wang Crown Prince Xu Buling can be included in the list. It is difficult to distinguish between the others. You will have to go through a round to know."

Song Ji was slightly surprised: "Xu Buling is only eighteen years old, can he be among the top ten in the world?"

Eunuch Jia nodded seriously: "You have become famous at a young age. If you don't get the Dragon Lock Gu, you will be qualified to be ranked tenth."

Song Ji didn't know martial arts, and the master he knew the most about was Eunuch Jia. He immediately asked:

"Where do you rank among the ten people?"

Eunuch Jia's wrinkled face showed a bit of humility:

"The old slave is already old, so he can be ranked behind Prince Xu."

Song Ji tapped his fingers on the table, shook his head and smiled:

"That's all, let's exclude you and let outsiders fight."


The master and servant talked for a while, and suddenly a dark shadow fell outside the door and spoke in a deep voice outside the imperial study:

"Your Majesty, there are guests entering the palace."

The palace door has been closed, and the guests coming at this time are naturally not invited.

Ever since Iron Eagle Hunted the Deer, many people had sneaked into the palace city to seek revenge, and Song Jie didn't care.

After Eunuch Jia bowed and saluted, he slowly walked out and closed the door with a whisk in hand...


I have been recommended to Channel 6 again. If I fail to advance to Sanjiang, I will probably have no chance. The big guys will reward me with a recommendation ticket~

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