The prince is very fierce

Chapter 43: Sisterly Love! (16/86)

Tap tap——

The warm winter sun shines on the garden of Jinghua Garden. A team of more than ten palace maids and wolf guards walks slowly along the stone path by the lake.

Several housewives of the Xiao family follow the sedan chair and talk respectfully. The queen mother lifts the curtain on one side.

Because of her low-key departure from the palace, the queen mother only wears a green gauze skirt, a fire fox shawl on her shoulders, her hair is combed into a common cloud bun, and a gold hairpin is inserted between her hair.

Even if she dresses so low-key, it is difficult to suppress the bright and moving look between her eyebrows. Just like in Qujiang Lake, as long as the queen mother appears, the other ladies will naturally lose their color.

However, today, the queen mother's mood is obviously not very good, and her cheeks show a bit of fatigue, obviously because she didn't sleep all night.

Yesterday, she was sleeping well in the middle of the night, when a grown man suddenly ran into her quilt and forcibly touched her for half an hour. She still felt numb and numb, and always felt like a pair of arms were holding her, and it was a bit difficult to breathe.

The Queen Mother could not remember the specific feeling, otherwise her underwear would not have been taken away.

After Xu Buling left last night, she tried to comfort herself by saying "take emergency measures", but she couldn't sleep after tossing and turning, and kept thinking about strange things...

The Queen Mother has a strong personality. She suffered a loss for no reason and was "threatened" by others. The more she thought about it, the worse it tasted. If she didn't get an explanation to get the "Lotus Hidden Carp" back, she might never be able to sleep again.

After finally waiting until dawn, the Queen Mother ordered the female official to prepare a sedan chair and returned to the Xiao family on the pretext of visiting relatives. After learning that Xu Buling went to the Imperial College, she naturally couldn't go and cause trouble. As the saying goes, "If a son is not well educated, it is the fault of his father." Xu Buling's audacity must be related to the indulgence of his elders, so the queen mother decided to go to Mrs. Lu to preach.

The sedan stopped outside the courtyard, and several maids ran out to greet:

"See the queen mother!"

The queen mother walked out of the sedan curtain with the help of Qiao'e, said a few words to several women of the Xiao family and asked them to go back, then tightened her fire fox shawl and walked towards the courtyard.

Mrs. Lu heard the report, and because of her status, she naturally couldn't neglect it. She put on her dress in two or three steps and went to the courtyard to greet her.

Mrs. Lu had been tidying up in the house for a long time, and her makeup was gorgeous. Compared with the queen mother who was dressed lightly, her momentum was even more overwhelming.

Madam Lu also felt something was wrong, but the Queen Mother came uninvited, and she had no time to pack up, so she could only bow slightly with a natural look:

"Queen Mother."

When the Queen Mother saw Madam Lu's dress, she frowned slightly and glanced up and down:

"Hongluan, are you going out?"


Madam Lu blinked and thought for a while: "I have to go out with Ling'er in the afternoon, so I packed up in advance."

When Xu Buling was mentioned, the Queen Mother's face darkened a little, subconsciously tightened the fire fox shawl, and walked slowly towards Madam Lu's room:

"Hongluan, come in with me, I have something to talk to you about."

Strictly speaking, the Queen Mother and Madam Lu are aunt and niece, and they are half close friends in the boudoir because of their similar age, and there are not many rules to follow.

When Madam Lu heard this, she thought that the Queen Mother had something on her mind and asked her to chat about family matters, so she raised her hand to let the maids and palace maids withdraw, and followed the Queen Mother into the boudoir, with a bit of strange meaning in her eyes.

The Queen Mother walked into the boudoir with a restless mood. Before she could think of her words, she looked up and saw her portrait hanging on the wall in front of her, which was very eye-catching.

The Queen Mother paused and frowned:

"Why is this painting here with you?"

After Mrs. Lu closed the door, the respect on her face disappeared without a trace. She walked to the soft couch and sat down as usual, picked up the teapot to make tea, and her expression was calm:

"Oh, painting~ Well... The Queen Mother also knows that Ling'er has been fond of martial arts since he was a child and doesn't like calligraphy and painting. He brought the painting back from the palace a few days ago. He thought it was "average", so he brought it to me. The room just happened to lack a decorative painting, so it was hung here. What do you think, Queen Mother?"

The words were gentle, but every word was heart-piercing!

The Queen Mother's face gradually darkened, her long eyebrows jumped a few times, and her hands folded on her waist were tightly clasped, and her nails almost pierced into the flesh.

But it is other people's business to arrange things that have been sent out, and there is no reason to blame them even if they sell them.

The Queen Mother took a deep breath of cold air, her face returned to normal, and she sat down on the same couch like a good sister, leaning sideways to look at it:

"Not bad, your room was dull before, and it feels much brighter with more paintings."

"Of course, it's Xu Danqing's calligraphy, the only one in Dayue, and it was difficult to even take a look at it before. If it weren't for your thoughtfulness, I wouldn't have had the chance to hang it in the house..."

The Queen Mother's eyes twitched a few times, she was already feeling aggrieved, how could she bear being teased like this. Finally, she couldn't help it and burst out:

"Lu Hongluan, stop being sarcastic and talk nicely."


Mrs. Lu didn't care about the Queen Mother's tone at all. She picked up the teacup and leaned lazily on the step, looking at the mature and beautiful lady with a livid face:

"Is the Queen Mother regretting it? Yes, she must be reluctant to give up something that has been hidden for more than ten years. Otherwise, I will tell Ling'er and ask him to send it back to you?"

The Queen Mother snorted, and was too lazy to maintain her usual dignity and majesty. She took the teacup from Mrs. Lu's hand and put it on the table, saying coldly:

"You always talk about Xu Buling. What have you spoiled him to? He doesn't look like a prince of a vassal king now. He is lawless and doesn't know any rules..."

Mrs. Lu supported her cheek with her hand and raised her eyebrows:

"It's much better than Xiao Ting~"


The Queen Mother's eyelashes trembled with anger, and she said coldly: "I came here to talk to you about serious matters. If you continue to ridicule me like this, I will pack up and go back to Huainan tomorrow. I may not take you."


Mrs. Lu was immediately anxious and glared: "Prince Su handed Ling'er to me. You want your nephew to find Xiao Ting. What does Ling'er have to do with you?"

The Queen Mother narrowed her eyes slightly: "Do you think I dare not?"


Mrs. Lu looked carefully, and the Queen Mother seemed to be really angry. Although the two are relatively close, after all, their status is here. With the Queen Mother's unruly temper, it is not impossible for her to do such a thing of stealing love.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Lu sat up straight, and her expression was a little more serious:

"Why are you yelling so loudly? If you have something to say, just say it."


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