The prince is very fierce

Chapter 50 Chaos (19/86)

Zhongli Chuchu thought for a moment: "I heard that the villain was infected with the Dragon Locking Gu, and his martial arts skills were all gone and he became a cripple. Isn't it a bit of an exaggeration to call so many people?"

"Be prepared. As long as Xu Buling can be killed, no matter what method is used, all the silver will belong to you."

The master glanced at everyone: "You have heard what I said. There are more than a hundred thugs outside. If you retreat in the face of battle, you can't leave."

The nine people sitting there were silent and looked at each other for a few times.

Wu You tapped the table with his fingers and thought for a while: "Wealth and honor are sought in danger. Since I am here, I will try to kill the emperor."

There must be brave men under heavy rewards. The three Jianghu guests were originally wanted bandits by the court. With the silver in front of them, they nodded after a little hesitation.

The master glanced around and cast his eyes on Ning Qingye and his group who had not yet expressed their opinions. The two swordsmen also pressed the handles of their swords.

If you don't leave when you are asked to leave, you will sit here and listen to the news. If you don't agree, it will be too late to leave.

What could Ning Qingye do? She could only turn her eyes to the male friend beside her.

Xu Buling frowned and said,

"Can I take a look at the portrait?"

The master nodded and spread out the paper. On the paper was a very handsome man with peach blossom eyes and diamond-shaped eyebrows, and a rather fierce expression.

Zhongli Chuchu was stunned. He looked a little familiar... Isn't this the 'weak scholar' she met on the street last time! She was about to ask, when she saw Xu Daxia, one of her accomplices, stood up and walked to the portrait.

The master thought it was dark and couldn't see clearly, so he handed the portrait over.

Xu Buling took the paper and looked at it carefully: "This man... This man..." Then he put the paper in front of his head and pulled down the black cloth covering his face:

"Why does this man look so much like me?"


The Jianghu people present compared carefully and nodded slightly. They really look alike.

Zhongli Chuchu and Huyan Jie were stunned in place, as if they were trying to figure out the current situation.

The master tilted his head to look at them for a few times. After a little confusion, his face turned into shock, gradually turned pale, and he raised his hand with a slight tremor:

"Xu...Xu Buling, why are you here!"

Xu Buling was too lazy to pay attention to the master. He held the paper and looked at everyone sitting there. He shook the paper and looked at them with a defiant look:

"Since you want to kill me, then stop talking nonsense and start!"


Many Jianghu people pressed their weapons, a little confused.

Although Xu Buling didn't know why he ran into a gathering that was planning to assassinate him, these people had already agreed to the plan to assassinate him, so there was no need to explain anything.


A sword flashed in the hall of Nuo Hall.

The long sword was like a white snake spitting out its tongue, sweeping across the neck of a Jianghu person.

The splashing blood beads finally woke everyone up.

The two swordsmen drew their swords and rushed up at the same time. Wu You and Xue Yi knew that something was wrong and stood up to escape.

Ning Qingye drew his sword, while Huyan Jie and Zhongli Chuchu reacted quickly. After figuring out the situation, they stood up without hesitation and stabbed the jianghu on the left and right with their scimitars and daggers.

The hall of Nuotang was instantly transformed into a Shura field.



In the Renyi Hall, the people sitting there suddenly stood up at the same time, and the swords and shadows filled the entire hall in an instant under the candlelight.

The master had already reacted. The person who must be killed was right in front of him. It was useless to think more. If he killed Xu Buling today, he could exchange his life for his life. If he didn't kill him, the Li family would be finished.

"Kill him, and all the silver will be yours!"

The master urged repeatedly. The two swordsmen were originally the retainers of the Li family. They were also the leaders in the assassination of Xu Buling this time. Seeing that the real owner was here, they went to double-team Xu Buling without any hesitation.


Ding Ding——

The sound of metal clashing continued, and sparks burst out in the hall.

The Jianghu people, including Wu You, originally planned to "flee at the risk of a fight", but the other party had already started to attack. At this time, when it was too late to escape, they joined the melee without hesitation.

The two unknown Jianghu people were furious because their brother was killed. They swung copper hammers and broadswords at Xu Buling frantically.

Xu Buling faced the joint attack of the two people alone with a bright sword. The Jianghu people holding the octagonal hammer smashed Xu Buling's head with the force of splitting the mountain, forcing Xu Buling to raise the sword to block or retreat.

The man holding the broadsword used a lying sword. He turned over and rolled on the ground. The blade cut his feet in three directions, making it difficult for Xu Buling to stabilize his lower body.

The sword was light and agile, and it was difficult to confront the heavy hammer and broadsword head-on.

All the people present were good players, and they didn't need to be reminded by others to find opportunities.

The two swordsmen of the Li family did not miss this God-given opportunity. They rushed directly to the back of Xu Buling, blocking all the exits, and tried to kill Xu Buling with a joint attack.


The man holding the octagonal copper hammer was all knotted up, and the round hammer smashed down with such force that the stone tablet might be smashed to pieces.

Xu Buling seemed a little weak with his sword alone. Ning Qingye, who had stood up, was about to help Zhongli Chuchu who was at a disadvantage. He saw Xu Buling in a deadly situation and thought it was not good. He raised his sword and stabbed the two swordsmen of Li Mansion without hesitation.

Just a second later, Ning Qingye, with a sharp look in his eyes, was stunned.

The octagonal copper hammer smashed down brazenly, and Xu Buling didn't even dodge. He watched helplessly as the copper hammer was about to hit his head, and there was a dull "bang" sound, and the stone floor of the lobby cracked instantly.

Looking up, he saw Xu Buling raised his left hand and directly grabbed the hammer that was smashed down.

The Jianghu man holding the copper hammer hit the towering tree with a hammer. The heavy hammer in his hand stopped abruptly and could not move forward even a little bit. However, the opponent did not even shake, and his eyes showed horror.


With a flash of sword light, the two forearms separated from the body.

The Jianghu man holding the Pudao on the ground wanted to raise his sword to block, but he did not raise the Pudao that had been with him for many years. He looked down subconsciously and saw that the Pudao was stepped on the ground by a boot.

In the fight of life and death, it is a taboo to take your eyes away from the opponent.

At the moment when his eyes moved down, the Jianghu man had already secretly thought that it was not good. He wanted to throw away the sword and retreat, but it was still too late.

As soon as the Pudao Jianghu man's eyes touched the pair of white boots, his neck felt cold, and then his vision was lifted up, the world began to spin, and the chaotic battlefield below and the dome of the lobby appeared alternately. When he landed, he saw his back for the first time in his life, and a column of blood rushed up from his headless body.


The armless Jianghu retreated backwards with a scream, but the sword pierced his throat again, turning it into a low roar.

Xu Buling's boots swept the ground fiercely, and the Pudao on the ground turned into a sharp arrow and flew to the side of the hall.

The two swordsmen in the back just approached and saw the two Jianghu were killed on the spot, and their eyes were full of disbelief. But now there is no chance to think at all, so they can only bite the bullet and draw their swords to meet Xu Buling who wanted to turn around and kill him and Ning Qingye who came to support him...


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