The prince is very fierce

Chapter 14 Yes, it is me!

"Mrs. Xu..."

As the singer announced her name, the hall of Longyin Pavilion became quiet for a while. The talented scholars all frowned slightly, obviously they had never heard of this "strange woman".

Song Baiqing blinked and looked at the singer in the distance suspiciously. After confirming that she had read it correctly, he was a little confused and turned his eyes back to the many talented women below:

"Bu Ling Er Xing... This name... is the same as the name of Prince Su. Hmm... Who is this Mrs. Bu Ling?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked to the side with strange eyes. It is not uncommon for a man and a woman to have the same name, but it is also an interesting story.

What everyone didn't expect was that Prince Xu, who was sitting next to the hall drinking tea, stood up and tightened his fox fur coat. His eyes were arrogant and he was proud from the bottom of his heart:

"Yes, it's me!"


Xiao Ting, who was sitting next to Xu Bu Ling, sprayed a mouthful of tea when he heard it. Patting his chest, he felt a little uncomfortable:

"Xu Buling, made me laugh to death...hahaha..."

Xiao Ting was the only one laughing in the whole audience, while everyone else was silent, with eyes full of astonishment and confusion.

Xiao Ting was a rich kid, rich but not stupid, and he knew his own weight. He couldn't possibly buy such a famous poem.

Even if he wanted to show off, he should at least buy a man's poem, which would be a bit easier to get away with.

This was obviously a poem written by a weathered woman, and it came from the pen of a prince of a vassal state, and it was also "tired of combing my hair at night, and also planning to go boating"?

This kind of sissy behavior, is it something that the son of a vassal state would do?

Song Baiqing and others knew that Xu Buling was an excellent martial artist, but not good at writing, but they didn't expect that Xu Buling couldn't even copy poems. What's the difference between this and copying the name on the test paper in the Imperial College exam?

The whole place was silent for a long time. If it weren't for Xu Buling's identity, many talented men and beautiful women would have started to sneer and ridicule him.

Poetry gatherings are places of elegance. It is shameful for the sons of princes to buy poems. It may have been a small trick to gain fame in the past, but it is the first time in the world that it is so blatant!

Yan Wang Song Yu rubbed his forehead and thought for a long time, but he didn't know what to say.

Song Baiqing, as the chief priest of the Imperial Academy and Xu Buling's teacher, was arrogant and proud, but his face turned red at this time. A row of tables:

"Xu Buling! As the prince of Su Wang, you should focus on the government and the army. Why come to the poetry gathering to join in the fun?"

This was to tell Xu Buling to get out quickly and not embarrass himself. It was a way to give him a way out.

But Xu Buling came here today just to get scolded.

Xu Buling pretended to be unrepentant, walked to the center of the hall, spread his hands and looked around:

"Anyone can enter the poetry meeting. I wrote a good poem. Why can't I come?"

You wrote a good poem?

The talented men and beautiful women in the audience were almost suffocated by this sentence. They used great willpower to not curse.

There were hundreds of people present, and they were not blind.

Who can't see that this poem was written by a "weathered and downtrodden female poet"?

You, Xu Buling, are the prince of Su Wang, a genius of the generation. The only thing you have to do with "weathered and downtrodden female poet" is probably the word "of".

If you want to buy poems and copy poems, at least copy a reliable one? This look must have been tricked by the female poet and he didn't know it.

Buying poems was pointed out in court, but it would be a fate of eternal infamy. It is reasonable for Xu Buling to refuse to admit that he wrote it.

But Song Baiqing gave him a way out and insisted on jumping out to be a target, which is too ungrateful.

Do you really think that no one dares to speak because he is the eldest son of Prince Su?

Behind the desk, Qi Xinghan, who always had a bad temper, slammed the table and stood up, saying angrily:

"Nonsense, do you think that everyone here is a three-year-old who can't read? If this poem was written by you, could it be that you have been dressed as a man for so many years?"


There was constant laughter at the scene, and many young ladies from official families secretly glanced at Xu Buling, who was wearing fox fur, and whispered secretly: "He looks more beautiful than a woman, maybe he is dressed as a man..."

Qi Xinghan's face froze as soon as he said this, and he looked at Xu Buling carefully for a few times, as if to confirm whether it was a man or a woman.

Yan Wang Song Yu looked very strange, and raised his hand: "Buling is a man, this poem... um..."

He hummed for a long time, and didn't know how to say it without hurting feelings.

Laughter continued in the hall.

Seeing that the situation was about to get heated, Xu Buling naturally blushed and said stubbornly:

"This poem was written by this prince, you are not allowed to laugh! Shut up!"

Qi Xinghan had never seen such an unrepentant student, and he slammed the table and said angrily:

"You said you wrote it, who can prove it?"

Xu Buling was speechless for a moment, pretending to be speechless, looking away, as if he did not admit to copying the poem.

Qi Xinghan was furious when he saw this, and slammed the table again:

"Who can prove it!"

Xu Buling was still speechless.

Just as everyone was laughing at the joke, a righteous voice suddenly sounded on the high platform:

"I can prove it!"

The hall suddenly became quiet.

Xu Buling's unrepentant face froze.

The hall of Longyin Pavilion, which was full of lights and bustling, became silent as this weak voice of justice sounded.

Everyone turned their eyes to the high platform where the great scholars were sitting, and saw a gentle woman standing there upright with a bit of anger in her eyes. It was obvious that she felt that the scholars present should not insult her innocence.

Song Baiqing frowned: "Yu Fu, what are you proving?"

Song Yu Fu bowed with a proper manner, facing the many talented men and beautiful women who were paying attention to her:

"This poem was originally written by Xu Shizi, but I don't want to argue with you for fame. You shouldn't judge a gentleman by your own mean heart."

The talented men and beautiful women present looked around, not knowing how to explain to this girl. I'm afraid she was a young lady who was dazzled by Xu Shizi's beauty and made a fuss without considering the situation.

Could they not understand whether Xu Buling copied it?

And the protagonist of this incident, Xu Buling, looked at Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway with fear, and wanted to go up and kill him.

It was not easy to get the name of "stealing poems", and it seemed that the task was about to be completed, why did you come out to join in the fun?

Qi Xinghan frowned when he saw Song Yufu raise objections and said:

"Tolerating and shielding him ruins his reputation. How can you prove it for him?"

Song Yufu was fearless and was about to reveal all of Xu Buling's past to prove that Xu Buling was not a reckless man with strong limbs and a simple mind, but a great talent who was "skilled in both civil and military affairs, mature at a young age, very cunning, and with unlimited prospects."

However, Xu Buling was very good at observing people's words and expressions. Seeing Song Yufu's appearance, he knew that she had caught his "handle". He made a quick decision and stepped forward and said:

"Forget it! Miss Song spoke for justice, and I am grateful to her, but I did copy this poem, and I dare not jeopardize her reputation."

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