The prince is very fierce

Chapter 87: Zhu Family Past (38/302)

Zhu Manzhi stood up, ran to the wall and folded a small branch. After thinking about it for a while, with a flick of his wrist, the branch suddenly collapsed with a "pop" sound. Then he stepped forward and back, raising his sword. Straight towards the courtyard wall.


The tree branches made a sound like the sound of a sword breaking through the wind.

This sword has a certain shape. It has obviously been practiced hard for a long time. It seems to be an understatement, but the strength is terrifying. The finger-thick branch was driven into the wall masonry for more than an inch until it could no longer bear it and the branch exploded from the center. Break into sections.

Ning Qingye's eyes lit up, she didn't expect this ordinary little girl to be capable of such powerful tricks.

The sword moves lightly and drifts, and the blade is usually slender and easy to break. A normal swordsman would never use the sword to swerve and use such a strong thrust that may break the sword. The sword strip cannot withstand it and breaks before it penetrates.

If you want to pierce a branch into the masonry, just how to use force is a big question, just like the "Golden Dragon Hekou" of Tongbei Quan or the "Fighting in All Directions at Night" of Bagua Dao. It's useless to just learn the postures, but what's inside? The secret of exerting force and withdrawing force is the secret of all major schools.

Ning Yuhe has been learning swords since he was a child. Even though he has rarely encountered opponents in martial arts, he still thinks that he can't stab with the sword just now. It's not that his martial arts skills and strength are not as good as Zhu Manzhi's, but that he doesn't know how to do it. It is possible to learn this kind of killing move that is enough to support the appearance. The person who created this move must also be a swordsman master.

Thinking of this, Ning Yuhe's expression became a little more serious and he thought about it carefully.

Zhu Manzhi finished stabbing with his sword, shook off his numb right hand, ran back to the eaves with some satisfaction, and said with a smile:

"Taoist Priest, do you see anything?"

Ning Yuhe was silent for a while: "This sword is not an orthodox sword move. It should have evolved from the Zhongping Spear in the Liuhe Spear. As the saying goes, 'A Zhongping Spear is a King of Spears. The middle point is the most difficult to guard against.' Zhongping Spear The spear is the killing move of the Liuhe Spear. It is extremely difficult to defend against, and the ones who are good at both offense and defense are Xue Chengzhi, the old master of the Liuhe Gate of Jiangnan Road, and Chen Chong, the Northern Xinjiang spearman. He’s always walking around in the world, so he doesn’t look like your father.”

Zhu Manzhi was confused when he heard this: "Where are the others?"

Ning Yuhe thought about it for a while, and suddenly thought of something: "How old is the girl this year?"

"Sixteen...soon to be seventeen."

"Seventeen soon...named Zhu..."

Ning Yuhe frowned and recalled seriously for a moment: "I was born in the Tang family of Youzhou. When I was young, I heard that the old sword master Zhu Silk Mountain once had an incompetent concubine. He was extremely talented and was highly regarded by the old sword master. It was a pity that he He was young and naughty, and instead of learning Zhujiajian, he went around to become apprentices...

...The Zhu family is a famous swordsmanship family. The old sword master, with his own strength, overwhelmed all the swordsmen in the world and couldn't hold their heads up. Seeing that the bastard was not doing his job and running away to learn some heretical ways, he drove him out of the house in anger. In the end, there was no successor and I regretted it, but it was a pity that I couldn't find it... The bastard seems to be the sixth child. This matter has been laughed at by the Tang family for a long time, so I have a little impression..."

Zhu Manzhi's eyes lit up, and he got a little closer: "I've heard of the old sword master Zhu Silshan, and he seems to be very powerful... What happened next?"

Ning Yuhe shook his head and sighed: "Then the imperial court iron eagle hunted deer. The old sword master had a stubborn temper. He felt that the arena was the arena, and it was no longer an arena if the imperial court intervened. He refused to obey the imperial court's orders. The imperial court sent many Experts surrounded the Zhu family, and the Tang family and the Cui family also participated. In the end, no one could withstand three moves under the old sword master's sword. In the end, no one knew what method was used to kill the old sword master...

...According to rumors in the world, the old swordsman died, his sword was not broken, and he was surrounded by powerful enemies, but no one dared to get within ten steps. He was not found dead until he was shot by a bow and arrow. Therefore, people in the world said that the old swordsman was dead. The sword master died for a petty crime, not a crime of war. Sigh... The same is true for the old head of the Lu family in the East China Sea. He guarded the house alone with one sword and was still unscathed even when he died of exhaustion. The two old-timers have been fighting for their whole lives, but they never thought that they would both die in the dark. It is a pity. "

Zhu Manzhi pursed his lips, a little sad: "I heard that all the men in the Zhu family died..."

Ning Yuhe frowned and thought for a moment: "All the men of the Zhu family were indeed dead at that time, but the sixth child had been expelled for many years and there was no news, and he did not come back to take revenge afterwards, so no one remembers this person... So... Judging from your swordsmanship just now, your father cannot be an unknown person, he may be the son who was expelled from the family by the old sword master."

Zhu Manzhi held his cheek and thought carefully for a while: "It sounds possible... Then my parents may have run away from home to seek revenge, but I have never heard of such news in the Detective Department. …”

Ning Yuhe smiled softly: "There were many masters who besieged the Zhu family back then, and people died every day in the world. It is normal that there is no news. But if it is really an orphan of the Zhu family, he will definitely go to the Tang family in Youzhou to avenge blood. I am here After I’m done with my business in the capital, I can accompany you on a trip around the world.”

Zhu Manzhi was stunned for a moment, then sat up straight and felt confused: "Taoist Master, we just met, how can this be so embarrassing? Besides, your surname is Tang, right?"

Ning Yuhe looked at the sword beside him and said in a gentle voice: "Although I am a monk, the mortal world can be broken, and blood feud cannot be let go. My mother died at the hands of the Tang family, and this revenge must be avenged. I will help you find your parents, and then How about you ask your father to teach me swordsmanship?"

Zhu Manzhi thought for a while and nodded: "That's okay... My father has listened to me, but my father may also be a farmer... I am not responsible for finding the wrong person..."

Ning Yuhe nodded slightly and agreed.

Zhu Manzhi chuckled, held his chin in his hand and carefully looked at the Taoist nun in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and asked curiously:

"I heard that the senior is the most beautiful woman. She is indeed very beautiful. It's time to dress up..."

Ning Yuhe shook her head and smiled. Her delicate face showed some helplessness:

"It's just a rumor spread by the gossipers in the world. In order to put together a set of eight beauties, Xu Danqing offended many women. After finishing the painting, he retired to the mountains to avoid his enemies. 'It's hard to paint beauties in the world' is just an excuse for himself to retire. I happen to be the last one..."

Zhu Manzhi thought about it and hummed: "Red-faced skeletons, monks don't care about appearance, right?"

Ning Yuhe raised his eyes and glanced at the little girl opposite, chuckled and said: "Daoist nuns are not nuns. They also have Taoist partners and can marry and have children. They will naturally care about their appearance. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many ways to keep their youth... But for me, it's really a burden. I can't practice in peace. I'm still in trouble. It's better to be ordinary..."

Zhu Manzhi pursed her lips and wanted to say 'A full girl doesn't know the hunger of a hungry girl', but it seemed a bit self-degrading to say so. After thinking about it, she gave up... ——

Thank you for the reward from [成神123] sir.

I am almost at the end of the volume. I will sort out the plot a bit and update five more chapters tomorrow.

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