The prince is very fierce

Chapter 21 Zhu Liu

“Ah, ha!”

In the bamboo forest of Furong Temple, Xu Buling, who was practicing martial arts with a bamboo stick, sneezed and felt a chill on his back.

In the bamboo forest, Ning Yuhe, wearing a black Taoist robe, sat sideways on a stone with a small tea tray beside him. Her sitting posture was not deliberate, but it was hard to hide the gentleness of her figure. If you look closely, she looked a bit like a mirage, close in front of you but a thousand miles away, just like a fairy in the forest.

Seeing Xu Buling sneeze, Ning Yuhe stood up, took a blanket from the side, walked over to Xu Buling and put it on his shoulders:

"Your body has not recovered yet, you still have to pay attention, practice for a while, go back and rest."

Xu Buling nodded and chuckled, looking at the gentle master, thinking for a while: "I want to meditate in the evening. If Aunt Lu comes to find me, Master will help me block her. She only listens to you."

Because of the "efficacy" of Furong Temple, Mrs. Lu has been very respectful to Taoist priests recently, and basically listens to whatever Ning Yuhe says. Taoist meditation is originally a way to cultivate one's life and cultivate one's character. It is not good to be disturbed. Ning Yuhe did not doubt it and nodded slightly:

"Okay, remember not to force the qi to clear the blocked qi and blood in the body. I will go and tell Mrs. Lu."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the bamboo forest. Although he was wearing a Taoist robe, his steps were swaying.

Xu Buling watched Ning Yuhe leave. Now that he had known her for a long time, he gradually understood why Ning Yuhe was called the number one beauty 'who is hard to paint'. At first glance, Ning Yuhe did not look stunning, but the longer one looked at her, the more one could feel her 'just right' beauty. No matter whether she was moving, still, standing or sitting, one could not find any flaws in her and could tell what was good about her. If you have to "nitpick" to find flaws, you probably won't find any...

Xu Buling pondered for a moment, and his thoughts began to wander again. He coughed lightly to clear the images in his mind, and walked towards the house. When he passed by Lao Xiao who was pretending to be a god on the stone, he remembered something and raised his hand to order:

"Lao Xiao, send someone to check on Yan Wang Song Yu to see what he has been busy with in recent years and who he has been in contact with."

Old Xiao half-closed his eyes and dozed off. He opened his eyes when he heard the voice, jumped down from the stone, and straightened his servant's hat:

"Young prince, why are you checking on Yan Wang?"

Xu Buling had just talked about Queen Cui's past with Ning Yuhe. Although he knew that Song Yu had never Although he had never left the capital, he still felt that it was a bit strange for Jia Yi to mention this ‘contemporary true gentleman’, and pondered for a while:

“I don’t know, let’s check first… By the way, have you found the vendor who sold the jar of wine last time?”

After Lao Xiao ordered the guards of the palace to go out, he shook his head:

“There are 108 districts in Chang’an City, with a population of over one million. It is not easy to find a vendor…”

“If you can’t find it, it must be arranged by the person behind the scenes. Send someone to send a letter to my father, pretending to go to the Western Regions to find detoxification wine, so as not to alert the enemy.”


After Xu Buling finished his instructions, he returned to the house, pretended to meditate, and waited for dark.

Because of her status, the queen mother could not come to Furong Temple every day, but the detoxification could not be delayed. The Queen Mother can't come today, so he has to go...——

It's already the end of March, and the excitement in front of the Taiji Hall has slowly dissipated, but another more exciting thing has quietly exploded in the streets of March:

The first place of the Ten Martial Champions has finally surfaced!

The sun is hanging in the sky, and there are crowds of people outside the Longyin Pavilion on Zhuangyuan Street. Countless wanderers and ordinary people gather on the street. Even the nearby courtesans stand at the window with round fans and look.

Zhu Manzhi, wearing the clothes of the Wolf Guard, sits in a teahouse on the street and eats melon seeds, looking at the high platform built overnight outside the Longyin Pavilion with a sharp look.

There were also a few Wolf Guard colleagues nearby, who also gathered together with tea bowls, discussing who the first Wu Kui was:

"It must be Senior Situ, he deserves it..."

"Impossible, no one has challenged Qianrenmen yet, no matter how good your martial arts are, you can't get in without fighting with others. Senior Situ will probably come out in a few days..."

"Alas~ Lord Zhang is the same, he obviously already knew the news, but he insisted on letting us come and see it ourselves..."

"Recently, there are many people emerging in the martial arts world. The government said that Kou Meng, who had fought with the Northern Frontier Gun God Chen Chong a few years ago, came to Chang'an. He didn't want to take the title of Wu Kui..."

"Kou Meng was injured in the battle with Chen Chong that year, and he has been dead for a long time..."

Chirping, noisy, most people in the teahouse were talking about this.

On the stage outside Longyin Pavilion, a storyteller who was relatively famous in Chang'an was vividly describing what happened a few days ago at Baichi Cliff in the East China Sea:

"... In terms of the martial arts swordsmanship family, there is no one better than Lu, Zhu, Cao... Oh, and Tang..."


Because the Tang family has the shallowest foundation and has never produced a figure who is far superior to others, its status in the storyteller's mouth has never been very high. Zhu Manzhi usually likes to listen to these martial arts stories the most, and at this time she also laughed foolishly.

"...Since the old sword saint Zhu Choushan died in the Zhu family's sword sect, and the old patriarch Lu died on the cliff of the East China Sea, the title of 'Sword Saint' fell on the current patriarch of the East China Sea Lu family, Lu Baiming, who was known as 'his sword does not move, his mind is a hundred times loud'...

...When Prince Su led his army to suppress the East China Sea Lu family, the causes and reasons were complicated, and it is not convenient to explain them in detail here, but you all know... Lu Baiming saw his biological father die in the battle and did not take action. He felt guilty and faced the wall on the Hundred-foot Cliff to reflect on his mistakes until now, and has never stepped out of the Lu family...

… But just a few days ago, on March 23, when the storm was devastating the city, a swordsman in a bamboo hat, holding an ordinary iron sword, came to the Lu family in the East China Sea, and knocked on the door of the Lu family with the heads of seven heroes in the east as a stepping stone, and asked Lu Baiming for swordsmanship on the cliff! Guess what the result was? "

Everyone was listening attentively, and when they saw that the storyteller had kept the secret, they became annoyed and urged:

"What's the result? Who won and who lost? "

"Hurry up..."

The storyteller held a white paper fan in his hand, whetting everyone's appetite for a moment, and then slammed the gavel:

"Lu Baiming is the contemporary 'Sword Saint'. No matter who wins or loses this battle, one of them will definitely become the Ten Martial Champions personally appointed by the Emperor...

...On that day, the leaders of the twelve sects of the East China Sea watched the battle and witnessed it. Lu Baiming used his sword thirty-six times, showing the thousand-year heritage of the Lu family. Wherever the sword light reached, the grass and trees disappeared, and the rocks could not stop it. He forced the twelve sect leaders to retreat a hundred steps before they dared to watch. He is worthy of the name of 'Sword Saint'..."

Everyone listened with solemn eyes: "Then the straw raincoat swordsman lost?"

The storyteller chuckled, and suddenly his face changed, and he spread out the white paper fan:

"...Unfortunately, Lu Baiming used his sword thirty-six times, and every sword missed. And the straw raincoat swordsman held an ordinary iron sword and only struck out with one sword. The sword was like a dragon emerging from the sea and a genius entering the world. He suppressed the thousand-year reputation of the East Sea Lu family with one sword..."


There was an uproar outside the Zhuangyuan Building, and some people couldn't believe it.

Zhu Manzhi held a small tea bowl. Although she knew that the storyteller was exaggerating, she was still a little excited and said loudly:

"Well, the last swordsman, was it not the one who stood in the wind and rain with a sword, looked coldly at the twelve masters of the East Sea, and said, "From now on, I am the contemporary swordsman"? "


Many listeners sneered when they heard this. Obviously, they knew the tone of the storyteller and usually ended like this.

But to everyone's surprise, the storyteller on the stage folded his fan, clapped his hands and laughed:

"The girl must be a frequent visitor, but it's a pity to disappoint you. The straw raincoat swordsman did not take away the title of swordsman, but took it back!"

"......? "

Everyone was stunned, a little puzzled.

"...The battle that day ended with Lu Baiming abandoning his sword and admitting defeat. And the straw raincoat swordsman just said, 'My father and your father fought for decades, but they were still undecided. This regret, I, Zhu Liu, will make up for it.' Zhu Liu, Zhu of Zhu Family Sword, the orphan of the old swordsman Zhu Choushan..."

The whole audience was stunned and surprised. They didn't expect that this was still a story of 'an orphan endured humiliation for ten years and revived his family with one move'.

The storyteller appreciated the audience's reaction with satisfaction, and turned to look at the female wolf guard who wanted to spoil the show. As a result, there was only a handful of melon seeds left on the small table in the teahouse. Where did the half-figure come from...——

Crazy saving...

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