The prince is very fierce

Chapter 23: The Drinker in Bluestone Lane (Additional Update by the Alliance Leader)

Thank you to the leader of [Big Fan丶] for the reward. I am currently in debt (2/58) (\u003e﹏\u003c)


Xu Bu Ling galloped his horse and arrived at Dayefang. It was already dark.

Snowflakes were flying on the long street, and pedestrians were all on their way home. There was constant laughter in the Goulan wine shops along the street. From time to time, a few words could be heard:

"The wind abides in the dust and the fragrance of the flowers has gone. I am tired of combing my hair day and night..."

"Shizi Xu is really a tender and affectionate man. I heard he is even more handsome than a fairy..."

"Prince Xu doesn't admit that he wrote this..."

"Oh~ This is called a gentleman's demeanor. He just doesn't like to be famous. He is different from those secular literati..."

From the looks of it, the news about Longyin Pavilion last night has spread.

Xu Buling had nothing to say, so he dismounted at the entrance of the alley and walked to Sun's liquor store, preparing to make a pot of broken jade before looking for Zhu Manzhi.

Leading the wind-chasing horse through the narrow bluestone alley, I saw wine flags swaying in the cold wind under the dim yellow lanterns of the wine shop.

It was not too late, and the three tables in the shop were rarely empty of customers.

Shopkeeper Sun moved a small bench and sat at the door of the wine shop that had been open for decades. He held a wine bottle in his hand but did not drink. His eyes were cloudy and lacked energy. He just looked at the end of the bluestone alley.

Xu Buling led the horse closer, and the sound of the horse's hoofbeats was clear in the wind and snow.

Before Old Shopkeeper Sun could turn his head, the sadness on his face had already gone away, and he put on his usual kind smile. He stood up with his knees propped up:

"Young Master is here, are you still following the old rules?"

"Well, have a glass of wine."

Xu Buling took off the wine gourd and handed it to Mr. Sun, the shopkeeper who had walked behind the wine jar, and looked around the shop. The benches were placed upside down on the table, and the plates that originally held the wine and food were empty. It was obvious that the door was not open. He was slightly confused:

"Shopkeeper Sun, are you not doing business today?"

Shopkeeper Sun still had a smile on his face. He used a wine spoon to pour wine into the large vat with a strong aroma of wine. He sighed softly: "Something happened at home. I wasn't doing business today... I often pour wine in the shop. Lao Qian is an old drunkard, so he came to the door to ask why, and mentioned that the young master had been waiting at the door for an hour in the morning... Alas, the young man accidentally forgot about this, and I really can't help the young master. "

Xu Buling frowned slightly, and after thinking about the reason, he laughed:

"So Shopkeeper Sun came here and waited here for me all day?"

"Haha..." Shopkeeper Sun smiled and took a drink seriously: "Be honest in doing business. Master, you can't beat a pot of broken jade and burn thunder every day. If you don't come here by yourself, let the servants come over. Can you wait for the little old man at the door for an hour? , I appreciate the little old man’s skills, how can I let the young master wait in vain?”

"There are more than one wine shop. If an ordinary person waited for an hour in vain, he would definitely not come. How does Uncle Sun know that I will come again?"

Shopkeeper Sun shook his head: "I have been running a liquor store all my life. I have met many heroes in the world, adults in the court, and rogues in the market. I have even met the late emperor and the current emperor several times. People live a long time. Naturally, I can see people clearly. The young master is a man of rules. He came back disappointed in the morning and will definitely come over in the evening to see what happened. "How can I let the young master go in vain again?" As he spoke, shopkeeper Sun said. Filled a pot of wine and handed it to Xu Buling.

Xu Buling took the wine bottle, thought about it, and walked into the wine shop for the first time. He turned down the bench and put it away, and sat down at the wine table next to the alley: "Uncle Sun is also a man of rules. It’s still early and there’s no point in drinking alone, why don’t you sit down and have a couple of bowls?”

Shopkeeper Sun wiped his hands with a white towel, glanced at Xu Buling, but did not refuse. He walked into the back room and filled a plate of peanuts, took two wine bowls and placed them on the wine table.

There are no lights on the long road, and the wind and snow are blowing.

Shopkeeper Sun sat down at the wine table next to the fence and was as polite as ever:

"Master, there must be other purposes for drinking, right? You are such a persistent drinker. I have been buying wine for decades, and this is the first time I have met you."

"I have a minor illness and I have to use wine as an introduction to the medicine."

Xu Buling picked up the wine gourd and poured two bowls of wine, and placed one bowl in front of shopkeeper Sun. Regardless of status at the wine table, the older one is the elder brother and the younger one is the younger brother. This is a rule common to all three religions and nine schools.

Shopkeeper Sun took the wine bowl and looked at Xu Buling carefully: "I have been selling wine in the alley for so many years, but I met someone who looked similar to the young master. She was a girl. I heard she was a Dongzi. The daughter of the Hailu family was also very beautiful, so I remember it more clearly. The girl was later abducted by a prince's son and went to Xiliang. "

"That's my mother."

Xu Buring was slightly surprised and thought for a while: "I got sick a few years ago and couldn't be cured... He was very good to me when I was a child."

Old Man Lu looked a little sad, and put down the wine bowl he had just picked up. Finally he picked it up again, touched it with Xu Buling, and then sighed: "Birth, old age, illness, death, joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are all common things that people have to experience once. . It would be great if you can look away."

Xu Buling picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp: "That's right. Uncle Sun knows this truth, so why should he disapprove of it?"

Shopkeeper Sun also drank the wine bowl in one gulp, wiped his mouth, and smiled helplessly:

"Young Master has good eyesight... Alas, this little old man has lived his whole life. He thought he could see through people, but he never thought that when he got old, his eye was pecked by an eagle and he raised a white-eyed wolf..."

Since Xu Buling came here to drink every day, he naturally found out the background of the shop. Shopkeeper Sun has only one son. He works as an official in other places and does not come back for several years. There is no one around him except his apprentice.

Thinking of this, Xu Buling frowned slightly:

"I heard last time that Sancai was good at gambling. Something happened?"

Shopkeeper Sun picked up a peanut with chopsticks and nodded:

"Sancai lives right across from my house. When he was a child, he was lazy and got addicted to gambling. Every time he lost everything and people from the gambling house came to ask for debts, the old couple paid them off. Sancai, this kid, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to admit his mistake every time. , but refuse to change despite repeated admonitions...

... Later, the house and property were gone, the wife ran away, and the old couple died of illness one after another. Before his mother died, she held Sancai's hand and begged him not to gamble anymore...

...From then on, Sancai changed his mind and worked hard as a driver. We are all neighbors, so I asked him to come to the shop to help make wine and serve food, and he learned some craftsmanship, and he was quite diligent..."

"Your life has settled down and you have some spare money, but you can't bear it anymore?"

"Yeah, it's easy to change the situation, but the nature is hard to change... I didn't know what I was doing a few days ago. When I came back, I knelt down in front of me and cried, and asked me to borrow money... Of course I couldn't lend him money, so I even tried to persuade him a few words. Then he left. I thought Sancai was angry and just thought of confiscating this apprentice, but he never thought of going back at night...Oh~ that's all...he just ran away."

Xu Bu Ling frowned: "Sancai stole your savings?"

Shopkeeper Sun tapped his fingers on the table, drank a bowl of wine, and his wrinkled face gained a little more color. He was silent for a moment, and then sighed:

"Two hundred taels of silver is not too much. I don't have any use for it, little old man. As long as Sancai doesn't use it for gambling... Oh, I guess it's impossible..."

“A dog can’t change its habit of eating shit.”

Xu Buling picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp: "I'm going to say hello to the government. Is there any royal land in the world..."

Shopkeeper Sun raised his hand: "Little old man, I'm just saying this to the young master, just to use the strength of the wine to say a few words from my heart. If it troubles the young master, the wine will be tasteless... The third person I watched grow up , if you report to the official, you will be exiled to the army according to the law, forget it..."

While they were talking, an old woman walked into the wine shop and came to buy a drink.

Old Man Sun regained his usual warm smile, stood up with a stooped waist, drank seriously, and exchanged a few polite greetings:

"Master Zhang's old waist problem has returned?"

"Oh~ stop talking. I taught you boxing and kung fu since you were young, but you will always get sick when you grow old..."

The old woman looked very noble in her dress, and she wore a sparrow-tail hairpin on her head, which she thought was a token of love given by her lover in her youth. The old woman had a very friendly attitude. She chatted a few words with her wine bottle and then left slowly.

Old Man Sun sat down at the banquet table again, shook his head and said with a bitter smile:

"This old girl's man is a martial arts master. His son got into trouble a few years ago and was beaten to death by the wolf guards, leaving only the old couple. Master Zhang's temper has become bad. This old girl is heartbroken to lose her son. I have to persuade men to be more open-minded, alas! Compared with her, I am living a fairy life, so I still have to look to the brighter side."

Xu Buling was silent for a moment without saying anything more. After putting the money for the drink on the table, he went out, got on his horse, and disappeared into the alley...

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