The prince is very fierce

Chapter 35: Palace Lanterns, Sake, and Beautiful Women


Bursts of muffled thunder sounded like they were ringing on the roof of the summer resort.

Because of the loud noise, the palace maids and maids were a little scared and hid early in the room.

Big raindrops hit the lake water and lotus leaves. Thousands of koi fish disappeared without a trace, leaving only a few stubborn lotus flowers swaying in the wind and rain.

There was a light on in front of the lakeside window, and the reflection of the mature beauty fell into the lake water, and was broken into pieces by the raindrops.

"Hongluan, what are you looking at?"

A light voice sounded in the large room. Candles were burning in the room, and the dim light shone in every corner. There was a faint aroma of wine floating in the air.

There are several side dishes placed on the small table in front of the soft couch. The 'Qingyu Brewing' that the rich lady likes is warm and placed on the table.

The Queen Mother was leaning on the soft couch. She had just taken a bath and was only wearing a close-fitting red dress. The white jade wine glass in her hand was held to her lips. Her posture was slightly charming and lazy, with a pink and watery charm.

In front of the round window facing the lake, Mrs. Lu stood quietly with her hands folded on her waist, with three thousand black hair draped on her back. Because she had just soaked in the hot spring with the Queen Mother, she was dressed similarly, except that her little coat was dark green and clinging tightly to her body. The waist is cinched, outlining the graceful curves, but also showing a bit of dignity and stability.

After hearing the Queen Mother's words, Mrs. Lu came back to her senses. Qingquan's eyes were still staring at the Furong Temple on the mountain in the distance - lightning was flowing among the sea of ​​clouds, as if they were right in front of the bamboo forest.

"It's raining so heavily, and it seems like there's thunder above my head. Is your son going to be struck by lightning?"


The Queen Mother narrowed her eyes slightly, wanting to say, "That villain deserves to be struck by lightning," but this was obviously not something she could say. She was just as plain as day: "The sky is thirty-eight thousand feet high, and the mountains are so high that they cannot be struck by lightning."

Mrs. Lu felt a little relieved, withdrew her gaze, walked back to the soft couch with graceful steps and sat down.

Mrs. Lu went down the mountain today, originally to go back to Chang'an to buy daily necessities. It was sunny and sunny when she went out in the morning, but it started to rain at noon. Everyone in the house advised them to go to Furong again tomorrow, but Mrs. Lu felt it was not good to leave Xu Bu Ling alone on the mountain, so she went out of the city in the rain after buying some things.

I wanted to go back to the mountain overnight, but unfortunately the weather was not good. Not only did the rain not stop, it also got heavier and heavier. When the carriage reached the bottom of the mountain, the road could no longer be seen clearly. The mountain road was muddy due to heavy rain, and it was obviously unsafe for a carriage to go up the mountain in a heavy rainstorm. After hesitating for a while, Mrs. Lu had no choice but to change her route and come to the Summer Resort to stay for one night and visit the Queen Mother.

Although Mrs. Lu and the Queen Mother are nieces and nephews, they are not much different in age. They are close friends, so the Queen Mother naturally entertains them warmly. It was raining and they couldn't go out for sightseeing, so the two of them went to the health pool at the back to soak in a hot spring. They also got drinks and snacks and chatted privately to relieve their boredom.

In the past, in Chang'an, we would often get together like this. But now, it is obviously impossible for the Queen Mother to talk about everything as before.

The candlelight is dim and the aroma of wine is pleasant.

The Queen Mother leaned on the soft couch, her eyes always paying attention to every corner of the room, making sure that nothing that shouldn't be there appeared in the room, and she said absently:

"...Ning Yuhe also lives in Furong Temple. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. Have you not been to someone else's house recently?"

Mrs. Lu picked up the wine glass and took a sip, frowning slightly: "Master Ning has profound teachings and knows the truth. I am not an ignorant woman, how can I be disrespectful to her?"

The Queen Mother gave a faint hum, poured herself a drink, and thought for a while: "I heard that a Wu Kui was born a few days ago, and he is very powerful..."

This is obviously just looking for something to say.

Mrs. Lu's eyes were slightly suspicious. She glanced at the lazy Queen Mother, suddenly moved a little closer, and after holding in her words for a long time, she finally asked:

"Xian'er, are you hiding something from me recently?"


The Queen Mother's face froze, she blinked her apricot eyes, and sat up a little straighter: "I...what can I hide from you? We have been friends for nearly ten years and have talked about everything. You said so , I’m just too worried.”

Mrs. Lu pursed her lips, leaned on the carved soft couch, and looked at the Queen Mother up and down: "We have known each other for ten years, and I know your temperament very well. You will fight with me about everything, but you just don't like me..."

"Pfft—" The Queen Mother glared, a little annoyed: "Who are you talking about? Who doesn't want to see other people's kindness?"

Mrs. Lu waved her hand and said seriously: "I don't blame you. You are different recently. You always avoid people when you go up the mountain to burn incense. In the past, you had to walk several times up and down the mountain, and Ning Yuhe, With your temperament, you have to talk to her for a few days, but these days, you are avoiding even me, locking yourself in the house and never leaving the door, like a young lady who has not left the house, you say it's okay Son, I don’t believe it.”

The Queen Mother's eyes flickered, she picked up the wine glass and touched it to Mrs. Lu's hand:

"It's okay, just drink."

The more she said this, the more suspicious Mrs. Lu became. She sipped her wine and looked at the Queen Mother's face and body:

"Also, your complexion has improved a lot recently. Your face is more tender than that of a girl in the 14th or 15th century. I haven't seen you use any rouge or gouache..."

The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows slightly: "What? Sour? What happened to my natural beauty?"

"Tch~" Mrs. Lu looked slightly disdainful and turned her head to look away. But after holding it in for a while, she still couldn't hold it back. She raised her hand to touch her cheek and asked casually:

"Xian'er, you have liked to delve into weird things since you were a child. Have you figured out some ways to maintain your appearance and beauty, and secretly hide them without telling others? This is not a good habit. The Xiao family in Huainan regards the world as its own responsibility, how can you do this? Hiding something private..."

How could the Queen Mother not understand Mrs. Lu's thoughts? She sipped her wine and looked at her with a little contempt: "You are married, not a little girl, and you still think about these things all day long. Aren't you ashamed?"


Mrs. Lu's face sank slightly. She sat up straight and stared at the Queen Mother, trying to look indifferent: "How could I think about these things... It's just... Well... Etiquette begins with dressing properly, and everyone has a desire for beauty. This is what the saints said. What methods do you have to maintain your beauty? It's wrong to keep them to yourself. I want to ask what's wrong?"

The Queen Mother was actually quite puzzled as to why her skin was so moist recently and she didn't suffer from insomnia at night. After a little association, it might have something to do with detoxifying Xu Buling, so she sneered:

"Go find your precious Ling'er, he knows everything, he is sensible and considerate, much better than Xiao Ting..."

Mrs. Lu blinked, thought for a while, and suddenly frowned:

"Xiao Xiang'er, as the saying goes, 'appearance is determined by the heart', you are not gloating over Ling'er's misfortune, so..."


The Queen Mother was immediately annoyed and turned her head away: "You two have no conscience, this palace Is he that kind of person? Forgetting that Xu Buling was injured, I took care of him all night... But I was exhausted, busy serving tea and water, and didn't sleep all night. "

Mrs. Lu thought about it and smiled apologetically: "Well... the queen mother was indeed tired that night. I heard Ling'er said that he couldn't stand it in the second half of the night and fell asleep on the bed. His saliva flowed onto the quilt. He was disgusted and changed the quilt and pillow..."

"??? "

The queen mother took a deep breath and almost broke her clothes. She gritted her teeth for a long time and brewed curse words.

Mrs. Lu stopped when she saw that things were going well. She picked up the wine glass and sighed with a smile: "The child is ignorant and talks nonsense. I, as his aunt, will help him to make amends. I will punish him with three glasses of wine. Are you satisfied?"

The Queen Mother held it in for a long time before snorting coldly: "Hmph~ You are so arrogant. You treat Xu Buling as a treasure, but you don't know how he treats you in his heart... Maybe he is much more obedient in front of other women than in front of you, trying every means to please others, holding him in the palm of his hand for fear of dropping him, and holding him in his mouth for fear of melting..."

Mrs. Lu' Oh~ ', she supported her cheek with her hand and raised her eyebrows: "Don't worry about it, Empress Dowager. Ling'er is a man, and he is in a high position. It is natural for him to have two lovers, but I am the only aunt. It's better than Xiao Ting, who cheated the aunt's cosmetics to please the vulgar women in the brothel, and said, "This is for the Empress Dowager of the current dynasty..." Tsk tsk tsk..."


The Empress Dowager's face turned green with anger. If she didn't dare to say it, she would have to reveal what Xu Buling looked like on her.

It's really too much!

Mrs. Lu sipped her wine and felt much more comfortable. She continued to fan the flames: "Do you want me to go back and tell him, and then hang Xiao Ting up and beat him? The Empress Dowager has taught him for so many years, and he has become like this. I, as his sister-in-law, can't stand it..."

"Lu Hongluan!"

The Empress Dowager had a cold face, as if to say, "Try to say it again."

Madam Lu leaned on the couch with a smile and raised her eyebrows: "What's the matter?"


The Queen Mother was so angry that her eyelashes trembled slightly. After holding it in for a long time, she finally took a deep breath and leaned back on the couch, calm and said: "Forget it, I won't argue with you. I finally got more beautiful in the Summer Resort. Getting angry will hurt your health."

Madam Lu blinked her eyes and remembered the business again: "Hey~ Is there any way to keep healthy and beautiful? The concubine lived here before, and she didn't see so much change suddenly."

"No." The Queen Mother sipped her wine and replied directly. Not to mention no, even if there was, she couldn't say it.

Madam Lu was a little disappointed and thought about it: "Then what do you do when you lock yourself in the room at night?"

With Madam Lu's temperament, if she didn't find out the reason, she would definitely be crazy for half a year. The Queen Mother hesitated for a moment, and in order to conceal her presence, she stood up and said, "It's just some small things..." Then she walked to the box she carried with her, took out an object from the small mahogany sign, sat back on the couch, and shook it in front of Mrs. Lu, showing off a bit.

Mrs. Lu knew that the Queen Mother liked to study some weird things, such as treasure boxes and tangrams. At this time, she looked up and saw that the Queen Mother was holding a red rope with a 'gold pendant' hanging below.

Unlike other pendants, this 'pendant' made of pure gold is oval, with a smooth surface like a mirror, the size of a quail egg, or it can be said to be a golden 'quail egg'.

Mrs. Lu looked confused. She raised her hand to take the golden quail egg, held it in her palm, and looked back and forth: "What is this? It's just a golden ball, what's so special about it..."


The queen mother raised her thin eyebrows as if she was looking at a village woman who had just entered the city, took the golden quail egg, held it in her palm, and then pulled the red rope at the end a few times.


The sound of gears turning rang out.

Under Mrs. Lu's puzzled eyes, the queen mother wound up the spring, then spread her palm, and the smooth golden egg began to tremble in her palm, accompanied by a 'buzzing' sound. Obviously, the structure inside is very complicated.


Mrs. Lu naturally felt quite magical. She raised her hand to pick up the trembling golden quail egg, her fingertips numb, and listened to it by her ear. The sound of the object turning inside was very smooth, 'buzzing'.

"How is it, you haven't seen it before?"

"Yes, I haven't seen it before..."

Mrs. Lu held it in her palm and looked at it for a long time, and asked puzzledly: "What is this used for?"


The Queen Mother blinked and shook her head: "It's useless... I haven't figured it out yet..."

Mrs. Lu nodded gently, thought for a moment, and suddenly raised her hand to press the beating quail egg on the Queen Mother's waist.

"Ah--don't don't don't..."

The Queen Mother shuddered suddenly, couldn't help wanting to laugh, and waved her hands to push and shove...

Chirping, pushing and shoving.

The thunder and rain continued until late, and the frolicking and fighting did not stop until the middle of the night, when the sake was finished...

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