The prince is very fierce

Chapter 37: Letter from Home

The Prince is Fierce. Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow Chapter 37 Family Letter. I don't know when the rainstorm will stop. When the morning breeze blows, the surroundings of Yufeng Mountain bloom again. Swallows and sparrows wander between the dense forests in the mountains. Occasionally, a bird holding a branch in its mouth lands under the eaves of the Summer Resort. While building a bird's nest, it curiously looks at the half-open window below.

The morning light sprinkles on the wide lake, koi jump out of the lake, lotus sways in the wind, and the bamboo hat and raincoat on the windowsill have long disappeared.

In the room, the wine bottle is still on the table, the faint aroma of wine has dissipated, and the silence is a bit weird.

The curtain is hanging down and has not been lifted yet. The queen mother's almond eyes are wide open, looking at the top of the curtain, and even her eyelashes have not moved. It has been a long time.

I... What did I do last night...

Maybe Buling that guy has come?

The Queen Mother's eyes were full of confusion. She tried hard to recall what happened last night, but her memory stopped abruptly when she was talking to Madam Lu. What followed were all fragments. It was hard to tell whether it was a dream or reality.

It seemed like a dream...

No, it couldn't be a dream...

The Queen Mother frowned tightly and felt it a little. Her body was still sore and numb, and she would never forget this feeling. It must be Xu Buling...


The Queen Mother's eyes were filled with indescribable indignation. She didn't expect Xu Buling to be so bold. Hongluan was still beside her... That evil creature, wouldn't he even...

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother panicked a little. She used a lot of courage to turn her head and look at Madam Lu lying quietly beside her, breathing evenly and with her clothes intact. She didn't look like she had been bullied.

This evil creature still had a conscience... No, he dared to do it in front of Hongluan... Is he a human being...

The Queen Mother clenched her hands tightly, somewhat unbelievable.

But as the memories gradually came together, he vaguely seemed to remember that it was she who forcibly pulled Xu Buling and wouldn't let him go...

We're here now...

How is it possible!

The Queen Mother looked strange, and she couldn't believe that the memory of last night was true. How could that crazy woman be herself? She must have been bewitched...

Even if she took the initiative, he shouldn't have done it in front of Hongluan...

She was so heartless...

She did it several times last night...

As her thoughts kept changing, the Queen Mother remembered something very important again, and quietly got up to get the mahogany sign, but after thinking carefully, she couldn't remember the specific situation of last night...

Once? Impossible, that greedy...

Twice... It doesn't seem like it either...


After an unknown amount of time, a rustling sound suddenly sounded.

The Queen Mother was startled and quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Madam Lu uttered a soft "wu" and slowly opened her eyes. She looked around blankly. After her eyes became clear, she turned over lazily, lay on the pillow, and pulled the quilt:

"Xiang'er... it's time to wake up..."

The Queen Mother's heart trembled, she closed her eyes, and after a while, she slowly opened them, took a breath, and pretended to have just woken up:

"It's dawn..."

Mrs. Lu squinted her eyes and said "hmm", thinking a little:

"Why do you sleep here... did you move me here?" 3800

The Queen Mother's face was stiff, and she thought for a while: "Yes... you were drunk last night."

"I Remember to lie down first..."

"I woke up in the middle of the night."

The queen mother didn't dare to say more, and didn't stay in bed anymore. She turned over and said:

"It's sunny now, let's go up the mountain quickly."


Mrs. Lu was still a little sleepy, pursed her lips, and suddenly laughed again:

"Xiang'er, did you have a strange dream last night?"

The queen mother, who was looking for shoes, stiffened slightly and blinked:

"What dream?"

"Nothing... I just seemed to hear you humming, just like those unruly maids... Hehe..."


The queen mother's face flushed, but she didn't dare to say more, and ran out in a hurry.

Mrs. Lu thought carefully, but she couldn't remember the scene last night. She seemed to hear Ling'er's voice faintly, and hugged her and rubbed her...

Mrs. Lu blushed, secretly spat, and thought: Ling'er is on the mountain, how could she come here, it seems that she drank too much yesterday...

The bamboo sea swayed gently in the wind, and the rustling sound of bamboo leaves was like the sound of a zither.

Xu Buling, who had finished his work and left, sat in a wheelchair in the bamboo forest, holding a pen and grinding it. He had been thinking for a long time, but the scene of last night kept flashing in his mind, disturbing his mind and making it difficult to write.

He experienced a lot of things yesterday, and everything was under control, but the last thing was obviously a bit too much.

The land of gentleness is the tomb of heroes, it is really not a joke. He ran to the Queen Mother's room at night, and was held by the Queen Mother's baby and not allowed to leave, but he didn't know why he obeyed.

Madam Lu was still beside him. Xu Buling had always regarded Madam Lu as a family member. Madam Lu was actually younger than him, so how could she really regard her as an elder? It could be said that it was love between husband and wife, and the secular barriers were in front of him. He didn't care that Madam Lu cared, which was obviously a bit disrespectful.

But it seems that this is not the first time that he has secretly taken advantage of Aunt Lu...

In the gentle morning breeze, Xu Buling coughed lightly to clear the distracting thoughts in his mind. He dipped the Mobei wolf hair brush in the inkstone, raised his hand and brushed his sleeves, brewed for a while, and wrote:

Father, I am doing well recently, don't worry...

After Xu Buling came to Chang'an to study, he was always cautious because the mastermind behind the ambush on the Wei River had not been found, and the same was true for Su Wang Xu You.

In order not to alert the enemy, Prince Su pretended to be at ease and handed Xu Buling over to the emperor to take care of him, so as to avoid being criticized. When they exchanged letters, they also went through the official post station, without any intention of concealing anything. It is not necessary to guess that the contents of the letters have been checked.

Now that the dragon-locking poison has been solved, his life is no longer in danger, but this news cannot be made public. If his poison is completely cured, the layout of the Zheng against him will inevitably change. He can only pretend to be "recovered 20% by drinking detoxifying wine" so that he can keep a trump card that can reverse the situation and the ability to escape from Chang'an when he is dying.

Xu Buling is acting in the capital, and Prince Su must say hello. Otherwise, if he pretends to be poisoned, Prince Su will really lead the iron cavalry across Qianyang Pass, and the fake play will become real.


The tip of the pen scratches the rice paper, making a slight sound.

Xu Buling carefully wrote down his physical condition and his guess about the person behind the scenes, and finally added a sentence "Don't worry about your life or death, think twice before doing anything", and then closed the paper.

The reason for adding this sentence is that Prince Su really rebelled because of him. Under the current situation, he might be able to reach Chang'an and kill the emperor, but he couldn't destroy the Song family.

When the new king brought the six princes to suppress the rebellion, the small twelve states in the northwest could not stop it at all. Except for venting his anger, it was meaningless to the overall situation, but it played into the opponent's hands. Sleeping on straw and tasting gall, planning before taking action, go far more than rushing to the top in anger.

After writing the letter, Xu Buling picked it up and read it for a few times. He was silent for a while, and then looked towards the northwest. That was his home. He had been in this world for nearly two years. His past and present lives had already merged, but he had never really seen it with his own eyes. He could only stay in the cage of the thousands of streets of Chang'an City and be nervous. Speaking of it, he really missed it a little...

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