The prince is very fierce

Chapter 54: It is difficult to achieve enlightenment against the will of heaven, but to become a tru

The Prince is Fierce. Chapter 54 of Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow. It is difficult to achieve success against the will of heaven, but it is easy to become a real dragon. Gossip and rumors are the fastest-spreading things in the present and the future. In just a few hours, the heavy news of Xu Buling's battle with Mei Qusheng has been ignored, and replaced by the freshly-released "Zhao Hong Yi Mei" or "Fairy in the Painting".

Men like beauties, and women are not much worse, especially in this kind of social environment where women's daily lives are relatively repressed. After having a topic to talk about, they are much better than men who only brag in front of their friends. The news spread from the boudoirs and gardens of the rich and powerful at an alarming speed.

The Imperial Guards and the Wolf Guards can control the local snakes in the brothels and wine shops, but they cannot control the backyards of the rich and powerful families. Xu Buling originally wanted the court to suppress the rumors, but after seeing this scene, he was helpless.

In the afternoon, Xu Buling came to Zhu Manzhi's courtyard. While waiting for Zhu Manzhi to pack up in the house, he took out the envelope that Mei Qusheng suddenly sent.

There was no signature on the surface of the envelope. It was ordinary and nothing special. After checking the seal and tearing it open, there was a piece of rice paper and a piece of hair tied with a red rope inside.

Xu Buling looked at the strand of black hair in his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, and smelled the faint fragrance that had not yet dissipated.

"This girl has a lot of hair..."

Xu Buling shook his head, put a strand of black hair into the envelope and put it in his arms, and spread out the paper.

Song Yufu had copied books for him before. The beautiful handwriting was very familiar, and lines came into view:

'Xu Shizi, I am writing to you.

I have arrived at Yuelu Mountain. Everything is fine. Don't worry.

It’s the first time I’ve walked such a long distance. I’m exhausted. I’ve encountered many mountains and rivers on the road. I’ve never seen them before…’

The long article is full of interesting things I’ve seen on the road. It’s written very seriously, as if he wants to present all the scenes on the road to him through words.

Xu Buling smiled softly, looked around, sat down on a small bench, and lowered his head to check carefully:

‘…Yuelu Mountain is not fun at all. I thought it was a paradise on earth, but it turned out to be a primary school. Grandpa also raised chickens, ducks and geese. The big white goose is so fierce, even fiercer than the prince…’

Xu Buling frowned and looked cold: “Humph—you deserve a beating…”

‘…Hehe, I was just kidding. I actually wanted to tell the prince earlier about coming to Yuelu Mountain, but I was a little embarrassed. If the prince asked me to stay, I wouldn’t want to leave, but I really wanted to come and see my grandfather…

…I have a lot to say to the prince, but I don’t know how to say it. The hairpin and the hair, the prince is so smart, he should understand the meaning...

...The prince must come to Yuelu Mountain, otherwise when I return to the capital, the prince will have left, and I may never see him again in this life, and I have to get married...I don't want to get married, after meeting the prince, I will...'

Xu Buling frowned slightly, and scribbled a long section at the back. I don't know what he wrote, but I can imagine the bookish girl sitting at the desk under the candlelight, scribbling with a blushing face.

‘…Don’t give the hairpin away, or I won’t care about the prince. I won’t care even if you hit me. I’ll keep your wine gourd, but the wine in it is all gone. I don’t know why I drink it. I just drink a few sips a day, and then it’s gone. Now I think it’s a pity. I should keep it for the prince to come and drink together…

…My grandpa is very powerful. The prince has heard about it. After I came, I told grandpa about the prince’s situation and asked if grandpa could unlock the dragon poison…’

Xu Buling’s eyes narrowed slightly. For the old immortal in Yuelu Mountain who taught four outstanding disciples, everyone in the world respected him. He sat up straighter and looked at him carefully:

…Grandpa is a very good person. He plays chess alone in the woods all day. I asked him, and he asked me if I liked the prince. I naturally said no, and then grandpa didn’t want to care about the prince. I had no choice but to pretend that I liked the prince…


‘…Grandpa was willing to speak then, saying that the prince’s life was safe and he didn’t need to worry about it. Grandpa is very powerful, what he said must be right, so the prince will definitely live a long life... No, God will strike you with lightning...'

Xu Buling frowned, blinked, and continued to read:

...Grandpa also gave the prince a sentence: 'It is difficult to become a Taoist if you go against the will of heaven, but you can become a real dragon if you follow the will of heaven'. I didn't understand what he meant, so I asked grandpa. Grandpa said that if the prince couldn't figure it out, forget it, it was his fate, and it would be good to be an idle prince...

...That's it, there is more to say, I will continue when the prince comes. Prince, don't think about me, I asked Uncle Xu to draw a picture called Fairy in the Painting, you can look at it a few times every day...

See you in the rivers and lakes, Song Yufu. '

The long letter ends here. Diandian Library

Xu Buling frowned as he held the letter paper. It should have been sweet and warm, but the content of the letter made it difficult for people to focus on the gentle words of confession.

At this time, he finally understood why Mei Qusheng took the opportunity to hand him the envelope. The matter involved in this letter was too big.

After Xu Buling forced himself to remember all the contents of the letter, he stood up and walked to the kitchen of the courtyard to find a fire stick, lit the letter paper, and kept his ears alert to the surrounding movements until the white rice paper turned into green smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It is difficult to achieve the Tao against the will of heaven, and it is difficult to become a green dragon with the will of heaven..."

Xu Buling walked back and forth in the small kitchen, rubbing his fingers and thinking carefully about the meaning of this sentence.

If you can't figure it out, it's your fate. Being an idle prince honestly will at least keep your life safe...

The meaning of this sentence is very clear. He will not die no matter what. Being an idle prince, the title will not be reduced, and the lineage of the Su prince can still be preserved.

If this sentence is taken as a basic deduction, then the "Ambush at the Weihe River", "Longsuo Dragon Gu" and all kinds of true and false evidence, such a big plan is not for the purpose of cutting down the vassal and annihilating the Xu family, what else could it be for? …


Footsteps came and went.

Xu Bu Ling felt a dull pain in his head, and an elusive track appeared and disappeared in his mind, but he couldn't catch it.

To drive out the Xu family, no matter what the reason, King Su will rebel. The people behind the scenes cannot be unaware of this, so they have to find opportunities to reduce part of the power, so that King Su can swallow the bitter pill with all his heart...

Leading the target to the Imperial City, various evidence points to the current emperor, forcing him to kill someone in desperation...

For the crime of regicide, it is impossible to retain the title and live, and you will definitely die. This is a means to drive out the Xu family, and it is also a means to directly force the Xu family to rebel. It is not advisable from the standpoint of the imperial court...

But the various actions now are indeed like this...

He will die and the king will rebel. Unless he dies, the king will stand still unless...

Lure the snake out of its hole!

First force them to send troops, then force them to retreat...

The new king ascended the throne, and on the condition of his life, he forced King Su to retreat and cut off his limbs...

Or something more clever...! !

Xu Bu Ling was shocked all over.

The boundless dark clouds that had covered the sky for more than a year seemed to disappear in an instant.

The little clues and information obtained after peeling off the cocoons were like pieces of a puzzle, pieced together, and finally the whole picture was revealed.

"But... I thought it was such a big deal!"

Xu Buling's eyes were slightly cold, and he turned around and walked out of the small kitchen. He picked up Zhu Manzhi, who was packing rouge and gouache with his butt raised, and strode outside.

"Yeah yeah yeah..."

Zhu Manzhi was caught off guard, thinking that Xu Buling was going to rape her, so she lay on Xu Buling's shoulder, her face flushed, and she slapped Xu Buling's waist:

"Mr. Xu, what are you doing? You are the most beautiful man. parents don't know yet. It's impossible..."


After a crisp sound, Xiao Manzhi calmed down, fluttered his legs twice, and then stopped moving...

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