The prince is very fierce

Chapter 28: No Talk

The east is white, and the heavy snow overnight has accumulated a thick layer on the streets. People in the streets and alleys are sweeping the snow in front of their doors with brooms.

In the deserted courtyard, Ning Qingye walked out of the room wrapped in a snow-white fox fur. She looked at the heavy snow mixed with goose feathers in the north wind, and gently breathed in the white mist. She came to Beijing to seek revenge, and it seemed like she had no chance. Zhang Xiang of the Criminal Investigation Department was worthy of his reputation as a master, and she didn't even have a chance to get close. But being able to get my mother's sword back is also a kind of gain...

Ning Qingye lowered her head to look at the sword under the fox fur. The cold wind came in. Her body was injured and had not yet recovered, so she quickly closed the fox fur. Touching the fluffy fox fur, I suddenly thought of that silly boy again. He is very handsome, but his brain is not very good. How could he be kidnapped and rescue the kidnapper... Maybe this is the difference between a gentleman and a charlatan...

Jianghu people attach great importance to friendship and pay attention to every drop of kindness.

After getting the sword back, I should have returned to Evergreen Temple to continue accompanying my master, but I owed him a favor and I had to find a way to repay it...

Thinking of this, Ning Qingye turned her head and looked at the courtyard door. She originally thought that Xu Buling would come over again. After all, the phrase 'everyone has a love for beauty' was somewhat purposeful. It stands to reason that he would come over to show his courtesy. She was also thinking about whether she should hide somewhere else. As a result, after waiting for a day and a night, she had no intention of coming again. It seemed that the sentence was just a joke, which made her feel a little weird. is difficult to raise a woman and a villain, and the one who is close will not be inferior. Staying far away leads to resentment...

Not knowing why he remembered this sentence, Ning Qingye laughed to himself, took out a cloak from the house to replace the fox fur, took the bamboo hat out of the courtyard, and headed to Sun's shop in Dayefang.

If you owe a favor, you must pay it back no matter what.

She knew that Xu Buling had been poisoned by the Locking Dragon Gu and needed to drink alcohol to suppress the cold poison. She would make a pot of Duanyu Shao every day. She should be able to meet him again at Sun's shop.

After walking through the streets and alleys, we arrived at the wine shop in Qingshi Alley. It was already dark, and there were fewer customers in Sun's shop. There were only a few servants from wealthy families queuing up at the door to get drinks for the owner.

Ning Qingye entered the wine shop wrapped in a cloak, sat down at an empty table, turned her head and looked around a few times:

"Shopkeeper Sun, are you alone today?"

"Yes, the apprentice ran away."

Shopkeeper Sun came over with side dishes and a warm wine flask, still smiling warmly, and placed the food and wine on the table:

"Girl, you came early today. If you were later, I would be too busy."

Ning Qingye nodded slightly, picked up her chopsticks and took small bites of the food and wine. Not long after waiting, she suddenly heard the conversation between the drinkers:

"Three talents are really nothing, white-eyed wolf..."

"Old Sun gave him a mouthful of food, but he stole half of his life savings, two hundred taels..."

"How can a good gambler come from a good place? I should have known that this grandson of Sancai would bite back..."

"Forget it, forget it, it's all over, what's the point of talking about it..."

Ning Qingye blinked, obviously hearing the reason for the matter. Turning his head to look at it, shopkeeper Sun could see clearly. When a businessman loses his money, it is no less than an official who loses his official position, a military man who becomes useless, and a scholar who loses his reputation. This attitude of being able to take things and put them down is quite admirable.

Ning Qingye sat at the wine table and waited until the sun was up, but Xu Buling never came. Customers often came in to the wine shop and left when they saw that there was no room left. Although no one urged her to occupy the seat, she felt a little embarrassed, so she took out a banknote from the purse at her waist and put it on the table with a wine bowl. Then, he took the long sword on the table and left the wine shop.

People in the Jianghu can be called "heroes" only when they help someone when they see injustice.

But Ning Qingye had just walked not far away when a call came from the wine shop behind: "Girl, wait..." When she turned around, she saw shopkeeper Sun trotting over with a towel on his shoulders, holding a banknote, and something in his eyes. Very annoyed:

"You girl, I've been running a wine shop all my life. It's polite to give me a few extra coins after you drink the wine. It's also comfortable to hold. Are you trying to take over the wine shop by giving me so much at one time?"

Ning Qingye stopped, stood tall in the wind and snow, and pondered for a moment: "I just heard that the clerk in the shop stole my old man's savings... My father used to live in the capital, and he also liked to come to your shop. He was once poor. When he was down and out, he stayed with you for half a month. I will help him repay this favor. "

Shopkeeper Sun frowned when he heard this, tilted his head and thought for a moment: "I have been here for half a month... Judging from your age, you are about seventeen or eighteen years old... Your father is a scholar, right? I do remember that there was a poor scholar who passed the imperial examination. After three years of failing the exam, even eating was a problem in the end..."

When Ning Qingye heard about her father's affairs, her face showed no expression at all. She just nodded slowly: "It's him."

Old Man Sun showed a bit of regret: "That sour scholar was so ambitious all day long, but he actually gave birth to a good daughter... You can take this money back. When he lived here with me, he cleaned tables and drank wine every day. He has already repaid the favor."

Ning Qingye looked at the banknote: "I'm not short of money. I'm old, and my life savings were stolen by a thief..."

When Old Man Sun heard this, he raised his hand and waved: "Girl, you are a charlatan. Why do you know so little about the rules? This is not a matter of money. When guests come to the shop to drink, they say something about the family's shortcomings. It's okay to be happy. Well, this is all a story about drinking. I feel sorry for the little old man. If you give me a few words and ask for two more glasses of wine, the little old man will naturally feel better, and he will not starve to death without his savings.

You just threw two hundred taels of silver, you feel relieved, you feel you have done a great deed, but I owe you a big favor for nothing, I will remember it for my whole life and I can't repay it, this wine is meaningless, don't you think so? "

Ning Qingye hesitated: "I didn't expect the old man to remember my favor..."

"Then I will be an ungrateful person like Sancai?"

Manager Sun shook his head and handed the banknote to Ning Qingye: "I have been running a wine shop in the alley for my whole life, and I have basically met all the famous people in the world. Although your father is useless, he is better at doing things than you..."

Ning Qingye frowned slightly and raised his hand to take the banknote: "I was inconsiderate this time, but he is not a good person, he can't compare with me, goodbye! "

After saying that, he wrapped his cloak tightly, turned around and walked out of the alley quickly.

It looked like he was a little angry.

Shopkeeper Sun watched Ning Qingye leave, thought for a moment, shook his head and sighed softly:

"Such a good girl, why did she join the underworld. Dying on the street in the underworld is a good end, and separation from family is common... Poor girl, she met a father who is ambitious, alas..."

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