The prince is very fierce

Chapter 30: Be ready

At noon, Xu Buling drove his carriage through Zhuque Street, which was full of traffic and horses. Wearing the common military uniform of a guard, the sword on his waist was replaced by a four-foot-long knife hanging on his back and wrapped in black cloth. He wore a bamboo hat on his head and a black scarf around his neck to cover his face.

In the carriage, Xiao Ting sat upright, shaking his head with great enjoyment:

"No, back then my grandfather led your grandfather's horse, but now things have changed and it's your turn to drive me. What's this called?"

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, don't bully young people into poverty."

Xu Buling replied casually.

Xiao Ting's eyes lit up and he thought about it for a while: "Hmm... Not bad, not bad. You have this kind of realization at a young age. A child can be taught..."

Xu Buling was too lazy to pay attention to this tool man. After thinking about it for a while, he turned around and said:

"Don't let Mrs. Lu know about my visit to Baima Village today."

Xiao Ting smiled softly: "No problem, as long as I have fun, I will keep it a secret for you..."

Xu Bu Ling stopped the carriage at the gate of Daye Square and waved to Zhu Manzhi who was looking around.

Zhu Manzhi also changed into casual clothes according to Xu Buling's arrangement, a warm white top decorated with peach petals, a red skirt with white flowers, a bun with a bun, and two green earrings hanging from her earlobes. She was twenty-eight years old. Because of that, she looks like the girl next door, very young, but the bulging chest is not consistent with her age.

After seeing the carriage, Zhu Manzhi's eyes lit up, he ran over with his skirt in hand, and said with a smile from a distance:

"Mr. Xu, is this attire acceptable?"


Xu Buling sat further to the side, and Zhu Manzhi jumped onto the carriage neatly, sat down on the outer edge, and raised his hand to pick up the riding whip:

"I can handle this kind of thing. It's not appropriate for you, a rich man, to drive..."

Xiao Ting heard the voice and opened the car curtain to reveal his head: "Why is it inappropriate? Driving for me is his blessing..."

Turning his head to see Zhu Manzhi, Xiao Ting was startled, looked up and down, his expression changed completely, and he acted like a handsome young man:

"It's my fault! Xiao Ting, a young student, dare I ask the girl what her name is?"

Zhu Manzhi didn't expect there was anyone in the carriage. He looked back and frowned slightly:

"Mr. Xu, who is this guy?"

"The second son of Prime Minister Xiao, the nephew of the Queen Mother, and the direct descendant of the Xiao family in Huainan."


Zhu Manzhi's expression changed. The Huainan Xiao family was a high-ranking family member. To put it bluntly, the identity of the fool in front of him was almost the same as that of Xu Buling.

Zhu Manzhi sat up straighter and said: "It turns out he is Mr. Xiao. It's better to see him than to hear him for a long time. It turns out that the jade tree grows in the wind and his temperament comes out of the dust."

Xiao Ting looked modest, with his hair hanging down in front of his forehead: "The awards are all made by friends. I am the most approachable... By the way, Xu Bu Ling, just now Mrs. Lu said that you and I are..." The difference between cloud and mud'.

"That's natural!" Zhu Manzhi nodded sincerely: "Master Xiao and Master Xu are naturally different from each other."

"Really? I thought Mrs. Lu lied to me..."

Xu Bu Ling had a strange expression and raised his hand to close the car curtain, only to rescue Zhu Manzhi who didn't know how to answer the conversation...


Baima Village is located in the northern suburbs of Chang'an City, with thousands of acres of fertile land belonging to the Li family. The Zhongyong Marquis Li family was granted the title of Marquis because they swore to protect their master to the death. Their ancestors had little military exploits. The family of generals had no military exploits to support them. No matter how favored they were, other generals would not recognize them, so they were never able to take on important responsibilities.

The Li family did not want to compete with several warlord families in Dayue, so they stayed in Chang'an to develop their connections. Now the head of the family, Li Baoyi, is serving as General Yunhui of the third rank. In Dayue, which has a higher status as a warrior, he can be considered a high-ranking official in the court. member.

The eldest son of the Li family is now guarding the border in South Vietnam. The second son, Li Tianlu, is responsible for managing the family property and establishing friendships with the wealthy children of Kuishou Street in accordance with the rules of the family. His role is similar to that of Xiao Ting.

Baima Village is said to be a farm. After many years of construction by the Li family, it is now no different from a garden. Because it is a private garden and is not open to tourists, you can only enter with an invitation.

In the afternoon.

The buildings in the White Horse Village are quiet and peaceful. Tenants carrying hoes walk back and forth on the field paths. Chariots and horses often gallop by on the central avenue.

Outside Zhuangzi's archway, guards with swords patrolled back and forth, and there were also experts watching in the dark. When guests came, the stewards waiting at the entrance of the village would come forward to greet them warmly.

However, the atmosphere in the seemingly peaceful farm today was a bit strange.

In the main hall of Baima Village, the two of them were sitting on the Grand Master's chair on the side. Zhu Chenglie from the Eagle Claw Sect stood behind a grey-haired old man. Their faces were similar, but the old man's finger joints were thick, his muscles were stronger than Zhu Chenglie's, and he had a pair of eagle eyes. Bright and energetic, it is none other than Zhu Manlong, who is known as the 'Dragon Catcher'.

Opposite is Zhang Chao, a restaurant at Tongbeimen on Hutai Street. Zhang Chao practices Tongbei Quan, which is famous for its "two arms connected, cold bullets are crisp and fast". He studied under the Qi family in Youzhou. Unlike Zhu Manlong who broke into Chang'an alone, Zhang Chao was a master specially sent by the Qi family in Youzhou to teach boxing. He was from a serious martial arts family.

The main hall is luxuriously decorated with carved beams and paintings. Sitting at the head of the table is a young man. He is sitting in a leisurely posture with wild eyes. He is gently swaying a wine glass in his hand, listening to the conversation between the two:

"Master Zhu, are you sure that the person yesterday used the 'Golden Dragon Hekou' in Tongbei Fist?"

The one who spoke was naturally Zhang Chao. There are rules in the world, no matter whether it is a family or a sect, the inheritance of martial arts is not a trivial matter. From father to son, master to disciple, if a highly respected famous master feels that his disciple's son has a wrong heart, he would rather die in his stomach than teach him to be harmed. people.

Each martial art basically has several unique skills, which cannot be learned by just watching others fight once. Without a master to teach by example, one will only learn fancy moves all his life.

The "Golden Dragon Closing Mouth" in Tongbei Quan is one of them.

Zhu Manlong held the teacup and tilted his head to indicate.

Zhu Chenglie, whose face was still sickly pale, walked to the center of the hall and unbuttoned his martial arts uniform. His muscular body was exposed in the cold air, and bruises and scars could be seen on his back, chest, and arms.

Zhang Chao put down his teacup, stood up and walked over to carefully examine the injury, frowning:

"It is indeed the Golden Dragon's mouth. Without ten years of hard training, it is impossible to use this fire."

Zhu Chenglie closed his clothes and looked up: "That person is chasing a gambler and asking about Baima Manor. Mr. Li, you see..."

Li Tianlu, who was shaking his wine glass, snorted softly:

"It may be a jianghu person who was cheated of money by a gambler... I heard from you that his martial arts are very high. Just in case, the two masters will stay here for a few days. If he dares to break in, he won't have to go out."

Zhu Manlong and Zhang Chao nodded gently: "Mr. Li, don't worry."

Zhu Chenglie hesitated for a moment: "This person has learned a lot, and his background is probably not simple. If he is a government official..."

"In Chang'an City, as long as you are not behind the three octagonal archways on Kuishou Street, you have to give me some face."

Li Tianlu looked arrogant, snorted lightly, stood up and walked out of the hall: "You two can do it without worrying about the consequences. If something goes wrong, I will cover it for you."

"Farewell, Mr. Li!"

Zhu Manlong and Zhang Chao both nodded...

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