The prince is very fierce

Chapter 17: Waiting impatiently

Three days and three nights.

Xu Buling discussed the matter of Jiangnan seriously with Xiao Xianger in the room. He appealed to her emotions and reasoned with her. He almost wore out his lips. The small mahogany sign turned into eight "positives". He finally convinced the unyielding baby. He reluctantly agreed to go to Jiangnan to propose marriage. The main purpose was to take her home to make amends.

Xianger stopped making trouble, so Prince Su and Aunt Lu naturally said nothing. Anyway, they were going to try. Proposing marriage was not an engagement. It didn't matter if Miss Xiao declined. She just regarded it as accompanying Aunt Lu and Xianger to visit relatives.

Suzhou City is 4,000 miles away from Jinling in a straight line. It is impossible to go in a straight line by boat. It is more than 10,000 miles round trip. Even if you travel 100 miles a day, it will take three months just on the road. It will take more than a year to return.

Therefore, it is not possible to leave at any time. It takes a lot of time to prepare before leaving. You have to bring the betrothal gifts and other things. If Miss Xiao agrees, then she can load them directly on the boat and bring them back to get married. If Miss Xiao does not marry, it is also convenient to load them directly on the boat if she meets a suitable person on the way.

In addition, Xiang'er and Aunt Lu have been staying in the boudoir all year round. They yearn for poetry and distant places. The itinerary on the road must be planned well. Watching the autumn moon on the Yellow Crane Tower and taking a boat together on the West Lake can also be regarded as fulfilling Aunt Lu and Xiang'er's dream.

After the matter was finalized, Xu Buling became busy, circling and dotting on the Dayue map in the study, thinking:

"I have to go to Wudang Mountain to capture Master and Manzhi. I heard that Chen Daozi is good at swordsmanship, so I have to visit him... Chen Chong in Beijiang doesn't seem to be on the way... I can meet Xue Chengzhi from Liuhemen..."

Old Xiao stood opposite the desk with a cane, muttering:

"There are many beauties in Chu, especially in Jingzhou... I'm afraid I can't get to Chengdu... I must go to Hangzhou..."

Xu Buling looked at the red circles all over the map and shook his head:

"Forget about the beauties, otherwise it will take me 100,000 miles to go around this circle."

Old Xiao chuckled: "What's wrong with a hundred thousand miles? Going out to the rivers and lakes for a few years and seeing all the mountains and rivers is not bad. Once you inherit the throne, you will have no chance to leave again. What the prince regrets now is that he didn't go out to the rivers and lakes with the princess back then..."

Xu Buling thought for a while: "Father is in good health, so it doesn't matter if he goes out for a while. But Aunt Lu and Xiang'er may not be able to bear it, so it's better to go early and come back early depending on the situation..."

While speaking, a guard came to the door and said loudly:

"Young prince, the messenger sent a letter, and it was written on it that the young prince wrote it personally."

Xu Buling put down the brush and asked the guard to bring the letter in. After a quick look, he recognized that it was written by Song Yufu.

Last time, Song Yufu's letter was too important, so I burned it after reading it, and never replied. It was a bit impolite to say.

Xu Buling looked at the doll still leaning on the desk, shook his head and chuckled, leaned back on the armchair alone, opened the envelope with a paper knife, unfolded the paper and checked, the first sentence was:

'Xu Shizi, I'm writing to you, why didn't you reply to me...'

Xu Buling raised his eyebrows, said sorry secretly, and continued to read.

'I didn't want to write to you, anyway you didn't reply. However, my grandfather heard that you returned to Suzhou, and asked me to tell you that I would come to Yuelu Mountain when I have time, so I reluctantly wrote you another letter.

I heard that the prince became 'Zhao Hong Yimei', this can't be blamed on me, I just asked Uncle Xu to draw a picture for me to keep, so as not to forget what you look like and can't recognize you when I come here in the future.

Well, there's nothing else to do. The village is so boring. My father bought me a maid, who is silly and knows how to work all day. As for me, I still take a group of children to study in the school in the morning, and I stay in the village entrance to enjoy the cool at other times.

Grandpa has a dog called Ah Huang, who is very cowardly. He also has a big white goose, the one I mentioned last time. I call it ‘White Prince’. It chases and bites a few hens all day long, scaring the hens so much that they stop laying eggs. It is as unreasonable as the prince. Every time I see it, I think of the prince, and I can see the big white goose from morning to night, so...

Okay, remember to come early. My grandpa is very powerful. If you don’t come, I will never write to you again.

Song Yufu. ’

The letter ends here.

Xu Buling raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect Song Yufu to be so passionate when talking about love. He felt warm in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Xu Buling spread out a piece of rice paper, brewed a little, and wrote:

‘Miss Song, look behind you. ’

Then he folded the paper, put it in an envelope and put it in his arms.

After all, he will soon go into the world of martial arts in white clothes and swordsmanship, and the first stop is probably Yuelu Mountain.

But before leaving Suzhou, Xu Buling still had to repay a favor.

So the next morning, he took the long spear ‘Shuilongyin’ from the ancestral hall, rode on the snow, and came to the Lanxiang Pavilion on Xianlong Street... ——

In Lanxiang Pavilion, Zhongli Chuchu had been living in the wing room on the third floor, waiting for Xu Buling to come again, and then show her charm to make Xu Buling fascinated, so as to report to her master.

It’s a pity that Xu Buling has never come to visit since the brief contact that night.

The news of the ‘Ice Flower Hibiscus Pendant’ was just what Zhongli Chuchu heard from the martial arts world, and she just said it casually as an excuse, and she didn’t expect Xu Buling to find the rumored thing.

But he ignored it after agreeing, which still made Zhongli Chuchu a little annoyed.

It’s okay to ignore her appearance, and he didn’t even care about asking for information. If he doesn’t treat her as a beauty, he should at least treat her as a guest, right?

This is simply not treating her as a human being!

Zhongli was so angry that he wanted to go to the palace to ask, but he had no identity if he went there openly, and he was looking for death if he went secretly, so he could only wait in the side room, and he had to pay attention to his appearance at all times.

In the wing room at this time, Zhongli was dressed in white as snow, with no makeup on his cheeks, giving him a somewhat otherworldly look. Although her appearance is too gorgeous and not as cool as Ning Qingye's, and her temperament is a bit inconsistent, she still looks like one of the most stunning women in the world.

Zhongli Chuchu sat in front of the dressing table, carefully paying attention to her bun and clothes, just like a girl waiting for a guest to come to her door. After sitting like this for more than ten days, there was finally a sound outside the door.

dong dong

"Miss Zhongli!"

Zhongli Chuchu immediately cheered up. After carefully looking at her clothes to make sure they were all right, she stood up with graceful steps, pretending to be lukewarm, and raised her hand to open the door:

"Master Xu."

The voice was cold, neither far nor near, with a hint of immortality.

Outside the door, Xu Buling was dressed in a white robe, with a "nothing" sign hanging around his waist, and his hair tied up with a hairband. He was simple and energetic, just like a knight walking on the rivers and lakes.

Seeing Zhong Li's elegant dress, Xu Buring was stunned for a moment. If it weren't for those green eyes, he would have thought he had recognized the wrong person. He lowered his head and looked at himself:

"Miss Zhongli, why...why are you wearing couple's clothes with me?"


Zhongli Chuchu looked down, her face suddenly turned a little red, but she calmly suppressed it, still looking lukewarm:

"Master, please respect yourself."

With a hint of dissatisfaction and annoyance, it smelled a lot like Ning Qingye.

Xu Buling blinked, a little confused, and didn't understand why Zhongli Chuchu's style had changed so much. However, what people like to wear is their business. He didn’t say much, so he just said softly:

"I have news about the jade pendant that the girl asked about. It's quite far away. I'll take you there to get it."

Zhongli Chuchu said "Huh?", obviously a little surprised, but he immediately returned to his cold fairy appearance and nodded slowly:

"You've got a job, sir."

Xu Buling had nothing to say, so he turned around and walked out of the restaurant.

Zhongli Chuchu stood at the door and saw that Xu Buling didn't look surprised at all. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious and said:

"Master, what do you think of my outfit? Do you want to change your clothes?"

Xu Buling turned around and looked up and down: "It's better than before. It's not suitable for you. It doesn't look as good as Qingye."



The door slammed shut, "What are you looking at..." followed by rustling...

Xu Buling frowned slightly, spread his hands and pondered for a while, but still pretended not to hear...

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