The prince is very fierce

Chapter 21: First courtesy, then force

There were many guests in the palace, and all the famous people in the territory under the jurisdiction of Prince Zuo sent people to send congratulatory gifts.

Chen Xuan brought Zuo Yezi and two guests from afar to the side hall of the palace. Chang Shijian and Wu You were from Jianghu, so naturally they were not qualified to drink in the same hall as a prince. They just sat with many squires and minor officials. .

Chen Xuan and Zuo Yezi entered the main hall directly and took their seats behind the desk at the front.

At this time, the splendid main hall was brightly lit, with more than a dozen tables arranged in two rows, and those sitting there were all dignitaries from the Northern Qi Dynasty and several generals from the Left Route Army.

Prince Zuo Jiang was sitting above. He had sworn not to remove his armor until Suzhou was destroyed. At this time, he was still wearing golden armor, with his long hair hanging down. He looked quite heroic like a veteran on the battlefield.

In the middle of the hall, the envoy sent by the Northern Qi monarch was reading a congratulatory message written by the emperor.

Qi Guohai and He Jian, two warriors with some status, sat at the table at the back.

Qi Guohai was in his early forties and was the head coach of the Imperial Boxing Gym of the Northern Qi Dynasty. He was in his prime and could not be considered one of the top masters in the capital of the Northern Qi Dynasty. When he saw Zuo Yezi approaching, he said:

"Yezi, why did you come here?"

Qi Guohai and Zuo Qingqiu were of the same generation, they were considered elders, and they had given Zuo Yezi some guidance. Zuo Yezi's attitude was more respectful and he nodded slightly:

"Just now, Mr. Chen and Mr. Chen went to meet two Jianghu people. They said they had a good idea that Master should take a look at, so they went over to have a chat."

He Lian was extremely tall and fond of martial arts. Hearing these words, he turned his head:

"The threshold for the disciples of the Imperial Master is not very high. Among the younger generation in Northern Qi, your senior brother is the only one who is more talented than Mr. Zuo. Counting those in the Central Plains, there is only one Meiqu student and one Xu Buling. Is it possible? Is that good young man better than Mr. Zuo?"

Zuo Yezi smiled calmly: "The world is so big that there should be many strange people. Chang'an and his party made me understand what 'the sky is high and the sky is high'."

Qi Guohai laughed twice: "It's a good idea to have this intention, but people who practice martial arts should have a sense of arrogance. Mei Qusheng and Xu Buling are only famous among the young people in the Central Plains. Ye Zi is already an outstanding person, and now Maybe there is a gap, and you will catch up after a few years of hard work.”

Zuo Yezi thought about it for a moment: "Xu Buling, um... can't be considered a human being. The dragon-locking poison is so severe that it makes people palpitate. I heard from spies that the antidote for locking the dragon was recently found from the Western Regions. It’s hard to imagine how powerful it can be once it’s solved.”

He Jian shook his head: "No matter how famous you are, you are still a human being. Mr. Zuo has never been out of the world, and he met Xu Buling in the first battle. It is normal to be impressed by him. When you see more geniuses in the world in the future, you will find that he is actually just a human being. That way.”

While he was talking, a guard suddenly hurried in from outside the hall.

Because the special envoy from the capital was reading the monarch's congratulatory message, and the guests were talking in whispers, so he barged in so rashly, which was obviously a breach of etiquette.

For a moment, the special envoy stopped talking while holding the imperial edict. Prince Zuo Jiang Nu also frowned and said:

"Why is it in such a hurry? Did Xu You call over?"


There were several chuckles in the hall, and everyone's eyes turned to the guards who suddenly broke in.

The guard looked panicked, stepped forward and bowed:

"Your Majesty, there is a guest outside who claims to be Prince Su's Crown Prince Xu Buling. He is here to congratulate your Majesty on his birthday."


The guests were a little baffled. Even Zuo Yezi and Chen Xuan frowned. Their first reaction was that someone was showing off and cheating on the banquet.

However, in order to deceive, you should also give the name of a big family nearby. King Su is quite close, but he is a king with a different surname from an enemy country, and they have been opposed to each other for a long time. Is it possible that there are still people who have not heard of it?

Jiang Ru tilted his head slightly and was stunned for a moment before he made sure he heard correctly and said in a deep voice:

"Come in and report any mess. Xu Youneng will send his son to celebrate my birthday. I will cut off the head and use it as a chamber pot."

The tone was filled with anger. The guard trembled in fright and said tremblingly:

"I thought I was just trying to fish in troubled waters, but...just..."

Before he finished speaking, there was noise outside the hall.

So people turned around to look, and saw in the small square outside the hall, a young man dressed in white like snow walked around the screen wall, holding a roast chicken in his left hand, and a 'long stick' wrapped in black cloth in his right hand, and strode towards the main hall.

Dozens of diners and soldiers armed with weapons tried their best to stop and scold them. Unfortunately, no matter how skilled they were, they were easily slapped down at close range, as if they were in a deserted place.

There were hundreds of guests around the main hall. When they saw someone making trouble, they all stood up from behind the desk.

Chang Shijian in the side hall frowned. He had never seen Xu Buling before and didn't recognize him. Seeing that Prince Zuo's guard was so careless, he thought of getting up to help clean up as a favor, but Wu You next to him suddenly held down his hand. off his shoulders.

Chang Shijian turned his head and saw Wu You's eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, staring at the figure in white, gritting his teeth and saying:

"Be calm and don't be impatient. This person is Xu Buling, and he is by no means an ordinary person."

Chang Shijian was slightly startled when he heard this. After taking a closer look, he sat down again.


"Who are you——"

There were constant scoldings outside the main hall, and the guests of the palace gathered around from all directions.

Xu Buling carried the long stems and roasted chicken, slapped away the fish blocking the way, and came to the front of the main hall. After seeing the armored man sitting in the deepest part, he said:

"I heard that Prince Zuo is celebrating his birthday today, and I came here to congratulate you. Unexpectedly, I was attacked with swords. Northern Qi is a country of etiquette after all. Is this how you treat guests?"

The voice was clear and unhurried, but it reached the ears of everyone in the surrounding hall.

"Should you order it?!"

Zuo Yezi reacted when he heard the sound, and his face immediately showed shock and disbelief.

Qi Guohai and He Lian frowned. They heard that the man's martial arts skills were unfathomable, but they still didn't believe that King Su's son dared to run here.

Chen Xuan's expression changed drastically and he stood up: "Could it be that the Xiliang army broke the city? Come on, go outside the city and have a look..."

Jiang Ru was equally unbelievable, but compared to the Xiliang cavalry breaking through the black city silently, the possibility of Prince Su running over was more likely. After all, Xu Buling had been preparing to do this a few years ago, but he just left the border. Then he got lost and ran away to kill a group of horse bandits.

In two sentences, Xu Buling had already entered the main hall. The guests of the royal palace were guarding Jiang Nu with weapons in their hands. Qi Guohai and He Lian also stood up.

Jiang Ru took a look at Xu Buling, because he had seen Xu You on the battlefield before, and then he really confirmed that the person coming was the son of King Su, and said:

"Prince Xu is so courageous, he dares to do this."

Xu Buring carried the roasted chicken and walked to the center of the hall as if there was no one else around. He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Jiang Nu above:

"The middle door is wide open, welcoming guests from all directions. Why don't I dare to come?"

Chen Xuan saw Xu Buling. After analyzing the situation for a while, his expression became excited and he said:

"Get him quickly, he is the son of King Su..."


Before many of the guards took action, Jiang Ru raised his hand:

"Xu Bu Ling, Xu You wants you to surrender?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then felt that it was very possible to send their own sons here. There seemed to be no other possibility except surrender.

But King Su had just broken through Wangnan Pass, and now the two armies were still fighting in Yuanzhou. They had always taken advantage of victory to pursue, so it was unbelievable to surrender while taking advantage of victory.

Facing the confused looks of everyone present, Xu Buling put the roast chicken on the table with a bright smile:

"Prince Zuo may not be worthy enough to ask my Xu family to surrender. Come here to celebrate your birthday and discuss something with Prince Zuo."

When Jiang Ru heard this, he was not angry at all. He raised his hand and asked the guest to put away his sword first:

"I would like to honor you, old general. I'll give you face and say what you have to say. Although 'the two armies are fighting without killing the envoy', if you don't have a suitable excuse today and want to return to Dayue, Xu You may have to spend two days to return to Dayue." State to change.”

Xu Buling held a long spear wrapped in black cloth at an angle and glanced at everyone present:

"We broke through Wangnan Pass a few days ago. The Qi army defended Yuanzhou. The two armies were in a stalemate in Yuanzhou. The war caused many merchants to dare not travel. So my father asked me to come over and talk to Prince Zuo."

Jiang Ru frowned: "Are you here to ask for peace?"

Xu Buling smiled: "Prince Zuo thinks so, and the two sides have ceased fighting. General Tu will no longer attack Yuanzhou. Northern Qi will use Jingyuan as the boundary and allocate the territory south of Jingyuan to me, Dayue..."

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