The prince is very fierce

Chapter 32 Bloodstained White Horse Village (Part 1)

Baima Manor is the private property of the Li family. After years of construction and renovation, it is no longer mainly based on farming. Instead, it is similar to a modern farmhouse, a place for the rich and powerful in Chang'an City to have fun.

There are many brothels and gambling houses in Chang'an City. To make money from these wealthy people, you naturally have to do some tricks that you can't see elsewhere.

Xiao Ting came rashly and it was his first time. Although Li Tianyu knew that this gentleman's brain was not worthy of his status, he still had to be on guard. He just took Xiao Ting to the main house, where there were beauties and wine to accompany him. It was not much different from an ordinary place for entertainment, so there was nothing to say.

In a garden deep in Baima Manor, the rockery built with strange stones was quite beautiful. There were many guards with swords walking back and forth around the rockery. They were restrained and much stronger than the guards at the entrance of the manor.

There is a cave under the rockery. People in fancy clothes go in from time to time. You can hear a faint noise coming from underground...


"Dad, do you think that Eagle Finger Wanderer will come today?"

In the huge underground palace under the rockery, many people are sitting in the compartments around it. In the middle is a martial arts arena with thick railings around it, which looks like a huge cage.

Zhu Chenglie's face is pale. He sits outside the huge cage and keeps looking around.

Zhu Manlong sits on the armchair with a teacup, and Zhang Chao is next to him. Thugs in guard uniforms are everywhere in the underground palace.

Hearing his son's question, Zhu Manlong snorted lightly: "With my father and Master Zhang here, I am 100% sure that he will never come back."

Zhu Chenglie nodded, his expression a little uneasy, which may be related to 'If you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door'. If you do bad things, you will naturally be a little suspicious.

In the huge cage in front of Zhu Chenglie, beast roars were heard from time to time. A yellow-striped tiger roared in the iron bars of the huge cage against the wall. Its scarlet pupils contained the beastly nature brought by hunger, and it scanned the many sources of the shouts outside the cage.

The people sitting in the surrounding compartments could not see who they were, but Zhu Chenglie could hear the voices of several people. They were all wealthy and powerful people in Chang'an City. At this time, with some excitement, they threw gold and silver ingots into the tray of the steward and shouted:

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

Although it was the first time for Zhu Chenglie to come, he had already guessed what to do quickly.

The Zhu family opened a martial arts school, providing guards for many wealthy families, and also did dirty work for those wealthy families, such as robbing land and beating with clubs. At a cocktail party last year, he met Li Tianlu. After making friends a few times, Li Tianlu gave him a lucrative job - to capture some insignificant people and send them to Baima Village. What kind of people would the government not investigate?

Baimazhuang is a farm. Zhu Chenglie thought that the landlord was looking for illegal workers to farm the land, so he readily agreed. The Zhu family backed many gambling houses in the city. Every day, there were gamblers who lost everything and still owed money. They turned against their families and no one cared.

Zhu Chenglie naturally took people to tie up those who owed money to the gambling houses and sent them to Baimazhuang. After more than a year, no one even reported to the authorities.

Zhu Chenglie made a lot of money from this, and he always wondered why the Li family didn't just give money to recruit long-term workers. It wasn't until today that he realized that all the people he sent went to see the King of Hell.

This underground palace is an underground gambling house, where people fight beasts and bet on wins and losses.

The hungry tiger in the cage is not big, a little tiger weighing about 200 pounds, but it is still a tiger no matter how small it is. Zhu Chenglie thought he had no ability to fight alone. How could he fight those gamblers who couldn't even eat enough when they lost?

The cage was not ready yet, but Zhu Chenglie could not sit still, after all, he was the one who caught the man.

But thugs have their own rules. Whatever the financier does, the Zhu family has to do it after receiving the money, and has no right to interfere.


A deafening tiger roar sounded in the cage, and the yellow-striped tiger was stirring behind the iron fence, bringing up the dust.

The sound of the iron chain came from the gate on the side of the cage against the wall.

The people sitting in the surrounding compartments suddenly shouted, and several pot-bellied officials even stood at the window of the compartment and lifted the bead curtain to watch.


The sound of the mechanism sounded, and a gate on the wall opened, and two ragged men were thrown out directly, among whom was Sancai, the clerk of the Sun family shop.

"Let me out--"


The two men climbed up from the sandy ground and turned around to run back. Unfortunately, the fence was closed, so they could only cry and shout on it, not daring to look at the iron bars next to them.

Perhaps to increase the chances of the two men winning, a knife and a spear were thrown out from behind the fence.

Outside the cage, the steward knocked the gong with a "clang--":



The iron bars were slowly lifted up, and the yellow-striped tiger inside, which had been hungry for three days, had saliva in its mouth, and was anxiously and angrily clinging to the iron bars to squeeze out.

"Damn it, pick up the knife!"

"Kill this reptile, and I'll reward you with one thousand taels!"

The shouts were like a tide, and everyone stared at them intently.

The two ragged men in the cage first collapsed to the ground and crawled around looking for an exit. Seeing that the yellow-striped tiger's head had already emerged from under the iron bars, the desperate desire to survive still took over. The two men, who looked as pale as death, crawled and picked up their knives and guns, and leaned against the edge of the cage tremblingly.

"Come together!"

"How can we fight separately! Go together, it's like killing a pig, and find an opportunity to stab it to death later..."

The spectators from all directions leaned on the railings, anxiously and excitedly urging and shouting, and they looked like they wished they could go up there instead.


With a tiger roar that resounded through the underground palace, the yellow-striped tiger broke free from the cage, and the tiger's paw stepped on the sand, bringing up dust and muffled sounds. It jumped nearly ten feet and rushed to the edge of the cage in the blink of an eye.


The screams rang out immediately.

The two men had just mustered a little courage, but after seeing the ferocity of the hungry tiger, they had already disappeared, and they just ran away in all directions. The man who ran slower had four deep scars on his back torn by the huge tiger claws. He only had time to scream desperately, and his neck fell into the tiger's mouth, and the sound stopped abruptly.

The remaining three talents had already lost their souls and spirits, and even threw their knives on the ground, and they just ran away from the big tiger.

After the hungry tiger killed one person, it did not mean to stop and take the knife, and chased after the three talents relentlessly.

"Why are you running, you bastard! Get your knife!"

"Coward, I'll bet you a hundred taels of silver..."

The scolding was everywhere.

The gamblers who live at the bottom of the market are mostly lazy and can't even outrun a normal man, let alone outrun a tiger.

Sancai had been carrying sacks for half a year, and the food in the Sun family shop was good, so he ran very fast at this time. But if he couldn't kill the yellow-striped tiger, he would just live a few more breaths.

Zhu Chenglie had a guilty conscience, and he couldn't bear it at this time: "Dad, ask the steward to stop, this is not a fight between a man and a tiger, this is taking human life for fun, it's too bad for the Yin virtue."

Zhu Manlong held the teacup and didn't speak.

Zhang Chao next to him looked indifferent: "Life and death are determined by fate, it's your own fault, who can you blame?"

"Help me——"

In the cage, Sancai cried and roared crazily, his legs left afterimages, trying to stay away from the tiger that was getting closer and closer behind him.

In vain.

The spectators around had already stood up, cursing, and were obviously very dissatisfied with this big show.

Just as the yellow-striped tiger flew out and bit Sancai's neck with its bloody mouth, a loud roar suddenly rang out in the underground palace:

"Dead beast!"

The sound was like thunder, almost drowning out the noise of the whole audience, and echoed in the underground palace.

The teacup in Zhu Manlong's hand trembled slightly, and his eagle eyes suddenly focused and looked at the stone entrance of the underground palace...

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