The prince is very fierce

Chapter 30 The sun rises from the west

"...Also, um, you've seen that Xiang'er. If she doesn't sleep at night and bothers you, tell me..."

"Okay ma'am."


"Madam, someone is coming."

Xu Buling had just walked near the house. Before he could eavesdrop carefully, the conversation in the house stopped. He paused, his eyes looked slightly surprised, and coughed lightly. After adjusting his clothes, he walked to the door and closed the windows. Outside the house, he raised his hand and knocked.

Dong Dong—

"Aunt Lu?"

"Come in."

Mrs. Lu's slightly unnatural voice sounded.

Xu Buling raised his hand to push open the door, and looked up to see Mrs. Lu, who was wearing a light green dress sitting on a soft couch in the elegantly decorated boudoir. Didn't say.

In front of Mrs. Lu, there was a little girl of about fifteen years old. Her black hair was tied into a big braid and hung on her back. She was not wearing any jewelry. She wore a long skirt with blue and white background that was relatively slim. She seemed to rarely get sunlight. Her face was as white as snow and her eyes were wide. It is as big as two black gems, with slender limbs. The whole person looks a bit thin, but not ugly, but it is completely different from a charming beauty like Mrs. Lu.

Seeing Xu Buling coming in, the little girl turned around and bowed:

"See Young Master."

Xu Buling raised his hand to show off his courtesy. He didn't recognize this girl, and she didn't look like Mrs. Lu's maid, so he chuckled and said:

"Aunt Lu, what is this?"

Mrs. Lu pursed her lips and smiled: "This is Nightingale, the maid Ding Xiang picked for you. She grew up in the palace and was originally trained as a retainer. You are so old and you don't have a maid to serve you, so I sent her to you. You What do you think?"


Xu Bu Ling looked at Mrs. Lu's face and saw that she was not jealous or unhappy. He couldn't help but turn his eyes outside to see if the sun was rising in the west.

The sun will definitely not rise in the west. Xu Buling nodded, walked to Mrs. Lu and sat down, and looked at the little nightingale:

"Do you know martial arts?"

Nightingale is not very old, but she is very courageous and has no restraint:

"Young Master, you know a little bit."

"Know some..."

Xu Buling blinked, feeling that this was a bit crazy. Usually those who say this in the world are ruthless people.

"How many will it be?"

Nightingale's little face was very serious:

"I can do everything you know."? ? ?

Xu Bu Ling looked up and down: "How are your skills?"

Nightingale shook her head: "I just know how to do it, but I can't beat Uncle Yue."

"I can't beat Lao Yue..."

Xu Buling blinked and nodded doubtfully: "You are still young, so don't worry. As long as you know how to do it, practice more, and make your body fatter, you will be able to fight. Your body is not suitable for martial arts, and your limbs If you are slender, your hands and feet will be weak, and the upper and lower plates will be unstable. You can only use internal skills. Don't be greedy for too much. It is better to pick one thing and learn it carefully than to know a little bit of everything. "

Needless to say, Xu Buling's martial arts skills were no matter how powerful the opponent was, but they were not as powerful as him, so he still had the qualifications to teach others.

Nightingale listened very carefully, took out a small notebook from her arms, and wrote down everything verbatim.

Mrs. Lu sat next to her, half understanding what she heard, and frowned:

"I'm looking for a maid for you. I'm not asking you to teach a disciple. She just needs to be able to serve tea and pour water, warm the bed and fold the quilt. She looks so good now, and she's so well-fed. How can she take her out?"

Xu Buling turned his head to look at Mrs. Lu and hesitated for a moment: "You really want to find a maid for me? I don't think I can use it..."

Mrs. Lu's expression was very serious: "You are already such an adult, the noble prince of the vassal, and even the people who serve tea and water are men. It's okay to have maids in the capital. If you don't want maids now, some gossipy bitches will say that I am an aunt." Your control is too lenient...I didn't stop you from finding a maid to serve you, you don't want it yourself..."

Seeing Aunt Lu's sincere attitude, Xu Buling looked at Nightingale half-convinced and said:

"You go down first, I will call you if anything happens."

"Okay, sir."

Nightingale bowed leisurely, turned around and walked out of the boudoir, closing the door.

Xu Bu Ling nodded. He had a good sense of the little maid. He was about to talk to Mrs. Lu when he suddenly heard Nightingale, who had walked away, patting her chest and saying, "Scared me to death...".


Xu Buling frowned slightly, thought for a while, but didn't say anything.

Mrs. Lu's expression softened after the maid left and they were alone. She glanced at him for a few moments, then suddenly came up to Xu Buling and took a sniff.

Xu Buring didn't care and opened his arms: "I just took a shower, there is no sweat smell."

"Oh..." Mrs. Lu looked Xu Buling up and down: "Where have you been playing these past few days? I heard that you are very powerful. You ran to the Black City alone. Are you not afraid to reveal where you are?"

"I have my own sense of discretion. I just went over to take a look."

Xu Buling raised his hand to scoop it up. As before, he picked up Mrs. Lu's legs and placed them on his lap, and began to knead them.

Only this time, Mrs. Lu reacted more strongly. She quickly pulled her legs back and sat a little further away:

"You are a vassal prince, how can you serve others? If someone sees you, you have to make irresponsible remarks to me..."

Seeing this, Xu Buling didn't force it. He raised his hand to pour a cup of tea and casually talked about the arrangements for the next few days.

Mrs. Lu sat for a moment, and suddenly remembered what happened last time. She got up and ran to Xiao Xiang'er's cabinet, took out the small box inside, her eyes were full of suspicion, and she whispered:

"Xiang'er went shopping. I found this in the cabinet when I was packing my gifts a few days ago. When I asked her, she was vague and didn't tell the truth..."

As she spoke, Mrs. Lu opened the wooden box.

Xu Buling glanced at it and his expression froze slightly.

How could he explain this?

"Aunt Lu, is this Xiang'er's? Why haven't I seen it before? What is it for?"

"You don't know either?"

Mrs. Lu took out the things in the box and shook them in front of Xu Buling:

"Xiang'er always makes some messy things. These things are not used for good places at a glance. Hmm... It seems to be used to harm people."

Xu Buling touched his chin: "Really? It doesn't look like it..."


Mrs. Lu took the small box and wanted to pour it out for careful study.

Xu Buling looked helpless, raised his hand and said: "Okay, Aunt Lu, um... This should be Xiang'er's personal belongings, it's not good to move around, I'll go ask Xiang'er later..."

Mrs. Lu thought about it and felt that it was true, so she stood up and put the box into the cabinet:

"I don't know where she learned these things. Xiang'er has been naughty and willful since she was a child. She looks dignified and generous, but she is actually not reliable at all..."

"It's okay..."

"What's good about it? Who would tinker with these useless things..."

Xu Buling chuckled and didn't know how to respond... ——

Thank you [Dream Love] for the reward!

Chapter 28 has been blocked, and it will probably be released in a few days...

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