The prince is very fierce

Chapter 6 Autumn Wind Howls at Night (124/445)

The Crown Prince Is Very Fierce, Chapter 6 of Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow, Howling in the Autumn Wind at Night

The autumn wind howls at night, the simple cottage deep in the mountains and old forests is full of ghosts, and the pungent smell of smoke fills the hills.

There is no human habitation within ten miles, and a house that is set on fire will not attract any attention.


Under the big tree in the courtyard of the village, Wang Ying, who had been tied into a tortoise shell by a nightingale, slowly woke up. The wound on her head was no longer scabbed, but she still had a splitting headache.

Wang Ying has been walking around the world for more than ten years, and has never suffered such a serious injury. She wanted to call out "Brother Zhang", but was blocked. After the dim firelight came into view, she suddenly came back to reality.

In front of us is the village where we have lived for several months, but it has changed beyond recognition. Many of the houses have become ruins that are still smoking. In the courtyard in front of us, there is a little girl taking the bedding and clothes of the brothers in the village and throwing them behind. Places that cannot be reached.

The acrid thick smoke was mixed with a slight peculiar smell, which seemed to be the smell of burnt meat...! ! !

Wang Ying's eyes were full of fear, and she didn't even dare to breathe. Her survival instinct made her want to struggle, but her hands and feet were tied tightly and hung upside down, making it difficult to even move.

"Sir, it smells so bad when people burn it. Why don't you just throw it on the road..."

"If people are left alone after death, plague will easily occur. If ordinary people come and bump into them, big trouble will happen..."

The sound of conversation made Wang Ying tremble, because the man's voice was so close to her sitting on the big tree behind her.

Everyone is dead...

Why am I still alive...

Is it possible...

Wang Ying felt a bit desperate in her heart. If this man did not kill her because of her beauty, then what he would face next might be worse than death.

It’s just that Wang Ying still underestimated the dangers of Jianghu. The next words made her immediately frightened:

"Sir, why don't you burn this woman together? Could it be that you are attracted by her beauty and want to..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are knights. How can we do such things as humiliate women? How can we travel around the world if word spreads about it?"

"Then why keep her?"

"Of these bandits, this woman is wearing gold and silver, and she is also good at martial arts. I'm afraid she is the leader. As the saying goes, 'Women's hearts are the most poisonous'. These people have probably killed many innocent people. It would be too easy to burn her like this." , I have to scare the surrounding Xiaoxiao, so that no one will do evil things again..."

"Then cut off the head?"

"The head will rot after a few days. The skin will be peeled off and sent to the county government. It will be made into a human skin drum and placed outside the county government office to ensure that no one will dare to commit any crime in the next few decades..."! ! !

Wang Ying's eyes widened and she didn't even dare to breathe a single breath. She tried her best to break free from the rope in her hands and escape, but it was to no avail. She was like a piggy being pushed on a stool to be slaughtered during the Chinese New Year.

"Peeling is so disgusting..."

"What are you afraid of? We are doing good things that benefit the country and the people. We are not afraid of shadows when we are upright. When the border troops are fighting, they crowd the capital to watch. How can we still be praised by the people..."

The acrid thick smoke was accompanied by blood-curdling words. Wang Ying's face was as white as paper, and she struggled to get away. Finally, she couldn't help but let out a cry of "wuwu-".

"Hey~ wake up, let's do it!"

"Okay, sir..."


Wang Ying, who was hanging upside down from the book, had a look of horror in her eyes. She struggled and twisted violently. She wanted to beg for mercy and explain that she had never killed anyone, so she snatched a few pieces of clothes, but she was gagged and could not speak.

A man's figure appeared in front of him, holding a skinning knife used in the village to skin animals.


Wang Ying's eyes were full of pleading and fear, her hair was hanging loosely on the ground, and her whole body was shaking.

The man in front of her ignored her call and looked up and down with the knife:

“Should skinning start from the head or the feet?”

The little maid next to her also appeared, wearing an apron, as if she was afraid of being splashed with blood:

"Pigs are killed while hanging upside down, probably starting from the feet... Why do you skin them when they wake up?"

"Of course you have to be awake to be skinned alive. Just like Ling Chi, this female thief must have harmed a lot of people. What's the difference between skinning her alive while she's unconscious and chopping her down with a single knife..."

As she spoke, Wang Ying felt her foot being held, a cold blade sticking to it, and a stinging pain immediately came.


Wang Ying's whole body was tense, and her wrists were almost strangled by the rope. She had runny nose and tears, and she fainted after a few twitches.

Unfortunately, not long after I fainted, a bucket of water was poured on my face.


Wang Ying woke up and found that she was still in the Asura Hell. Stimulated by despair and the desire to survive, she made a wailing sound, but her mouth was gagged at this time, and even crying was a luxury.

"It doesn't seem right. To kill a pig, you need to bleed it. It seems that it's not easy to peel a bloody gourd from its feet..."

The man knelt down in front of her, grabbed her hair, and put the knife to her ear.

There would definitely be no one to rescue her in the deep mountains and old forests. At this moment, Wang Ying was somewhat lucky, at least she could die quickly with a knife from the head.

But immediately the little maid next to her shook her head:

"It'll be dead if you peel it off twice."


The man stood up again and started cutting from his feet again.

After going back and forth, Wang Ying's mind collapsed. She didn't even have the strength to struggle, she just whimpered and howled.

Fortunately, there is no end to the road. I just got a cut on my foot, and an anxious cry came from the foot of the mountain village:

"Ying'er! Ying'er"

Wang Ying, who had lost her soul, suddenly came back to her senses, then looked in the direction down the mountain, roaring hysterically like crazy.

"Sir, there is an accomplice, what should we do?"

"Let's go and see..."

"It seems to be a powerful person, but we may not be able to defeat him..."

"The village has been burned, let's go first..."

"What should we do with this woman?"

"Let's kill her!"

Wang Ying, who was sobbing wildly, suddenly stopped talking when she heard this. She turned around and was about to beg, saying that she could be saved as long as she waited for her husband to come over, even if she delayed for a moment.

But as soon as she turned her head, she was stabbed, and the severe pain filled her mind in an instant.


A muffled groan.

The two figures disappeared into the night.

Soon, the swordsman Zhang Ding ran into the village with a short knife. Seeing Wang Ying's miserable condition, he rushed over and cried, and tremblingly untied the rope to treat the wound.

Wang Ying couldn't even speak except crying. She just hugged her husband who had depended on each other for more than ten years and cried loudly...

In the distant mountains and forests, Xu Buling and Nightingale stood side by side behind a big tree, carefully watching the situation between the flames and the thick smoke.

Nightingale untied her apron and whispered:

"After this incident, that ambitious woman must have changed her mind. But such a woman deserves to die, so there is no need to help her."

Xu Buling shook his head: "I am good at judging people. Zhang Ding is a man who values ​​friendship and is good at martial arts. It's just that he met the wrong person and was trapped by love. It's a pity. Say hello to your family and find a chance to contact him. When you go to Suzhou to do things for me in the future, he can be a powerful general if used well."

Nightingale nodded and wrote it down carefully in the little notebook...

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