The prince is very fierce

Chapter 34: Bloodstained White Horse Manor (Part 2) (3/59)

The Li family of the loyal and brave marquis has been rooted in the capital for a long time, and their loyalty to the royal family is obvious to all. The Investigation Department cannot investigate the Li family on its own initiative. If the emperor is dissatisfied with the Li family, he will directly send the imperial guards to confiscate the family's property, and why would he send a small wolf guard to mess up the scene.

It is for this reason that when Li Tianyu heard that the "two" wolf guards came to mess up the scene, he directly ordered the guards to kill them.

The underground arena in Baima Village must not be exposed, and even if the killing of the two wolf guards is investigated by the Investigation Department, it is nothing more than a matter of going to the door to apologize. Li Tianyu clearly distinguished which is more important and dealt with it very swiftly.

Zhu Manlong heard that the Li family had spoken, so he naturally didn't say anything more. He and Zhang Chao were hired by the Li family. If something happened, the Li family would bear it. They just need to do their job.

The gray-haired Zhang Chao was already furious. A few years ago, Zhang Chao's only son was drinking in a brothel and had a conflict with a gangster, which attracted the Wolf Guard. He was young and hot-tempered and had drunk a little. He was beaten to death on the spot after slightly bumping into the Wolf Guard.

In the Dayue Dynasty, "breaking the law with force" was a serious crime. Zhang Chao had martial arts but could only swallow his anger. He had been holding back his anger for several years. At this time, he didn't care anymore and rushed to the front with a one-handed knife in two steps.

Tongbei Fist and Tongbei Knife are similar. Zhang Chao has practiced boxing for a lifetime. He can't be called a master but he is definitely an expert. He has a fierce old knife, but in the blink of an eye, he has come to Xu Buling's face.

Xu Buling's words are arrogant, but he is not careless at all. He holds a four-foot precious sword in one hand and stomps his boots on the ground. The whole person is like being knocked out, with the blade behind and the body in front. He bends down to avoid Zhang Chao's knife, and the black blade has silently appeared in front of Zhang Chao's chest.

The fight between masters is basically a matter of three or two moves. Who is stronger and who is weaker can be known at a touch.

Zhu Manlong saw Xu Buling's opening move and thought it was not good - the eight methods of night fighting of Bagua Knife.

This was a move created by Zhang Xiang, the chief officer of the Investigation Department. It was created ten years ago specifically to break the Tongbei Knife of the Qi family in Youzhou. He thought that only Zhang Xiang could do it, but he didn't expect that this masked young man could also perform it to perfection.

Zhang Chao was indeed furious, but the alertness of a warrior made him not careless. He knew he was fooled as soon as the knife in his hand came out. Without thinking, he abandoned the knife and changed to palm, closing his hands and pushing horizontally with the "Golden Dragon Closing Mouth", dodging the knife and hitting Xu Buling's face.

"Be careful!"

Zhu Manlong's face changed drastically. He knew that the opponent knew the move but still used it, basically hitting the edge of the knife. The various factions in the martial arts world restrained each other, and there was no routine that could win. Since this boy could break the Tongbi Knife, the Golden Dragon Closing Mouth that he already knew should be easy to catch.

Zhu Manlong's footsteps were as fast as an eagle spreading its wings and leaping up, wanting to rescue Zhang Chao who was trapped, but it was too late.

But in the blink of an eye, while Zhang Chao abandoned his knife and changed to palm, Xu Buling put away his knife and bent his knees, rising from the ground. Before Zhang Chao's two palms hit his chest, he kicked out with extremely powerful Tiger Mountain Climbing, and his knee hit Zhang Chao's chest fiercely.


The crisp sound of bones breaking.

Zhang Chao wanted to change his moves but it was too late. He pressed Xu Buling's legs with both hands slightly, and was hit by the knee in the chest. His whole body was directly lifted off the ground for more than three feet, and his face flushed instantly.

Xu Buling took advantage of Zhang Chao's evasion and slashed from bottom to top with his backhand.


Blood flew.

The two fought for only a moment, and the surrounding guards didn't even see the action clearly. Zhang Chao went from flying with a knife to falling to the ground. There was a big cut on his neck, and blood gushed out and fell to the ground without any movement.

The knife-wielding guards stopped in their tracks when they saw this scene, and many spectators around turned pale. They had never expected that the master of Hutai Street would die so soon.

What a powerful person he must be!

Zhu Manlong, who could see the trick, was surprised at the high martial arts of the masked man, but he also noticed something wrong.

If a martial artist is not careful in a fight, life or death is inevitable. It is true that the masked young man in front of him has learned a lot, but he uses clever strength to break the moves. The tiger climbing the mountain with a strong style just now can obviously be seen to be restrained.

As an expert who has been immersed in martial arts for a lifetime, Zhu Manlong knows that this is a manifestation of "the heart is willing but the strength is insufficient". Either he is injured and can't use his full strength, or other reasons limit his movements.

Seeing this, Zhu Manlong narrowed his eyes slightly, and without hesitation, he gave up the Eagle Claw Hand that he had practiced for a lifetime, and directly waved his old fists to attack Xu Buling, without any routines, and did not aim at the vital points. He simply attacked and defended, relying on his brute force to make the opponent unable to resist.

After Xu Buling killed Zhang Chao, he returned a knife, but was dodged by Zhu Manlong. Without thinking, he swept his right leg horizontally and kicked Zhu Manlong's lower body.


Zhu Manlong's fist hit Xu Buling's chest, and Xu Buling's body was hit backwards by the huge force, but his right leg kicked Zhu Manlong's left leg, directly hitting Zhu Manlong's unstable lower body, turning half a circle horizontally and falling to the ground.

Zhu Manzhi had been watching nervously, and when he saw Xu Buling lose his balance after being punched, he rushed over and supported Xu Buling's back from behind.

Xu Buling took advantage of the situation to stand up, took a big step and pulled himself up, holding the knife with both hands and slashing at Zhu Manlong who had fallen to the ground.

Unfortunately, there was a place to take advantage of the impact when he landed. Zhu Manlong had expected a backhand, so he slapped the ground with his palm and rolled on the ground for a few rounds, pulling away.

The guards present were all shocked. They didn't expect that the two masters who had been famous in Hutai Street for a long time could not even take three moves.

Even Zhang Chao and Zhu Manlong suffered a loss. The guards who came from martial arts schools didn't dare to step forward to take the knife. They were stunned for a while.

Xu Buling was hit by a punch, and he continued to exercise vigorously. The severe pain in his chest could no longer be suppressed. It would not be worth it to continue fighting.

After defeating the two masters, Xu Buling did not linger in the fight. While the guards holding the knife were stunned, he turned around, hugged Zhu Manzhi and ran out.

Li Tianyu did not know martial arts, so he could not see the tricks clearly. Seeing the two "embroidered pillows" falling down in the wind, and the group of guards did not stop them, he was so angry that his face turned blue. He stood at the door and shouted angrily:

"What are you all standing there for? Kill him! Kill him!"

Xu Buling's face was slightly cold, and he threw the long knife in his hand forward directly.

The blade spun like a windmill, and chopped towards Li Tianyu with a terrifying sound of breaking the wind.

Li Tianyu's pupils suddenly dilated, and he only had time to raise his hands to block. The whole person was hit by the 40-pound big knife and fell to the wall. He didn't even have time to scream.

The whole place was silent. He didn't expect that this guy would kill even the cousin of the Li family.

Zhu Manlong, who stood up, didn't even dare to chase for a while, and stood there hesitantly.

Everyone was frightened by the murderous aura of killing whoever stood in their way, and their faces turned pale. How could anyone dare to stand in the way?

Xu Buling held Zhu Manzhi in his arms, and passed by the table with the prizes. He did not forget to pick up a plate of silver and handed it to Zhu Manzhi, and then ran to Li Tianyu's body, pulled out the long knife stuck in the wall and rushed out of the stone road...


It's a test run, and one test determines life and death. Everyone, please come to Qidian and add bookshelf to vote for recommendation and support, thank you!

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