The prince is very fierce

Chapter 29: The Unspeakable Secret

In the room, Zhongli Jiujiu was weighing the medicine. After seeing Xiao Xiang'er's movements, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

After four or five days of contact, Zhongli Jiujiu knew that Xiao Xiang'er was Xu Buling's maiden wife. In layman's terms, she was his concubine. Mrs. Lu was Xu Buling's elder, but Xiao Xiang'er and Mrs. Lu were considered sisters. , judging from the words and attitudes of the two people, Xiao Xiang'er seems to still have the upper hand over Mrs. Lu.

Zhongli Jiujiu still doesn't understand what this mess is related to, but the prince's house is already in chaos, so he doesn't make a fuss about it. Her purpose was to accept Xu Bu Ling as her apprentice, and she had a higher status than Ning Yuhe, so it was enough to know that Mrs. Lu and Xiao Xiang'er could influence Xu Bu Ling's wishes.

Compared to Mrs. Lu, Zhongli Jiujiu is currently more inclined to have a good relationship with Xiao Xiang'er. After all, there is nothing more powerful than a woman's pillow style. As long as Xiao Xiang'er says a few nice words to her in bed, she will become a disciple. Not easily.

Seeing Xiao Xiang'er's sneaky appearance at this time, Zhongli Jiujiu naturally understood that he wanted to see her for something, so he smiled and asked:

"Miss Xiang'er, what's wrong?"

Xiao Xiang'er closed the door, walked slowly to the table, glanced at the charming woman opposite, and stopped talking.

Xiao Xiang'er is already arrogant, but Mrs. Lu has been laughing at her recently. She can't argue with her and wants to get her back. I just complained to Xu Buling, the stinky brother. Xu Buling always made excuses and pushed her around. When she asked an urgent question, he tormented her without making any sense.

Xiao Xiang'er knew that Xu Buling and Hongluan were just one layer of window paper away, but they both pretended not to expose it, so naturally she felt angry. There is no matchmaking between the left and right, so I can only think of some less serious methods. Anyway, it is for the sake of Xu Buling and Hongluan...

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiang'er looked at Zhongli Jiujiu, who was extremely accomplished in medicine, with a three-pointed smile, and whispered:

"Miss Zhongli, do you know my relationship with Xu Buling?"

"Of course I know that Miss Xiang'er has something unspeakable."

Zhongli Jiujiu's expression was very natural, nothing strange at all. Although she was not a doctor in the strict sense, poisons and elixirs were essentially medicines. She often treated people in the South Vietnamese cottage, and she still had the professional ethics of a doctor. .

Xiao Xiang'er bit her lower lip, hesitated a little, stood up, walked to Zhongli Jiujiu and sat down next to her:

"Well...there's something wrong..."

"I'm a doctor, Miss Xiang'er, but it doesn't matter."

Xiao Xiang'er twitched the hair beside her ears and hesitated for a moment: "That's all, let's talk to Miss Zhongli directly... Well, it's that kind of thing... Xu Buling and I are husband and wife, and we will have sex every few days. ,But……"

Zhongli Jiujiu frowned lightly, his expression a little unnatural:

"Mr. Xu...has stopped doing anything malevolent? I've checked my pulse. My kidney energy is sufficient and my blood is strong. It shouldn't be..."


Xiao Xiang'er bit her lower lip and sighed softly: "The reason why he and I are together is more complicated. He has a cold personality. Miss Zhongli should have noticed it. Well... he is relatively dull and has sex. At that time, I always behaved and said nothing, just like it was a routine..."

Zhongli Jiujiu nodded lightly. She had no doubt that although she and Xu Buling didn't have much contact, she could tell that Xu Buling had a cold temperament and "didn't eat the fireworks of the world". He didn't even look at any beautiful woman he met, and seemed completely indifferent. Pay attention to a woman's beauty.

Most of these men are true gentlemen who are strict with themselves, and treat each other as a guest between husband and wife. They regard sexual intercourse as a matter of obsessive pleasure and perversion. They can only sleep with their wives once a month. is good.

Women are reserved and conservative by nature, so naturally they don't dare to ask for anything, so it's normal to have some complaints secretly.

Zhongli Jiujiu looked at the beautiful woman in front of her who was equally as beautiful as herself and was worried about this. She couldn't help but feel a little regretful in her heart, feeling that she was a waste of natural resources.

Xu Buling must be blind...

Xiao Xiang'er glanced at Zhongli Jiujiu and saw that she was listening carefully, and continued:

"Sigh... I know this is hard to talk about, but I really like him. Between a man and a woman, if nothing else is said, there must be one or two love words... He has always been respectful to each other, and I am a woman, so naturally I am not good either. Mentioning these... I like him, but I don’t know what he thinks of me in his heart..." Fastest update on mobile phone::

Zhongli Jiujiu sighed: "Miss Xiang'er, don't worry about this. In my opinion, Mr. Xu loves you very much, but he's just not good at words."

"You see it's useless, he didn't even say it himself..."

Xiao Xiang'er's eyebrows showed a bit of sadness, and she said softly: "I just want to ask, Miss Zhongli, if she has the kind of recipe that can make people tell the truth, it is best to make people feel a little... um... I was a little impulsive, just comparing that in the room..."? ? ?

Zhongli Jiujiu blinked his eyes and thought for a long time before he understood the meaning:

"Young lady, you mean to let people put down their gentlemanly demeanor and express their feelings and nature?"

"Yes, yes."

Xiao Xiang'er nodded quickly, looking at Zhongli Jiujiu with a pair of bright almond eyes.

Zhongli Jiujiu blinked and thought for a moment: "Generally speaking, it's okay to be drunk. People talk a lot after drinking. They talk about whatever comes to mind. Moreover, their thoughts are slow and they forget their usual images, so that's why It’s said that one loses one’s temper after drinking, and wine can add to the fun…”

Xiao Xiang'er naturally knows that drinking is useful. Last time she was drunk and messed around with Xu Buling in front of Mrs. Lu, but it is not easy to get Xu Buling and Mrs. Lu drunk at the same time...

"Miss Zhongli, do you have something that works better than alcohol? Once you take it, you will start talking a lot, and you can't get drunk, you have to stay sober and remember it afterwards..."


Zhongli Jiujiu took a breath and thought seriously: "This is a bit troublesome... The government used to torture prisoners and studied this method, but if the prisoner is unwilling, it will not work if you are wary and focused. It can only work if you have ideas and let it go... In the end, I found that it is no different from drinking. When you are drunk and in an inappropriate place, you won't talk nonsense. Only when you are happy, you will speak your mind unconsciously..."

Xiao Xiang'er thought: "He and I are in the boudoir, we are willing, it should work, right?"

Zhongli Jiujiu clicked Nodding: "It should be somewhat useful. I'll make a prescription and try it. As for the comparison... I guess I need to add two tonic herbs..."

"Will it not hurt anyone? I don't want to murder my husband..."

"Miss, you're joking. It's just something to liven up the mood. I know my limits..."

"Well... Actually, I can't let it go either. I want something that can be used by both men and women..."


Zhongli Jiujiu blinked, looked at the shy and beautiful woman in front of him, nodded and chuckled:

"I understand, you can rest assured, Miss."

Xiao Xiang'er nodded gently and looked at the many utensils on the table: "Then... let's start making it?"


"Yes... what's wrong?"

"Nothing... I'll make it now..."

Zhongli Jiujiu's eyes finally became a little weird, and he began to seriously think about the prescription...

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