The prince is very fierce

Chapter 40: I have nothing to repay you with…

In the next few days, Xu Buling stayed at the palace, recuperating from his injuries and waiting for the news of the murder at White Horse Village to pass.

According to the news, the major case in Baima Village was solved, and there will be punishments and rewards. On that day, today's son personally praised Xiao Ting, and Zhu Manzhi, the wolf guard who made meritorious service in Baima Village, was commended by the Detective Department and promoted to the rank of Tianzi. Ziying Langwei crane tail.

After half a month of busy work, the original goal was achieved. The next step was to let Zhu Manzhi enter the case file library on the basis of investigating the case and find clues to the Dragon Lock Gu from the heavily guarded home of the Criminal Investigation Department.

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the weather cleared up, and the snow on the streets and squares of Chang'an City had not yet melted, making it slightly dazzling when viewed from the window.

Xu Buling walked to the window and stretched out, then saw Lao Xiao walking on the veranda with a cane, and he laughed from afar:

"My young prince, the sun is nice today, it's time to come out and get some fresh air."

Xu Buring chuckled lightly, took the long sword from the study and hung it on his waist, and walked out with Lao Xiao: "I was hit by a punch and lay there for three days. If I don't figure out this dragon-locking Gu, I won't be able to do anything in the future."

Lao Xiao followed with his cane: "A man can't say he can't do it..."

Xu Bu Ling's face darkened.

"Hehe..." After the old Xiaokou said something fancy, he got down to business: "The archives store various files from the two hundred years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In addition to Zhang Xiang, there are two leaders secretly in the Criminal Investigation Department. One is walking. The world is in a state of shock, and one person is secretly monitoring the princes, while Zhang Xiang has been in charge of the archives for many years. As long as Zhang Xiang is here, no one can read the files under his nose. "

"We have to find an opportunity to lure Zhang Xiang out."

"Zhang Xiang has been famous for nearly twenty years. There are only a handful of people in Chang'an who can defeat him. My young prince, please don't take it lightly."

Xu Buling nodded, got on his horse, and headed to Dayefang...


The warm winter sun shines on the green walls and white snow, and there are more customers in Sun's shop than before. Shopkeeper Sun only said that the money was found, and the bluestone alley was restored to its original state, and no one mentioned Sancai again.


Horseshoes stepped on the bluestone pavement, Xu Buling came to the door of the wine shop:

"A glass of wine."

"Okay...yo~ The young master is here. I haven't seen you for a few days. He looks a lot better. I have been worried about the old man for several days..."

Shopkeeper Sun took the vermilion wine gourd and filled the wine with a wine spoon skillfully.

Xu Buling held the reins and stood outside the guardrail of the shop, waiting quietly.

The clear wine fell into the gourd, making a splashing sound. Before the pot of wine was filled, a crisp sound suddenly came from the alley:


Her delicate throat is light and soft, and her voice is like the warm sun in March, hiding the unchanging ice and snow under the ten-mile spring breeze.

Several drinkers in the wine shop stopped talking when they heard the sound, glanced sideways, and were stunned for a moment. The man's nature made them sit up a little straighter.

Xu Buling turned his head and saw Ning Qingye standing not far from the shop, looking at him with a smile.

Ning Qingye changed out of the Jianghu attire she had worn during the previous two meetings, and wore a snow-white skirt. Her black hair was draped on her back like ink, and her temperament was pure and elegant. There was no makeup on her face, like a white lotus in the lotus pond.

Because of her slender figure, the Qingfeng sword is not hung on the waist like a man, but is carried diagonally on the back, which makes the original frailty more chivalrous. But for such a woman, it is difficult to imagine her fighting. He looked so murderous, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe him as immortal.

Shopkeeper Sun raised his head and glanced, shook his head and joked: "I thought the girl and the young master were equally equal, but now it seems that the girl's family is indeed better looking."

Xu Buling took the wine gourd, led the horse to the front, and said with a chuckle:

"Miss Ning, why haven't you left yet?"

Ning Qingye's figure had just reached the tip of Xu Buling's eyebrows, which was relatively tall among women. She walked side by side slowly until they reached a quiet place in the alley before she responded:

"His Royal Highness has been kind to me, but this little girl has nothing to repay..."

"Would you like to pledge yourself to me?"


Ning Qingye embroidered her shoes for a while, stepped on the bluestone floor tiles with a soft 'click' sound, and pursed her lips, thinking about how to respond to this shameless bastard.

"Haha..." Xu Buling raised his hand: "It's just a joke, girl, don't take it seriously."

Ning Qingye took a breath and continued to walk forward, but deliberately kept the distance between them half a step, so that they could be regarded as following Xu Buring.

"Young master, if you have any difficulties, you can tell me. I can't help you with court matters, but I can still help with Jianghu matters. If not, I owe you a favor and send a message to Changqing in the future. Look, I will come to you."

"Jianghu people pay attention to grudges based on gratification. If the girl really wants to clear things up with me..."

"That's not what I meant."

Ning Qingye stopped and looked at Xu Buling: "I don't like to owe favors."

Xu Buling nodded, led the horse and walked slowly. After a moment of silence, he got to the point:

"Girl, if you want to help, I'm really in a little trouble lately."

"Just say it."

"Haha... The locking dragon Gu in my body was banned more than ten years ago, and there is no such thing in the world. I secretly searched for a year and found no clues. It was not until a few days ago that I heard from the alchemists in the world, Ten years ago, Iron Eagle had a dragon-locked cup when hunting deer, and there may be records in the Criminal Investigation Department..."

When Ning Qingye heard this, she tilted her head in confusion:

"You are the Crown Prince of Su, and your status is much higher than that of the Detective Department. Can't you just go and ask?"

Xu Buling shook his head: "I have been here for a year, and the court has asked the Investigation Bureau to track down the clues of the ambush in Weihe River, but nothing has been found. If the Investigation Bureau really has information about the Dragon Locking Gu..."

Ning Qingye is not stupid. He immediately understood after hearing this: "Is it possible that the court has done something to you?"

"The imperial family is the most ruthless. It is common for brothers to kill each other, not to mention me, the son of a king with a different surname. If the Investigation Bureau really has information about the Dragon Locking Gu and deliberately keeps it secret, then it must be the court behind it... I hope it is not true. If I find information about the Dragon Locking Gu in the Investigation Bureau, I am afraid I will not be able to leave Chang'an City alive."

Ning Qingye frowned slightly: "What did you do in Baima Village a few days ago? I know the matter, and he is very good at martial arts. He can just run away if he knows there is danger. "

"I am not a gangster. I can run away from the temple, and if the dragon-locking poison is not solved, I will die if I return to Xiliang."

"What can I do for you?"

"You have a grudge against Zhang Xiang, I will find a chance to lure him out and give you a chance to avenge him."

Ning Qingye paused, with a bit of surprise in his eyes: "Really?"

Xu Buling nodded seriously: "It's mutually beneficial. If you agree, the matter will be settled."

"It's a deal."

Ning Qingye did not hesitate at all: "When you are ready, just notify me when you arrive at the courtyard last time."

Xu Buling chuckled and raised his hand to make a high-five gesture.

Ning Qingye had a strange expression on her face. She raised her hand, but didn't high-five him. She tossed her hair and left:

"By the way, your fox fur coat is still with me. I'll wash it and return it to you after it dries."

"It's for you."

Xu Buling withdrew his hand in dismay and watched Ning Qingye disappear around the corner of the alley...

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