The prince is very fierce

Chapter 5 Like Master, Like Disciple (156/460)

Zhongli Jiujiu walked slowly under the white camel, with soft eyes and said softly:

"I had that intention at the time, but it didn't happen later. I really like you. I want you to be the eighth leader, and I want you to compare with Ning Yuhe. If you don't want to, I will definitely not force you, but I also have my own little thoughts, and I want you to fulfill my wishes, so I’m a bit harsher...

...I thought you wouldn't blame me. Women don't like to be beautiful, and it's not a big deal. I thought you would lose your temper at most, so I just tried to persuade you. I didn't expect you to get angry and leave directly... "

Zhongli Chuchu's breathing rose and fell a few times: "Now that I am the Eighth Leader, you get your wish."


Zhongli Jiujiu raised her hand and held her apprentice's wrist: "I know I said something wrong. It's just because I regard you as my apprentice that I didn't think so much... You know I can't let you go, how can I use you? If you are angry, scold you I’ll be fine after just one meal... Come home with me, okay?”

We have been dependent on each other for many years, how could we forget the kindness of raising them.

As long as Zhongli Chuchu can remember, all she has encountered are liars, robbers, human traffickers, and madams... Only her master is sincerely good to her. She ran away from home just because it was difficult to accept that her master didn't really like her, but just took a fancy to her. How could I not miss him in my heart?

After a few apologetic but sincere words, Zhongli Chuchu wanted to lose his temper, or complain and say something, but couldn't.

After being silent for a long time, Zhongli Chuchu stared into his master's eyes, and finally turned over and got off the camel, saying softly:

"I'm just going out for a walk, as long as Master likes me."

Zhongli Jiujiu breathed a long sigh of relief, hugged his apprentice and smiled:

"I'm just telling you, Chu Chu has been good since she was a child and won't blame me... If you don't want to compete, don't compete. No big deal, I won't compete with Ning Yu. Let's go back to South Vietnam."

Hearing this, Zhongli Chuchu hesitated for a moment and stopped talking.

Zhongli Jiujiu's mind was very sharp, and he frowned and asked:

"Is there anything else going on in the Central Plains?"


Zhongli Chuchu said it was okay, but he was a little unwilling to do so. After thinking about it, he still said the truth:

"When I was in Chang'an, I met Xu Buling and told him the master's method of unlocking dragon poison. Then I went to the Western Regions and met Xu Buling again when I came back. He is different from other men, I think. Be friends with him... confidants, not men and women, but I don't know why, but he is very unkind to me..."

This was the first time Zhongli Jiujiu saw Chu Chu talking about men. She looked at her apprentice carefully:

"Chu Chu, which boy do you like?"


Zhongli Chuchu shook his head gently and said seriously: "I'm just complaining about Master."


Zhongli Jiujiu blinked his eyes, hugged his chest and leaned against the willow tree: "Are you sorry for me?"


Zhongli Chuchu sighed and said softly: "Master and Ning Yuhe have been fighting together for a lifetime. Although I don't like it very much, it's fine if Master likes it. As a disciple, I can at least not let Master down. After meeting Ning Yuhe's disciple , I wanted to fulfill Master's wish and compete with Ning Qingye... I don't know what happened, but Xu Buling tried to please Ning Qingye in every possible way, but he ignored me... It wasn't that he was dismissive, or he was very plain, and He treats other women on the street no differently. I thought, wouldn’t Master lose in this way?”

Did I lose? !

Zhongli Jiujiu's expression became serious, and he raised his hand to untie his apprentice's veil. A stunning and exotic face came into view, even more moving than when he was a child. He couldn't help but wonder: "He is very indifferent to you? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, no matter what I did, he didn't respond. One time in the desert, I pretended to be sleeping next to me, and he meditated next to me. He didn't move even the whole night. I even suspected that he liked men."

Zhongli Jiujiu looked puzzled and thought for a moment: "Impossible. You are no worse than Ning Qingye. How could I not have feelings for you... It is true that Xu Buling is cold, but he still likes women. There is no such thing as Long Yangzhi Okay, how could this happen..."

Chu Chu spread her hands slightly, with helpless eyes: "Maybe the true gentleman in the Central Plains is this... Is there something wrong with me that makes him unhappy?"

"How is it possible? My Chu Chu is so good, how can he be blind? No, no, no, it doesn't matter if you don't want me as your teacher, how can I look down on you? This is too disrespectful. Ning Yuhe just presses me, why should she be her disciple? Are you also suppressing my apprentice?"

Zhongli Jiujiu crossed her waist and walked back and forth a few times, getting angrier as she thought about it.

In fact, Chu Chu was not convinced, and thought for a while: "Master, it's not that I like Xu Buling, I just really regard him as a friend, but he ignores me."

"I also really want to accept him as my disciple. It's not like you don't know my abilities. I can teach him more than enough, at least more useful than Ning Yuhe, right? Why doesn't he accept me as his disciple? Could it be that Ning Yuhe is blowing the pillow... …”


"'s nothing, just make it easy...forget it, I won't go back to South Vietnam for now, this matter will be taken care of by Master."

Chu Chu's expression was panicked: "Master, don't use any messy methods. He has a bad temper. He may really kill you."

Zhongli Jiujiu was a little helpless: "I have never used any tricks against him. I sincerely wanted to accept him as my disciple. I also helped him serve two family members. I even gave him a bottle of chain dragon poison. I didn't treat him badly, right? Ning. Yuhe kicked me off the boat without saying a word. I wasn't angry yet. Why did he lose his temper? "

Speaking of this, the master and the apprentice suddenly felt a sense of sympathy. After all, apart from anything else, they had never treated Xu Buling unfairly, and being treated so coldly was really too much of a bully.

The two of them discussed it back and forth for a few words, but there was nothing they could do for the time being. Zhongli Jiujiu's mind was still on his apprentice. After not seeing him for two years, he looked him up and down, and suddenly found a jade pendant on Zhongli Chuchu's waist.

The Ice Flower Hibiscus Pendant was treasured by the Prince Zuo of Northern Qi for generations, and it was definitely not something that could be found everywhere. Zhongli Jiujiu attaches great importance to her appearance and has a good understanding of jade. She immediately picked up the jade pendant and took a look:

"This seems to be a man's jade pendant, Chuchu, you..."

Zhongli Chuchu chuckled: "This is the Ice Flower Hibiscus Pendant that is searched everywhere in the world. It is the one that Daying Tower found. Xu Buling owes me a favor and gave me this jade pendant..."

Zhongli Jiujiu's face changed slightly, and he quickly put the jade pendant away. He looked around and was a little annoyed:

"Are you looking for death? Can you just keep this jade pendant on your body? The Cao family was almost wiped out because of a piece of jade. If it gets out, do you know how many people will fight for it? Daying Tower is not a good guy..."

"No one knows that it is in my hand. No one will believe it if you tell others."

"...That's right."

Zhongli Jiujiu took the jade pendant that Daying Tower had been searching for, thought about it for a while, and shook his head:

"Forget it, let's find a way to get the place back first, find a place to live, and let's plan it well."


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